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Status Updates posted by zoe

  1. zoe



    long time no speak sis how are yhoooo?? xx

  2. me either......their a complicated band hahahahah :LOL:

    give me my lisa lashes anyday tho :D

    id choose her over practically EVERY musician going if im honest...... (apart from muse of course) hahahahahha xxxxx

  3. zoe

    awwwww now im devastated :D

  4. awwwwwww "/

    im sureeeee ill be finnneeee!!

    in a bit of a hyper mood today actually :D

  5. i have but i NEVER go on it babe :(

    ummmm well ill give you a ring tonight or whatever!

    we'll have a good ole catch up hahaha

    loveyouu loadssssssssss beb ;)

    oh and thank you .....NEW HAIR seee

    cut it alllllllll off......well most of it hahahaha

  6. i loveyou loaaaaaaaaaaads LAURENNN!!!!!!!!! :D xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  7. awwwwwwwwwwwwwww hun im suree youll be fine :D x

  8. yep :(

    i feel terrible!!

    im coughin all the time!!

    and cuz its a really deep cough its making my throat bleed! :'(

  9. well i can see that my works a lil bit more acceptable in the non boredom stakes than yours ahahhahahaha :LOL:


    kasabian......hmm im undecided on whether i actually like them or not......

    theyre a weird one to judge haha :LOL: xxx

  10. well i had a faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaab night saturday!

    went to see lisa lashes OMG!!

    was the best night of my life so far hahaha :LOL:

    well im in college......meant to be looking at makeup ideas......BUT failing haha

    apart from that nothing too much haha

    OH and whats wrong with the lighthouse faily......their fab :LOL: hahahaha xxx

  11. hahahaha :LOL: oh i lovee em hahaha

    no one i knows even heard om them! lmaaaaoooo!

    anyway hun long time no speak

    hope your ok!? xx

  12. vaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal :kiss:

    long time no speak :'(

    miss youu xx

  13. zoe

    my hair is almost as short as yours now hahahahah!!!

  14. must be the only person i know on here to like lifehouse haha............apart from me :LOL:

  15. twit-a-woooooooooooooo ;)

    elllo ello ello you!!

  16. nowt much my darlin ;)

    went to see LISA LASHES on saturday whooot!

    and yourself?? x

  17. zoe

    awwww shes brill :D

    i spent over £200 on one night!! i couldnt believe it

    i came home with 35 pence hahahaha

    5am in the morning my mam went mental hahaha




  18. luuuufffff youu 2 xx:kiss:

  19. zoe

    i went to see lisa lashes WHOOOOOT!!

    was a fantastic night fairrrr play! i loved it haha :LOL: x

  20. zoe

    OH its the same as mineeeeeeeeeeee!! hahahahahahahaha :D:D:D:D:D:D

    they both look fanfabulous babe!

    how are you anyway?? did you have a nice weekend?? x

  21. zoe

    hahahhaa awwww thanks babe!

    its not till july silly....still ALOT of planning to do yet!

    gunna have LISA LASHES to DJ!! whhooooot!!

    i went to see her live on saturday! what a fantastic night better than the last 3 times ive seen her tbh!

    i was absoloutely STEAMING going home........i drank sooooooo much!! unreal......its a wonder how im still breathing haha :LOL: x x x

  22. zoe

    its not there :'(

  23. and meeeeeeeee!! hahaha zoeester has shorrrrrt hair naaaw!!

    awwwwww poor kris and his short hair hehe

    im fiiiiine bro just fuming cuz i cant shift my chest infection! :'( x


  24. Honestly jeff im dying........ CHEST INFECTION is killing meeee!

    plus i got my moperation on the 6th may now :'(

    proper ill i are jeff!

    buuuuut oh well im just fiiiiine!

    havent spoken to you in ages thats why i thought id done something to you lol

  25. saaaaaaaaaaaame :'(

    i havent been very well though so havent been on here as much

    :kiss: miss yhoooo! xx

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