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static shadows

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Status Updates posted by static shadows

  1. Things started making pollen. :(

  2. *prods*


    I'm dying. :(

  3. :phu:


    Sparks will fly! I may even conjure a patronus. :happy:


    It's part of an awesome song:



    Right gotta go! Bloody lecture. Expecting us to work. :indiff:

  4. Shhhhh!


    She can play with my wand any day. :yesey:


    Who's the man? What makes a man a man? Am I a man? Yes, technically I am.


    Not in one evening!


    Oh you'd need another month to do Ireland on top of that! :LOL::p

  5. And I didn't just nearly do it again. :phu:


    I'm getting turned on. :eyebrows:


    Yay! :happy:


    We can't let them hem us in! The man is trying to put us into a box and we must break free!


    I was in the right city for one once! But I was going to see IAMX instead! :p


    Ah good! Although you really need a month and a suitcase full of moneys to properly see the UK! Even I haven't seen it all yet. :(

  6. Quiet you! :$


    Yay! A cursing a cursing! :happy:




    Then we get out the ceiling demolisher!


    I have still never been to a muser meet! :LOL: In the UK for less than a week?! :eek:

  7. (Gargh! I wrote this on my wall instead. :LOL::facepalm:)


    I will?! :awesome: In that case I may. :happy:


    Chilli to disguise that bitter pigeon taste. :yesey:


    It would involve a financially crippling amount of matchsticks. :( I have enough books to build a fort with though?! :awesome:


    Oooh! Good luck with saving then! This country is annoyingly expensive. :indiff: But you'll always be welcome in Cardiff... or Oxford(ish).. depending on where I am. :yesey:

  8. Well the films have been a bit rubbish so far! :LOL: Last one was ok though. And had Helena in! And the new one may have more Helena in! :awesome:


    Tasty! :dance:


    So is that a yes or no with the matchstick building? OH WAIT! I'll be in my country next year too! :eek::D

  9. Probably not! I might not even even see the film until it comes out on DVD! Although it does have Helena in sooo... :D


    When Blackadder shoots and eats the messenger pigeon (so he can ignore the orders to 'get out of their trench and walk very slowly towards the enemy') he says, 'thousands of men are being slaughtered every day, who's going to miss one pigeon?' Famous last words. :noey:


    Are you going to build a fort out of matchsticks? :eek:

  10. Well I have heard the CD's several times each! Usually in the summer holidays whilst bored and sunbathing. :LOL:


    I just like Stephen Fry's voice. He's such a gentle soul and loves pigeons:




    Baaaaaaaaygh! :happy:

  11. The sad thing is that I can workout where a lot of the words have been cut from! :LOL:


    Excellent Nosh! :LOL:

  12. Most of them are in one take too, without any kind of songwriting! We literally turn on the mircophoen, he hits an african drum, I play a riff, then afterwards we add layers of shouting, singing, biscuit tin lids, rice shaken in an ice tea bottle, whatever we can find! Also have a bizarre decrepit organ which plays loops and creates it's own bass and drum beat, so that's used in eerie slow motion on 'paranoia on the carousel'! ... it's just good fun! Nonsense, but good fun! :LOL:


    I'll try to get around to it eventually. Even if it's really raw pieces like Angel Child!


    Oh I just lug my CD player! And proudly. It's gone around the globe that CD player! :cool: I covered it in green and silver swirls/waves, spiralling out from the centre. :happy:

  13. Well neither goat nor cow is just as it sounds! Me and my friend hitting stuff in a barn and occasionally shouting randomly! I think only 'sandstorm' and 'magic camel' approach being traditional 'songs' in any way. :LOL: Glad you like the static ghost stuff though! :happy: I really should get around to recording more. I have soooo many little videos of riffs stored on my computer!


    It is! Especially with a bit of music via my old school hand-painted CD player. :awesome:

  14. Makes it easy for me then! Out of interest which of my two music things are you ripping?


    It's going well now the sun's out! Means i've got loads of reading and notes done whilst sitting in the park. :happy:

  15. Thought you might like this:

    Made up of tiny clips from the Stephen Fry read audio book! :LOL:



    Edit: WARNING: Dark!

  16. Sure haha! Would you like me to email you over any particular track/tracks?!

  17. Naaw! :happy:


    Right, i'm off to watch Silence of The Lambs then sleep. It better be as good as this trailer:





  18. I know. :awesome: But did you know that "Mark Truesdale" is an anagram of "A Remarked Slut"? :awesome:


    There are all kinds! But 80% red. :yesey:

  19. He was a bit random!



    Yay! I do like a blood pudding. :happy:





















    Ok you can have the new key. :happy:

  20. A virgin innocent? :awesome:


    Well you shouldn't have gone around giving my key away. :phu:

  21. i've got this stuck in my head now:

  22. Ohhh simply delicious! Did you use your own blood, or that of an innocent? :happy:


    IT'S TOO LATE! :eek: I've changed the locks! :p

  23. Well... maybe the blood one. :awesome:


    Oh no! :eek: *hides wine cellar door under hat*

  24. Yours, yes. :happy: Theirs, no. :'(


    Pffft! Then I shall hide the key in the one place where you shall never think to look for it. :shifty:

  25. I want to eat your muffin! :supersad:


    You wouldn't put my key into the hands of others! :eek:



    ...hmm sounds vaguely sexual! Better add an :eyebrows:

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