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Amy W

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Everything posted by Amy W

  1. I'm full of awesomeness :awesome:


    Aww well I thought i'd make sure anyway! :D

  2. Hell yeeaahz :awesome:

  3. :D


    Awww :(

    I had the same problem recently! :chuckle: I burnt my leg up to just under my knee, so all that was burnt and the rest was white. Now it's kinda tanned and you can see the tan line :LOL: it looks funny :happy:


    I love summer and hate it at the same time. I reeeeeeaally hate how hot my room gets. It's ridiculous! During the day I had my windows open, plus two fans on in my room. It still feels like i'm walking into an oven. :stunned:

  4. Hell yeaahz you better watch this space :awesome: haha


    I'm great, thanks for asking :happy: how are you? :)

  5. Oh ya i'm not sure if I wished you happy birthday or not :supersad:

    sooo happy birthday for... 6 days ago! :D


  6. I've never met a half vegetarian before :LOL: hai how are you :awesome:


    salad is good :happy:

  7. It's a fancy word for vegetarian :awesome:

    Nah i'm joking, I meant vegetarian :LOL:


    Mmm pizza. Now i'm hungry :(

  8. How's you :D


    My nan is round and we're gonna have a barbecue :awesome:

    Though... I am a vegematarian :LOL:

    whatcha dooooooing? :)

  9. -BIG HUGZ-



  10. :happy:


    Yeah true, although it's annoying... I wouldn't like to have a teacher telling me what to do, i'd rather figure things out myself :D maybe that's why I hated school so much :LOL:


    I know :chuckle: i'm just lazy and can't be bothered :LOL: but I WILL learn just you watch! All in good time... :awesome:

  11. I love how I just accidently sent myself a visitor message.


    Now I've just done it again.


  12. I'm a little bit shit then :happy:


    Yeah same, I think it's better teaching yourself anyway :)

    Ah I knoww... it just sucks that a lot of Muse songs are too hard :LOL: I just look up tabs to random songs and if it looks easy i'll play it but if it looks too hard then it's like "oh fuck dat" :LOL: i'm really not doing myself any favours in terms of practicing... :chuckle:

  13. Yeahh! I prefer self teaching :D though i'm a pretty bad student :erm: I keep going for a while without playing, but I should keep playing to get better. I'm naughty, no cookies for me :phu:

    I've only been playing guitar for... a year I think. And i'm shit :awesome:

    What about you? :happy:

  14. Lovely jubbly :)


    No wai, that's awesome :awesome: I'd love to play more instruments.. I just... haven't :LOL:

    Yet :shifty:

  15. Great thanks! How are you? :)


    Aww, cheers :D I've seen a few of your posts, you seem nice too :happy:

  16. Hey Kirstie, I'm Amy :happy: cheers for the message, I hardly get any cause I'm a loner :D

  17. I only remember a few bits of this dream which is a shame cause I just remember it being rather amusing. Anyway I dunno how I got to be there but I was in a crowd with my family I think... it wasn't a concert or anything but it was inside and there was just loads of people. Then I see Matt, Dom and Chris appear walking through the crowd and everyone's like woooooooo and then i'm just like then before I know it, they'd already walked past me and I was disappointed cause I wanted to see them properly in person, so of course I grabbed my trusty Sky+ remote and I rewinded so that they walked past again but Dom and Chris disappeared so it was only Matt walking past (it was the Wembley Matt with the red suit) and I was calling his name but he didn't hear me, he was too busy walking around like . And THEN he forgot something so he went back... I can't remember what he forgot though, probably his banana... then when he reappeared again it was V Festival Matt with the longish hair, red jeans and Atticus jacket... and he was running around doing his crazy manic laugh and Dom was at the front of the crowd pissing himself. Weird. wish I could have better dreams
  18. Ahh awesome! I wanted to play some Muse on a jukebox at bowling and all they had was Hyper Music and Pump In Baby (Plug In Baby I guess, LOL) so I just played them both well I thought it just played in the bowling bit but it played throughout the whole place, the arcades too
  19. Yeah it's still aaages until the gigs, plenty of time for some people to maybe end up not being able to go. Trust people on this site, not Ebay. You're paying twice for each ticket otherwise and it's not helping to stop the touts. I looked on Ebay earlier actually and unfortunately there are so many peope bidding on massively overpriced tickets...
  20. Yeah. Bloody annoying innit? There's another thread for this further down if you wanna vent in there... too many threads been started about this.
  21. Oh yeah of COURSE, V fest! forgot about that.

    glad you got tickets today, got mine too! :happy:

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