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static shadows

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Status Updates posted by static shadows

  1. Just posting in my thread now! :awesome:

  2. hehe! Drunk Aurora! :kiss::happy:


    EDIT at 22:30: the story is uploading, but it'll take 2 hours to upload!

  3. My camera disrupted my reading by flashing lack of space and memory at me halfway through :(, but I got some of the Legolas and Diana story read! :D

  4. *sends to cheer up*


    I'll try and get round to reading one of those stories too! :D

  5. Yay!


    ...I don't even want to know! :LOL:

  6. :LOL:! I've only read the first bit, but I already love it!


    I'll record it tomorrow! :D

  7. Ok, find me something and i'll read it!

  8. I like your sucky voice! :happy: <3

  9. Yay! I like your normal voice! :D


    ...actually didn't I marry your normal voice? :LOL::happy:

  10. I've already heard more than enough men coming on to me! :LOL:

  11. I said you're my Monkey Child! :happy:



    I meant to write 'lass' though! :LOL::facepalm:



    It is now! :awesome:

  12. Yes. For I am an evil Cockney my son! blademan.gif



    Noooooooooooo! :kiss:


  13. *wraps in blanket* :happy:

  14. I decided to give the Pandas a trial run, to see how we get on! Because they're cute. And strangely scary. :happy:


    I still have our beautiful crows safe in this box though:







  15. You need moose cunning to work it out!

  16. On your own head be it. Quite literally, as they may make you a sandwich hat. That's how cunning they are!

  17. Never ask a moose for a sandwich! You'll change it's sex! It's why you should never tremble with a newt.

  18. So cunning their schemes could slice a loaf of bread.

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