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Status Updates posted by rainingradioheads

  1. It's a good album, but yeah, I didn't really get it.


    Wish You Were Here though. <3

  2. Where on earth did you get this idea? :LOL:

  3. :chuckle:


    I'll do somethiiing.

  4. The only time all the songs come in at once is in the chorus. :LOL:


    You didn't look at my page. :LOL:

  5. Also I'm not very creative with wikis, as you might have noticed with mine. :LOL:

  6. :LOL: There's not that much going on. :p



  8. Your wiki.


    It is love.

  9. Make her watch the first movie first. :yesey: She'll think it's uncool until then...if she was like me. :chuckle:

  10. Hahaa


    I loved Webkinz in like 5th grade. :chuckle: Neopets came first though - it's like Webkinz without the physical animal. And it has forums. :awesome:


    Not gaming, it's like add a paragraph stories. I used to do them for Harry Potter. You make up a character and then add what your character would do. It's fun for about 2 weeks. :LOL:


    She came from the 21st century. :chuckle: I was quiet too. :LOL:

  11. :LOL: And you just said you weren't a fan of "prolly". :chuckle: It's probably a bit of OCD that makes me go all grammar crazy. :LOL:


    Inoes I was kidding. :LOL: Just make her notice how unintelligent people who go "lol no u gtfo jk" look. :phu: I learned it on Neopets when I was like 8 or 9. No one respected people who did that. :LOL: And then when I got older and started RPing, you HAD to type in proper English. So...yeah. :LOL:

  12. But I use ossum. :supersad:


    Do you hate me too?



  13. Mine was first.


    Mine has been around for like...more than half a year. :LOL:

  14. :LOL: Awww. :chuckle:


    Nah if it was bothering you, it's fine. :D

  15. Ooh maybe I'll talk to Blee then. :happy:


    Still, I feel bad about bothering either of them. :LOL:

  16. The meaning of Sleigh Bells? :LOL: Band.


    :awesome: I might if I feel like bothering kev about it (which basically means next to never).

  17. :awesome:




    (by the way, there's a period/full stop after it so there IS something after it. :awesome:)

  18. Raining Sleigh Bells.


    Anyone? :awesome:

  19. I've been thinking of changing mine to simply "rain." Makes me seem like less of a n00b if I get the Muse out of my name.

  20. Yeah, and I've been meaning to change it forever.


    To what is beyond me. :LOL:

  21. Haha, I'm sort of growing to like everything being lowercase, at least usernames, don't mind me. :p

  22. Oh so you were trying to annoy me? :phu:



  23. Your name.


    Should not.


    Be capitalized.


    *bangs head on wall*

  24. Haha, but that ones awesome! :D

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