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Status Updates posted by rainingradioheads

  1. Oh I'm taking Spanish, I can read all of that. :chuckle:


    I'm just learning grammar atm, really simple stuff at that. I got a book. :p

  2. I'm teaching myself French :chuckle:


    Oooh Spanish. :happy: What are you doing in Spanish?

  3. Muse mode:




    /muse mode

  4. I'm gooood in Muse mode, you?

  5. Not in the mood Jonnie.

  6. Yup. Stupid mistake now causing all sorts of controversy. Fun. Times.


    Won't happen, but okay.

  7. The YouTube video which I believe you watched used the wrong note. The note where he actually hits the same note as the one in Showbiz is right before the riff (aaaaah ooooooooooh oooooooooooooh, yeah that bit).


    It'll never work that way for me, but I'll try

  8. Well there are some facts (notes and things, like FOR FUCK'S SAKE MATT HITS THE SAME NOTE IN MICRO CUTS THAT HE DOES IN SHOWBIZ *ahem*), but when it comes down to the opinion aspect of it, there shouldn't be facts, but I feel like there always are.

  9. Making things more detailed than I have to is just something I do as a perfectionist, so I'm sorry if I'm not helping myself. :( It's just the whole "this is fact" that I can't handle, and I know I do it too but guh.

  10. Music discussions always end in me hating myself more.

  11. It's not for school though and it's not really creative. It's just like three sentences but I'm too stupid to do it, laaameeee.

  12. :awesome:


    That's good! Nah, just been feeling sick. I think I have to do a bloggy thing though and I dunno what to write about. I'm too tired though. :(

  13. As always! :happy:


    :indiff:?! They're a good band, but they're not everything. I like Sleigh Bells, Lady Gaga (not really a band, but whateverrr), Crash Kings, Civil Twilight, The Dead Weather, and some others, can't be bothered with listing.


    I'm fine, still a bit sick though. You?

  14. Me toooo! :happy: But again, I dunno.


    Yeah, I know. :chuckle: Yeah it's been awhile. I listen to a few songs by them and whatnot, but overall not really a lot. :p It's a great song! :happy:


    Byee :happy:

  15. Yeah. :happy:


    I just want RbS, haha. :LOL: It would be amazing if they played Bliss too though. It would be like *stands in awe* to *jumps around like a lunatic*


    I assume you mean "me too"? Otherwise I'm confused. :chuckle: Haha, I do that too. Volume is sooo high. Also, for proofs: http://www.last.fm/user/RainingMuses :p

  16. Um, yeah, I'm gonna try and learn SS and sing along with

    . I love Metric, they're my favorite band. :happy:


    You do when:

    1. the opening band sucks (I hate Passion Pit)

    2. the energy at the other shows you went to was horrible and you are expecting more of the same

    3. You really really want RbS and know you won't get it because they haven't been here in 6 years and wouldn't do anything special for a crowd they don't think wants them :(


    Haha, I dunno. I don't have music going all the time. But whenever I'm out in public I like to have music playing. And it's not just Muse, I haven't really listened to Muse in about 3 months. :)


    That's good! :happy:

  17. Yeah, I was worried about that, but he is srsly made of win. :awesome:


    Thank you! I'll try. :happy:


    Haha, what do you think I do? :p I'm good and stuff. :awesome: you?

  18. Pretty good. :happy: My teacher is amaze :awesome:


    Err, next Wednesday.


    Oh come on! So do I. :p

  19. Well, I dunno if I said this and I can't be bothered with checking, but I started guitar lessons a few weeks ago! Oh, and I'm seeing Muse next week. :awesome: You?

  20. Oooh I'm alright, how have you been? :happy:

  21. Not good times. :noey: Go sleep!


    You too. :happy:

  22. I'm Taylor. :happy: I've just woken up, haha.

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