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Status Updates posted by zoe

  1. zoe

    awwwww cool :D

    enjoy yourself! haha x

  2. zoe

    awwwwwww poor adam......im cool i guess....just got one hell of a chest infection :'(

    proper baaaaaaaaad it is!!

    im just busy with work and college and everything soooo busy zoee! haha x

  3. weeeeeeellll ive had a fab weekend to be rather honest :happy:

    the weathers been craaaaap but its been a good one :D

    and yourself?? x

  4. zoe

    awww bless hahaha :LOL:

    nah i havent seen your tatt :(

    ill have a looksey noooow!

    hopw are you this fine monday morning xx

  5. Heeeey Bro!!!

    how are youuuu ;):joker:

    im not so well atm

    got pwoppa bad chest infection :vomit:


  7. hahahahhaa awwww cheers babe :D

    cost me 30 quid that did haha :D xxx

  8. bed for you mister ;) x

  9. zoe

    awwww babe *hugs*

    im fanfabulous thanks doing really well......now a qualified makeup artist whoooot!! x

  10. on my wrist the pics are on here have a look x

  11. zoe

    Hellllooooo you!!

    how are youu today hun?? xx

  12. well hello gawjjuuuss!

    GERMAAAAAAAN! whaaaat!


    im great cheers babe

    up to much later?? x

  13. heyy youu long time no speak :D

    how ya doin ?? x

  14. OMG sorry liikke but your fit :D

  15. zoe

    heeeeellllloooo stranger!

    how are youu?? x

  16. Its okkkaaaaiii hun :D

    awwww thanks only had it cut like this 2 days ago haha :LOL: xx

  17. emmmmmmmmmmmmmzzzzzz :D x

  18. liiiiaaaaaaaam oh!

  19. charlllliiieeekins ;) x

  20. zoe


    wellllll im gunna say good luck....cuz i havent got a bladdy cluue!! :D

    awww cheers *hugs back* needed that!

  21. zoe

    awwwww poor you

    whats the test on....may i ask!

    awww i got one hell of a chest infection tho....so wont be getting tooo drunk tommorow

    cuz i do have to get home hahahhaa :LOL:

  22. zoe

    awwww hush up youu :p

    noooot my fault it was the cameraaaaa :D

    how are youu anyway?? x

  23. zoe

    your in cardiff?? just down he road from meeee thaaa is :D hahahaha :D

  24. im cool just at schoooool finishing off my essay :(

    but gotta be done

    and yourself?? x

  25. coooooool thanks how are youu?? x

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