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Everything posted by matthijs

  1. Dude, happy birthday! We're still equal :p

  2. Finally I now know where I got The Hills Have Eyes songs from! I like this stuff too Looking forward to live videos
  3. Sure, you'll get a PM with my messenger

  4. *feeds Chlotastiqué some nice booze of choice*

  5. you might have forgotten that ;) anyways... mine's matthijs_quaijtaal at hot male dot com (yet... I'm off to bed now... getting my final eve of rest until the kids will wear me out...)


    Cya :kiss:

  6. well rather than spoiling the thread just saying hi here :) how've you been? I quite enjoy having holidays, mostly because i really really needed them.... and going on kamp with 42 kids tomorrow... which is.. tough shit probably! but looks good on my resume :awesome:


    so.. no bra ey... :eyebrows: I ain't wearing one either :D

  7. just wanted to say I'll be off this week. Enjoy it and have loads of booze!

  8. you're learning japanese? that's cool, but chinese will be more usefull in the long run I'm afraid :( yet I;m not into learning any... sorry.

    My English is only 'better' because I've learnt to pay attention. I'm sure that if you would be learning e.g. Dutch, you would be better at it, because you're aware of the rules (though, I'm good at it for Dutch standards)


    Italian food is the best food in the world; I've been on holiday in Italy for quite a few times now (the pic of me playing guitar in my 'myself' album was taken in Italy!) and I love it! I can see why Matt wants to live there :D


    Looking forward to see you online then! Cheers (now: bedtime... had enough booze for one night)


    NOTE: I posted this yesterday... but on my own page... says enough really :p

  9. Well most of my English I've learnt in the Netherlands (secondary school and my current education) and on the internet, but when I was little we had cartoon network... the subtitles would fall away all the time so I basically learnt English that way.

    I will probably teach in the Netherlands; I doubt I'd be able to teach English in England... Although it's a good second language to me, I'm not without flaws ;)


    Oh, you're seeing them there? I'm going to the Ahoy' Rotterdam gig! Can't wait (and as far as I know... loads of foreigners coming over! Some friends of mine from Russia too!)


    Guinness is pretty awesome, yet most people here don't like it (same with murpheys)!


    Wine is not good for getting drunk... but with the right meal it's great :) A nice wine with some italian food.. mm mm!!!


    Say.. you're never really on msn are you ;)?

  10. *hi 5's back* :D


    Well teaching... teaching... I try ;) I'm studying to become a teacher of English :rolleyes:


    And... well my fav booze would be beer :yesey:nothing beats a nice cool beer on a hot day! (nothing drinkable that is...)


    Uprising... not sure what to think of it as it sounds really like a collection of different songs... yet... amazing set opener, that's for sure! :D


    Oh, btw... what's yours?

  11. the critter is actually my avatar on MSN! wanna see :awesome:?


    *that almost sounded like a pervy man luring a child with candy*

  12. I'm a huge fan of Irish Coffee... especially when I come home from teaching during the winter... nothing beats an Irish Coffee then!


    I like Baileys but I don't drink it all too often... bit afraid of the chemical reactions it can supposedly do (like.. the 7up&Baileys thing)

  13. Haven't tried em all, but I like the dark taste of Guiness / Murpheys ^^


    How d'ya like whiskey / whisk(e)y + coffee (not provoking the irish/scottish coffee discussion)?

  14. aaaw thx :$


    Is that poor girl tortured by braces you? I've had them myself... really disliked it ... plus I need a splint at night cuz I appearantly jam my jaws together :( hope you'll be able to get rid of them soon :) you look nice yourself :)

  15. *gives a fecking Vodka & Coke*


    I usually drink Grolsch or Hertog Jan :awesome: Dutch beer ftw

  16. pokemon rules. Fact

  17. Oooh I'm having a beer :chuckle:

  18. wooo! Jaffa Cakes! yes I am now ^^ and you?

  19. oh you found me! added you a bit earlier... not sure if you are online ;)

  20. you may ;) I'll give msn a go ;)

  21. do we :eek: how did you find out? and... why when you're older? you can be an alcoholic every age :awesome:


    wait... I just noticed where you might have seen it :LOL:

    I'm still not very used to this whole museboard / facebook interface thing.

  22. dabble???? as in.. drink?


    Hell yeah :awesome:

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