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Status Updates posted by rainingradioheads

  1. WIN! :D


    The blue is :awesome: What are you going to do when it fades though? :LOL:

  2. It's fine, don't worry! :happy:

  3. :D


    I don't think I've ever told you you're awesome, so I should now. :LOL:

  4. It's usually ONLY NSC for me, I'm beginning to think it's a problem. :LOL:

  5. To the point where if you have nothing to do you will just start shouting lyrics? :LOL:



  6. Muse cheese is incredible.


    I LOVE Undisclosed Desires, dammit.


    Favorite songs from each album: Cave, Space Dementia, Blackout, Take a Bow, Exogenesis III.


    Oh yeah, I'M WEIRD.

  7. No one can match my Muse taste. Everything I love is what everyone else hates. :LOL:

  8. I can barely stand it, but this is AMAZING. The piano geek in me went "WOOOOAAAH :eek:" I knew it would sound amazing on piano though. :LOL:


    No problem. :happy:

  9. I'm picturing NIGGAWOT like a Sleigh Bells song at the moment. :$http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ld-0na1mpI&feature=search for example, It's heavy, pop-rock, and you could rap over it. :LOL: Not exactly hardcore, I know. :p


    So...break out the piano? :awesome:?

  10. Just so long as you can get the beats and then I can take it slightly seriously. :LOL:


    Is it going to be slow/Guiding Light drums backwards. (CSSH DABA BA DABA)

  11. I just told you so THERE.

  12. Alright, I'll start working on riffs and such as soon as I get them. :yesey:

    Inoes, it'll be epic. :awesome: WE'LL BE LIKE THE NEW PUNK GENRE.


    Kill your prayers for fame and LPs, you'll wake the Warner Police


    Haha, I know. :D


    Night Sammy, this will be EPIC TIMES. :happy: <3

  13. Amazing.


    Knew you would, you're afraid of the Warner Police.


    What if the phone rings? :LOL: By the way, I love NSC so no won't be forgetting it. :LOL:

  14. OMG YES.


    But you're saying audio tracks, which could most certainly not be just anyone's. :LOL:


    Oh no, can't do that. I just meant switching the pitch so it would be in tune.



  15. :LOL: Sammy, I think WB would sue us. :p


    ...I just use Audacity...change pitch?


    It could be self-titled. :LOL:


    We can't make something as epic as us. :yesey:

  16. :cool:


    I just use Audacity, haha.

    Well let's see, I have vocal tracks for Assassin, Hysteria, Plug in Baby, Butterflies and Hurricanes, Starlight, SMBH...I'm sure there's more. So...:LOL:

    I'll do a bunch of things, it just might take forever to get accomplished. :LOL:

    Definitely. :yesey:


    Oh come on, no one can be as epic as us.

  17. Yo, the world is broken, yeah, and halos fail to glisten, but you try to make a difference and NO! NO ONE WANTS TO LISTEN.


    Who says there's no rapping? :LOL:


    OMG this will be so much win. :awesome:


    I have all sorts of vocals only tracks, just tell me what we need to sample and I can auto-tune as needed. :yesey:


    NO. This will work if we both keep dedicated. I've already got a chord progression for the song. :yesey:


    We would make 'NSYNC's shows a million times better.

  18. I'm talking about screaming in an OMG MUSE ARE RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME AGHLAKSDHGASLGHL fangirl fashion so a really annoying, offkey sort of singing. I cant scream like ROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOAH! ROOOOOOOOOOOOOAH!


    As long as you have lyrics. :yesey: And we can fit them together. :LOL:


    OF ALL TIME! :yesey:


    But nothing. :phu: I want to smash things.

  19. Screaming, anyone? :LOL:


    Is this going to be like all those rap songs right now? Where they feature some female singer doing the chorus, and then they rap all the verses? :LOL:


    We would be the most epic YouTube sensation of all time. OF ALL TIME.



  20. OMG this is just incredible. My dad is sleeping and I'm suppressing so much laughter it's starting to hurt a bit. :LOL:




    I can play like 3 power chords in an ascending, quick fashion. :cool: It would be so much cooler if I did this on a keyboard with a guitar-like sound. :LOL:


    I can see us getting huge for no particular reason. Then Jay-Z will sign us or something, and we'll be like "But...we live in two countries on opposite ends of the universe." :LOL:


    YES. :eek:

  21. Can I sing it in a fake opera voice then? :awesome:?


    Come up with a beat, and I will play random things on guitar. And it will not sound awesome.


    Because we were the same person several incarnations ago, and now everything we do is 'N SYNC, yes.

  22. I'll just sing it normal, as I am a fail at being creative. :LOL:


    I can't seem to, I think they took it down. FUCK.


    OMG yes. What's our genre again?

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