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static shadows

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Status Updates posted by static shadows

  1. I'm liking that arabic twist! :awesome:

  2. *messes with gently* :happy:

  3. Hadn't you ever wondered why he seemed a little too obsessed with young boys?

  4. I have a really violent craving for quiche now! :supersad:


    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rr1vMmY4Dog :awesome:

  5. So i've heard. So i've heard... :shifty:


    YOUR QUICHE! :eek:

  6. Harry Beatrix Potter is is then! :yesey:

  7. :awesome:


    HBP? Harry Bloody Potter?? Harry Bastard Potter? Harry Beatrix Potter??

  8. I got as far as the shower. But couldn't find her there so came back. :(



  9. :awesome:


    That's all you needed to say. :yesey: *runs off to see*

  10. Was there more Helena? :awesome:

  11. Was it any good this time? Because in all honesty, with the exception of Helena Bonham Carter (:happy:), Alan Rickman and Ralph Fiennes, they have all been pretty bad so far!


    Ahhh that explains your facebook countdown thing! :LOL:

  12. No idea. I'm hoping Nicole won't have seen it yet and will want to go next week when i'm back in Cardiff. Have you seen it yet?

  13. nah, it's just the best bit of cinema ever. :yesey:



  14. Don't torment me you lose! :phu:




  15. Booo!


    Well i'll look forward to it tomorrow then! :awesome:


    Considering I posted the last message on my wall and you still somehow responded, i'm already quite impressed for this evening! :LOL:

  16. Where's my video! :mad::supersad:





    EDIT: Wrong wall lol!

  17. It's right under the video in black writing, like a spoiler bar called "Statistics & Data" :p


    Wow! It says "#56 - Top Rated (Today) - Education" now, so i'm guessing some more people have rated it (although it still just says two votes to me!). :awesome: I'm guessing Education is an underpopulated area! :LOL:

  18. On my video under "Statistics" :p


    It only got 2 ratings though!


    EDIT: STOP PRESS! #96 - Top Rated (Today) - Education with 3 ratings! :awesome::LOL:

  19. Yay!


    My story got a youtube honour! #99 - Top Rated (Today) - Education :awesome:

  20. It better be! *shakes fist*

  21. Where's my story?! :awesome:

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