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Status Updates posted by rainingradioheads

  1. I must comment again, WHY are we so similar? :stunned:

  2. Writing/YMT


    Why are you still awake?

  3. Think what you'd like. :happy:

  4. Yes, but I'm a loser. :awesome:

  5. :awesome:


    I listened to the whole thing. :cool:


    Run, Kirby, run! :LOL:

  7. I was still online, could see who was online and everything.


    You randomly went offline, dunno what it was.

  8. You mean on your part?

  9. I was just gonna get off the computer. :erm:

  10. But laptop is burning me and now I should sleep or something so byee.

  11. Sleeeeeeeeeeep.


    Also I'm tired too but must finish naming characters.



    Srsly, go nao.

  13. Welll


    Yesterday I slept for 12 hours, because I could and I was honestly that tired.


    Today I didn't feel like going online, and then there was a power outage, and then we played Life, and watched TV, and now I'm writing.


    *takes breath*

  14. Phone's been off for a few days

  15. I love you too. :happy:



  16. Can't, gotta do health homeworks



  17. I felt like crying half the day, dunno why.

  18. Wait what?


    They're going to announce more dates, srsly, if they don't do Florida I will hunt them down in Milwaukee.

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