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Status Updates posted by rainingradioheads

  1. :LOL:! I'm totally looking for this.
  2. Naww, thanks for being nice. :happy:

  3. I dunno what to do about that to be honest. :LOL:

  4. olol It's extremely inconsistent. :chuckle:

  5. I'm in a position right now where the only bit of Paparazzi I'm using is the beat. :chuckle:


    Fashion is a good word to use when speaking about what fashion you're speaking in. :phu:

  6. Oooh, I dunno if I can duplicate those sounds though. I can definitely duplicate the pizzicato strings (probably live, olol) but as far as synths, drums, bass, and especially vocals, I don't think so.


    I knew that, and I responded in an appropriate fashion. :phu:

  7. What? Also I can only seem to find what I found on YouTube, I'll keep looking though.



  8. I'll look, I was just going to google it. :chuckle:


    If I can get UD alone, I do have more ideas. :shifty:

  9. No, I was like "This album will be shit, so I'm not wasting my monies on that."


    If only I'd known...


    Anyways, I do have these:

  10. Um...why would you think I have the box set? :LOL:

  11. Actually, I've had several times where I thought "Hmm, maybe I should do this..." and decided against it. :facepalm:


    Also I'm mixing together Paparazzi and UD, but I dunno what to do for the chorus. I'm pretty unlimited as to what I can do with Paparazzi as I have all the individual tracks, but I'm very limited with UD...HALP.

  12. Now I feel bad for waiting. :chuckle::(

  13. :chuckle: Yes, they were in town last month and I was really sad when I found out I was out of town then. :(
  14. Then...wait? And hopefully it will be better?

  15. Nawww. :supersad:


    WE WILL DO IT REGARDLESS. :awesome: Although it might take me awhile, I'm sort of busy this weekend...



    Sometime though, my voice feels a little shot today.

  17. Yeah, I can't expect the movie to do well enough for a sequel...:erm: But that is how Water ended so at least they incorporated it? :LOL:


    That's amazing! I really can't wait, I've always though they could do something with a completely different Avatar, or maybe even go backwards and do an older Avatar (but since this is going forward...yeah). :D

  18. I missed Sokka being hilarious. :supersad: And Iroh, Sokka, and Aang's names being pronounced correctly. :(


    It just seemed...wrong. :erm:

  19. So you saw Avatar?


    And thought it was as horrible as I thought it was? :eek:?

  20. :yesey: I was very disappointed. Everything was way off - they clearly set up for a sequel too, but I don't know if they're even going to get enough money to make one. :erm: I wouldn't see it unless it had a different director for sure.


    No, what's this? :eek: *googles*

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