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Status Updates posted by naget4music

  1. LACK OF ORGANISATION will blow up my brain

    Mothers negativity will squash those pieces into the cemet

    and lack of messages from a certain someone will obliterate all the confidence I've gained in the past two months. Hurrrrr. I don't feel so good.

  2. I'm pissssssed :mad:.

    Sophieeeeeee :supersad: Why does everyone ditch out on me.

  3. If I drink. I'm in a farking rotten mood due to R C H disorganisation and S Op Hs ditching on me. I am feeling a shit night. And a shit night is what I will get. So. grrrr

    I shouldnt drink.

  4. can not msn tonight

    trying to organise tea for some unorganised people

    watching doctor who

    going out.


  5. ahh why'd you like that status. I didn't even write it! and I might not be around got a stupid complusory thing that I have to go to...

  6. I thought you didn't! But I can't talk now, I've got work in 14 mins. I will be on when I get home....but I'm sure that that'll be far too late for you :/

  7. What bout now? I should be homework :LOL:

  8. Getting hammered. Erghghghg. People drink to spew ALL the time here everytime. It's fucking intense..

    Lol you'd be funny drunk!

  9. Oh our uni nights are tuesday and thursday :LOL:. Two party times each week. 30 people. You can't win. I'm going out thursday though :}

  10. I done a couple of paragraphs. Now everyone is getting ready to party. HOMG. So loud. Ceebs work :LOL:

  11. Do you like my av btw?

  12. I suppose. But my friend whose already done a year of uni last year said that it's essential to have everything done by week 10 so you can have time to revise. So now. I do :phu:

  13. hurrrrrr. SO MUCH WORK I DIDNT DO D:

  14. I can't MSN D: Because I woke up at 12....did NOTHING all day(which adds up to 3.18 hrs)...and I have to do some of this internet homework before I leave. I hope to be on tonight though D:

  15. I was just noticing that!

  16. CEEBS. half an hour? Computer put of bag and tea had?....

  17. Ceebs :p remind me later

  18. These 2 convo's are slightly confusing.. But it's late. Remind me to reply to them properly....

  19. Yah I know.... But still three messages. We caught a guy bringing a girl home last night. Awkward turtle. Good I like encoraging shopping! But I'm not allowed to shop much anymore :( is Thursday info or actual classes? Yeah.... I have a feelinnit might do this all year, it was down most of yesterday :/

  20. Many new friends :awesome:! But it is so fucking early and I haveto walkto the uni to get some tickets. Imma be fucking wrecked by the end of this week! I sent you three messages fag :eek: I'm hungry and I don't think we're beig fed. And I need to have a shower, but I don't want to get up:/

  21. You were here all along!? bitch!

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