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static shadows

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Status Updates posted by static shadows

  1. Helena and Christina Ricci are the only actresses i've ever developed a crush for. :happy:


    Don't know! But I hope it's soon! Although apparently it might not be the Alice In Wonderland story, and just use the characters.. but as I know the story so well anyway it might add surprises if they do that so i'm not that fussed!

  2. I was in a similar state when I saw Helena





    Ok not the most attractive she's looked but still... :awesome:




  3. in a good or bad way?




    You would like the tea? :awesome:


  5. The man in the pink hat is amazing :LOL:!


    Not yet. It might be sunny on sunday though! :awesome:


    Why? :(

  6. Mud IS fun! But it doesn't make good soup. And I feel a craving for soup.


    I'll try not to! *licks* :happy: Any particular reason you needed a hug?

  7. IT WILL! ...possibly. It's magical! I just need to mix the first riffy bit slightly so it doesn't sound muddy and record some vocals. Which I shall then bury. :happy:





  8. Oh well. Whatever. Nevermind. Hello, hello, hello, heeellllo!




    I've spent today recording a new Neither Goat Nor Cow track. It is epic! :happy:

  9. It's been raining most of today here. But the sun's finally come out! Yay! :happy:


    You were Rick Rolled? :awesome:

  10. Yay! *waits for sun* :happy:


    Did you try to click it? :LOL:



    EDIT: Actually now you can click it:




    Static Shadows



  11. There's barely enough here. :( But it's sunny at the moment! :happy:



    Yes! See:


    firstnew.gifAurora marries mulled wine! (multipage.gif 1 2 3 4 5 ... Last Page)

    Static Shadows

  12. It is a good season. Especially when you get sun shining through the mist on a crisp morning. :happy:


    You DO!!

  13. Well you'll probably be in heaven here in autumn then. :LOL:


    It's hot spiced red wine, and is like a mouth orgasm! A mouthgasm! :D

  14. Reading! :awesome:


    Trust me English rain is nothing to get excited about! :LOL:


    Yay! :D I wonder if we could find hot mulled wine that early in the year!

  15. No idea! :awesome:


    Aww you'll leave the US in the fall and arrive in the UK in autumn. It'll be like another world. Full of rain and wind. :happy:

  16. only 2/3rds. Enough to make me slightly tipsy. :happy:

  17. Yay! Wine for all! I'm quite drunk on wine at the moment. :happy:

  18. Yay! Can I steal your aunt?! :happy:

  19. I AM THE AWESOME FACE! :awesome:


    Oh dear! :LOL:

  20. It was just having too awesome a time and failed basic health and safety precautions. :noey:


    wine n00b! :LOL::happy:

  21. Well it has a big enough mouth. It could even have swallowed it accidently!


    It is indeed! :D

  22. I'm highlighting the issue of swing safety! Never try to eat the seat! It will not digest well at all and you'll be caught up on the rope. A serious issue too few are aware of. :noey:


    ...I have wine! :awesome:

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