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Everything posted by alyssa_

  1. Yeah, as much as I like hearing Muse somewhere other than from my comp/mp3 player, I don't want people to be sick of Muse, like I am of everything else on KROQ! (the Foos, Nirvana, RCHP)... they're great bands, but I swear they have a playlist with 40 songs or something that they just cycle through...
  2. alyssa_

    Doms Drums

    It does for me. Nice! That sounds... fucking sexy. I could go for some more sustain on the snare though. And more hi-hat... And where is the backing track from?
  3. alyssa_

    Doms Drums

    Zildjian, yes? So... they were right... besides the horrible misspelling of Zildjian!
  4. alyssa_

    Doms Drums

    Sound demo please?!?! Nice set up! That's the kit I've been trying to save up for a while. I'm at $600 right now, need about $200 more... grrr.... I'm trying to sell my current drum set but it's such a piece of shit--no one wants it, hahaha. I can't even sell it for $100 with the hardware. -_- I'm trying to figure out the absolute cheapest way of being able to switch from 2 up to 1 up frequently. I don't want them all to be rack--I want at least one floor. So I'm thinking of buying a four piece then adding a 14" rack and buying a tom arm, or just buying a 5-piece (which would be cheaper) and buying a tom arm and switching the second rack tom around, but then I'd have a double tom mount on my bass drum that would be unused whenever I'd set up 1up2down. =/ that would look tacky. I'm wondering if I could get a 5-piece then two cymbal tom arms, but the hardware comes with the set so I don't know if I can change it up or not, and the local guitar center doesn't have the SK sets (just the hyperdrive and SL customs) so I'm thinking I have to order online. Boo.
  5. Haha, I was taking my final today and someone's cell rang with KoC as their rington starting at "no one's going to take me alive". Luckily for him, my teacher stepped out for a sec, haha. I just said "nice ringtone... no seriously. :happy:"
  6. I was listening to KROQ and they were playing "Smack My Bitch Up" by Prodigy, then about halfway through the song, it turned into a mash-up with Knights of Cydonia with the Prodigy beat going on then all of a sudden "NO ONE'S GOING TO TAKE ME ALIVE" pops in. It was a really nasty mash-up. I was happy when they played the whole ending riff without Prodigy.
  7. alyssa_

    Doms Drums

    I can too... but I'm a chick, so... Well I've almost got enough money to purchase a Tama Superstar set. But I'm wondering if I should get a 2 up 1 down set or a 1 up 2 down... Currently I have my kit set up as 1 up 2 down, but I'm thinking that a 2 up 1 down would fit with more styles of music, rather than just rock/metal... as much as I love my current set up. What do you guys think?
  8. alyssa_

    Doms Drums

    And some people I know can't tell the difference between a ride and a high hat. RIDE! CHEATING! But I'm pretty sure most people would be able to tell the difference between toms and a bass drum, actually... Well, if they can tell or not, it has a different effect anyway, regardless! Do it with a single!
  9. alyssa_

    Doms Drums

    I want a double pedal.... because it'd be nice to have. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ne6hZW3Wsr8
  10. This isn't exactly a Muse dream, but meh... I was falling asleep listening to music, then I fell asleep and woke up to that state where you're awake and aware of your surroundings and The Gallery started playing and it sounded really, really fucking loud in my head--it hurt. It was freaky. The Gallery doesn't really bring happy thoughts to my head anymore.
  11. LISTENING TO MUSE ON US RADIO (KROQ) RIGHT NOW! New Born, Ruled By Secrecy, and Feeling Good have all gotten airtime! ...all of last nights gig actually, I think! Whee, star spangled banner/hysteria! edit: Apparently, House of the Rising Sun played on the radio after AAC!
  12. alyssa_

    Doms Drums

    I have molded ear plugs from my audiologist. My mom was worried I was going deaf.
  13. alyssa_

    Doms Drums

    Hmmm today I've found out that I make cooler, more catchy beats when I'm staring off into the distance and not concentrating or thinking about my playing. It probably looks strange. I make cool beats while watching TV.
  14. alyssa_

    Doms Drums

    I hate digital kits. I always play them at guitar center 'n such, and nothing can replace the real thing! And yeah, it's hella expensive--honestly, I'd choose my shitty kit over V-drums or something. I'm thinking of getting one soon though, just so I have something to play when I get my own place...
  15. alyssa_

    Doms Drums

    Matt Helder's from Arctic Monkeys just got an acrylic too. Looks pretty sweet, haha.
  16. Hahaha, wellll, I fell asleep while playing Ruled By Secrecy on the piano last night. Seriously, I slept with my head on the keys... And then I had a dream I sent Matt a myspace message, and he replied immediately and was drunk or something. I don't really remember our "chat" but it was full of typos and random stuff.
  17. I had a dream that included Matt in someway... and my computer, but it's reaaallly hazy. I do know though that I also chipped my tooth, sprained my ankle, and got a gash in the same dream...? I'm not sure how that all fits together... hahaha.
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