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Status Updates posted by zoe

  1. zoe

    yeaaaah too right!!!!!

    would be a good night would that!!

    your wicked thought fair play to ya hun x

  2. hiiiiiiya hun :D

    cheers for addin meeeee (: x

  3. zoe


    lovely to meet you to hun :D

    stay in touch wont you?? :happy: xx

  4. zoe

    awwwww well you can say now that you met a young lady today who shares the same interest hahahahahahahaha :LOL: x

  5. hello hello

    how are you hun

    its been bladdy ageeees :( x

  6. zoe

    oh its cool ;)

    how have you been??

  7. OIIII OII BRO!!!!! chat?? x

  8. zoe

    awwwwwwwww cuuutte :D

    and they both like muse??

    id love my mum to actually like something i do hahaha :LOL: x

  9. zoe

    hahahahahahahahaha i bet :D

    well i think im like the only muse fan in my house tbh :(

    but oh well :D

    so have you got 2 girls or 1 of each??? x

  10. ooooh lovely ;)

    my evil pics are crap tho babe!!!

    proper baaaad hahahah :LOL:

  11. zoe

    yeaaaah id like cardiff ;)

    not too far from where i live then hahahah :LOL:

    awwww wow 8 times LUCKY YOU babe

    take it MASSIVE FAN then ???

    need i ask hahahahah :D xxx

  12. oiiii oiiii you :) xxxxxxxxxxx

  13. zoe



    its great stuff .....umm hoping to see them in wembley again.....


    yeah ive seen them 3 times hun ;)


    how about yourself????



  14. zoe

    heyy hun :D

    thanks for accepting meeeee

    how are youu?? x

  15. heyya hun :D

    youu alryttt?? x

  16. MOSSSSES Baybeeeeh!!

    how are ya?? x

  17. zoe

    MENTAAAAAAAAAAAL!! yeah i agree ;)

    cant wait to be quite honest!

    im having a joint party with the boyfriend now aswell because his bday on the 17th and mines on the 20th sooooo happy days!! hahahahahaha

    awww babe dont worry things will work themselves out if not....come and live with me haha :LOL: xxx

  18. Yep sucks sooooo bad :LOL:

    im just fiiiiiiiinnne (:

    how are you hun???



  19. elllooo :D

    havent spoken to you in ages :(

    how've ya been x

  20. zoe

    hi-lo hun :D x

  21. zoe

    well dont you know me a little too well!! hahaha planning my 18th at the mo

    im havin lisa lashes to DJ...... the theme


    yeaaaaaah....now thats gunna be a scream!!

    im great though thank you darlin'

    and your fine self??? xiluux


    ello baybeeeeee!!

    youu alryteee???

    havent spoken to youu in ages so i thought id chuck you a line hehe


  23. zoe

    hellllllllllloooo you :D

    havent spoken to youu in ages :(

    hope your alrytttt xxx

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