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Everything posted by Cyfo_Diaz

  1. You should consider what James said about the neck joint though, not only does it look cool but I dislike the normal looking neck joint on RGs cbecause it makes them look cheap IMO. I know this isnt an ibanez but still. What I will say though is that finding replacement neck bolts and the cover-things they fit into has been a right pain in the ballox. I (stupidly) used them for something else and, since putting my RG back together, am fucked until I can get some. TL;DR - DO IT!
  2. Is he joking about that mercury mod? sounds like a metal zone with the drive up full... If he wanted an amp to sound like that wy didnt he just buy another amp... /blasphemy
  3. I was in a place called Filthy McNastys last week, the staff wore shirts with "kiss me im filthy". Yum!
  4. I quite liked that If the drums sounded more like the ones from QOTSA sick sick sick itd be awesome but tbh they sounded fab as is (its only coz i paused QOTSA to listen to your song lol)
  5. Dat bass! Nice shit, and cool epi is cool! Saying that, the MA got slagged for its pickguards resemblance to the male member, the pickguard on that looks like the whole arrangement. Tis still cool though.
  6. Cool, I didnt know they did black mbk3 neck pups. The pic where you holding the MA up by the strap to photo the back, whats the red cushion in the case? Edit- just realised its to cushion it against the side of the case. I only ask because i got 3 bits of black foam thats wedged in there
  7. Dont get me wrong the rosewood does look great and its certainly the nicest rosewood board ive owned, really nice red streaks in it, but ive gassed for a maple neck'ed geetar for a bit now. Here is some blurry photos i took in my cave -
  8. ooommmmmmppphhh the maple neck is way nicer than the rosewood with that colour. And it might just be the picture but are both ur pups black? Also same patch cables as me, not to mention 3 of the same pedals and a soon to be addition (flashback)
  9. The accent in the previous video really should have given that away. Met them a few times, nice guys. That Guild is wild sexy
  10. Damn thats nice! I'll one day own that pedal board, atm a cupboard door will have to do. I dont get why the tele is so big though, is a "camera trickery"/sorcery?
  11. Rawr The lo pros are supposed to be alright, I like the ones (EDGE?) on JEMs. the recent ibanez ones are way better than they used to be. ive an RG from 2001 and the bridge was laughably horrendous, i had it dissasembled for a long time and only put it back together to dive bomb til the strings broke (really) but the bridge was balls. rather than do the smart thing like buy a proper replaecment i bought one off ebay for £16(!) I swear its actually made of rubber. one twist on the screws at the nut and they are now round lol. ahwell
  12. I meant polish/cleaning stuff lol, all this talk of cameras recently . Your strat looks better than mine and its only about 10yrs old fs, more abuse inc!
  13. Im nearly sold on getting an Mbk3, this didnt help Shiny! what did you use? makes me wanna do up my old squier strat, needs a new neck and electroncis though, someone on here got a warmoth neck, wonder how much that was including the "fail government" tax
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