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Status Updates posted by naget4music

  1. ahh good :)...EW your doing eng AND lit?...aced english as in probably b's....but Im happy with that. we practiced heaps of essays....you get used to the structure then it is really easy

  2. Well what subjects did you choose? I had Information Tech, Math Methods(which I struggled in), Chemistry(which I struggled in), English(which I aced:happy:) and Visual Communication(Which I aced). As for the workload, yeah it can be pretty demanding. But it all depends on your attitude to it. If your used to a good even amount of study, you'll be good. But remember if you want to do well awesome in those hard subjects you'll have to make quite a few sacrifices (eg. no museboard :'(....I couldn't do that), but you've always gotta to have some sort of social life (with sacrificing a few parties :p)....because otherwise it becomes too much. My advice for you and I know that you've probably heard it from everyone, but I promise you that if you actually follow through with it, you'll do fantastic....

    -Keep up to date with all work, maybe even work ahead.

    -ALWAYS ask for help if your unsure, if your teacher shits you, find advice from another teacher of the subject.

    -Don't flunk out a couple of months when finishing....I did and lost me quite a bit of good study.

    I feel like I didn't do as well as I hoped, though I'm still happy with my efforts. Find out in a month :D

  3. I dont know about this long post, but bertha was playing tricks with me. And gee thats alot of fast tracking....So year 12 next year? Yeah well, it's not that bad. You just need to balance the study with breaks and social lives....I was unfortunate enough to fallout with my friends in year 12 and bloody struggled. Not wise, keep plenty of friends in year 12....wasn't even my fault and I was the one who suffered. Aw fuck. makes me mad...rant/ :D

  4. oi I did some massive long post. WHERE THE FUCK DID IT GO :mad:

  5. what ones have you got? Good luck for them. I'm tegan btw, whats your name or have I already asked you that :facepalm:

  6. Its decided then. Your next undertitle is going to be

    'No soup for you!'


    'These pretzels are making me thirsty'


    'Did you just say ridicarous?'


    that is all I know.

    and really? awesome tell me

  7. omg lets make one.....ex. the seinfield one from YMT....if you watch it.

  8. :LOL: you win.


    first comment on my undertitle

    Im going to now change it to

    I'll be quirky? in dec



    in jan :awesome:

  9. aw thankies.....(I banned myself from the computer until my exams were over.)

    they finished today :D

    Have you had yours?

  10. 70's my arse.....

    1991!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SHIT IM TWENTY IN TWO YEARS -shudders-

    ouch my back

    I better do some work. and as if youd blow of talking to tegan t talk toyour brooooo hooooo

    cya :kiss:

  11. LOL I did post it. Brother? who said anything about being a brother. I just sounds funny. 19-93 19-93....I'm used NINETEEN NINETY ONE PLZ.

    Gee I'm a bit odd sometimes

  12. DAMN YOU FOR ignoreing me(i swear i already posted this but it didnt come up) :phu:

  13. LOLz you were born in 1993! that sounds wrong

  14. DAMN YOU for ignoring me :phu:

  15. :LOL: at your picture
  16. uh hay hay. Have I ever talked to you on here before? and shite, I'm gotta do 4 essays, a booklet full of maths formulas, chem revision, math revision, rest of info sac, finish art folio and pass drivers license. Oh shit its gonna be hetic. what about you

  17. its annoying isn't it. and I have no Idea. I just know she isnt getting it :(

  18. lol, nah nothing, they are just raving on about how us yr 12s cant be disorganized so close to exams :LOL:. rah


    I'd watch out for that box set if I was you....some people have had theirs cancelled :indiff: like meegles :(

  19. :LOL:. I guess I'm just the type of person that 'inspires' conflict! :LOL: Go me! ;)
  20. Nah raiko I liked you. You never annoyed me. Don't worry. and did you see that comment I got from that mikey person? I've been owned :mad:.....or maybe I owned them :awesome:

  21. DISORGANIZATION!!!! :eek::phu:


    :LOL:....yeh I'm pretty average. wahtbout you??

  22. Holy shitballs, thats horrible. Who would change it to a whole month?! :phu: thats shhhhit


  23. nah its good now. Got into the finals. Lost by two :(. no more running on ankle :(

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