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Status Updates posted by zoe

  1. chaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan (: xx

  2. mousey mousey mouse

    how are youuuu babe!?

    missed you loaddddsss :( xx

  3. Heyyyyaaaa beb!!! hows it going?? hope your faaaaab!! (: xx

  4. zoe

    hey hey (:

    looooong time no speaaaak!!

    how are youuuu?? x

  5. zoe

    Heyyy hunnn (: x

  6. zoe

    Hellloooooo my darling ;)

    are you liking my new loooksey!!

    in a well hyper mood today! dont know whats up with me lmaaaaooooo

    how ya dooin?? xx

  7. Heyyyyyyyy :D

    Im gwwweeeaaaat fanks hun (: x

  8. Gwwwweaaaaat fanx bab :D

    havent spoken to yoooh in agggeeessss :'(

  9. zoe

    Heeeeey!! (:

    im fab thanks hun just gettin all revved up for CARDIFF tommorow!!

    i cant wait tbh!!

    gunna see lisa lashes whooooot!!

    been up to much?? x

  10. not speaking to me anymore are you :'(

  11. ellllllllllllllliiiiiieeeeee-phant

    long time no seee :(

    how are ya beb xx

  12. zoe

    ello darlin ;)

    long time no speak :(

    how have you been?? xx

  13. whhhhhooooooooooooooooo!! go you missy!!!!!!

    sounds fun fun (:

  14. LAUREN iiloveeyouu xx

  15. OMG awesome sig hun....great song tbqh......my song for life actually!!

  16. FELLOW WELSHY ;) x

  17. ggooooooood glad to hear ;)

    been up to much?? x

  18. zoe

    heeeeey davy :D

    how are you darling?? x

  19. zoe


    welcome to our world hahahah :D

    im zoee ;) x

  20. WICKED USERNAME fair play! ;)

  21. same same ;)

    how are you hun?? x

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