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Status Updates posted by naget4music

  1. but you are a complete and utter muse fanatic aren't you? :awesome: I am.

    jonnie. the height of ignorance :phu:

  2. oh yeah I remember you saying that.....I think the rents/family don't like to know I'm talking to people over the internet anyhow. For they'll only lure me to their home and convince me that I'm in love with them.

    internet is great. I love it :happy:

  3. aww meegels :(

    :LOL: I always close this...because they do read it over my shoulder...and there is some rare shit on here......and some of the titles. I'm considering closing facebook tab too because some people are writing such stupid stuff on there! :LOL:

  4. I know. epic convos of all epic convos! :)

    Oh well I was close about the time :awesome:

    see I've told them about the boards but when they ask what Im doing I never say that Im on here. :chuckle:

    why has she given up on the board. We message all the time....but its not the same as the board :(

  5. reply to my profile posts too :phu:

  6. oh hay gurl....GUY.

    its like 1.51 am....and maybe 4am for you? :erm:

    but Im bored and I should go to bed. And I've missed our epic convos. and I should go to bed now.....nightt!::D

  7. nawwww :supersad: HUGGGEEE amount. I'm glad someone noticed my absense :LOL:

    same. dad laughed that I went straight on here yesterday. They don't understand the board :supersad:

  8. 4 years older than joo. Its on that little info thing under my avatar anyway :p

  9. oh and MERRY CHRISTMAS! :D

  10. hehe yay :happy: I got your card too. I meant to tell you. Thankyou very muchly rawr. IT IS ON MY WALL! :awesome:

  11. oh by the wy. just as I sent that msg I fixed our convo LOL:

  12. working :(....with a cold. I've been far too tired to get on wed and tues... :(

    I've got all tomorrow though! :) and a lil bit tonight :):):):

    MONEY! :awesome:

  13. are you here or still napping nanny?

  14. are you back yet :'((I may sound really stalkerish today) sorry if I do :LOL:

  15. you said you'd be RIGHT back :'(

  16. hmmm I'll go have a shower then

  17. looks like jardine is copying sharna in the hair business...lol @ annoying sister


    what are you doing lurking anyway?

  18. lol okay.


    well blue jumper is dangerfield

    make up is revlon



  19. Don't lurk :'(.... I'm bored.

    HAY HAY SAMMEH. Are they bron jard and sharn in that photo. which is which?

  20. YOU ARE?!?!?!?!?:awesome: WHERE THOUGH :'(

  21. sammy....where are you? board is dead.

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