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Everything posted by Phill

  1. I'm starting to think all the abuse i've given SIMS over the year was uncalled for. Seems like the problem could be more with the products themselves rather than with the application? That said, there's no excuse for handing over a finished item with a sub standard finish. If the problem is with the product then it's got to be down to the supplier/manufacturer to pay for the refinish, not the customer or the sprayer. ?
  2. As far as I'm aware it was just the stock nailbomb. I didn't ask for anything specific. Potentially could have been a magnet switch?
  3. Ha all I know if I've had both. Found the nailbomb to be very crisp and razor sharp but not really much character, kind of sterile sounding. The MBK2 was a little rawer sounding, more mids and more interesting character to the tone. Both pickups were in similar constructed guitars.
  4. They are definitely different to regular nailbombs. A lot more mid growl.
  5. I had them in my alloy Ibanez. No issues with volume jumps as far as I can remember.
  6. I like my tweaked shape best to be honest, it just seems more evenly proportioned.
  7. http://www.mansonguitars.co.uk/#!untitled/zoom/c6gt/image65k vs https://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/1013284_10151563433592091_1163346332_n.jpg I guess.
  8. I think you're being too modest Kev!
  9. Authentic - Wonky. Pleasant to look at - Straight. Personally I think the MB shape looks a lot better with a little shaved off the top horn and 10mm or so off the ass.
  10. But but but...there's loads of chrome hardware on it anyway! I admit, I prefer black or alloy XY surround, but I think mirror back plates look good.
  11. Can't believe how much better your photos are now. They look awesome! High 5 flash gun
  12. Promising indeed. Though if it was down to contamination would there be one area that worked well like that and no where else? Wouldn't it all be the same?
  13. throw enough delay on and you get away with anything!
  14. Try the general luthiery thread. Or AF Guitars thread. Or the Shattocaster thread
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