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Haha, well, it's actually my dream job to work for C3 Presents in Austin on Lollapalooza and ACL. :LOL: Or any festival really, but I'd love to at least intern with C3. For now, I'm interning with a music blog called The Vinyl District. So yeah, I have a vested interest in this stuff, not just as an attendee, but as someone who wants to work in this industry in the future. ;)

I'd kill to help book one of these major festivals. Or at least have a big part in the festival. I'd also love to own a venue, even if its a really small one. Or at least book for a venue. I'm helping out a local film and music festival right now book bands (Its going to be mostly local ones, but I'm trying to get them to get someone like GIVERS whose toured before, itd be awesome) and stuff though, so thats something.


Guiding Light on repeat 16 times?

Gotta throw in NSC after every 4 plays of GL to mix things up a bit.

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I'm helping out a local film and music festival right now book bands (Its going to be mostly local ones, but I'm trying to get them to get someone like GIVERS whose toured before, itd be awesome) and stuff though, so thats something.


How'd you get that job? And yes GIVERS, love them! I want a physical copy of their EP so badly, if you can find one in a local record store or something. :(

You should try to get some Houston or Austin artists or something. When is the thing?

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How'd you get that job? And yes GIVERS, love them! I want a physical copy of their EP so badly, if you can find one in a local record store or something. :(

You should try to get some Houston or Austin artists or something. When is the thing?

Oh, its not a job, I volunteered. They had a thing on their website for volunteering, not a whole lot of people did (the local music scene here isn't very big....I really wish it was). I knew more about the local music scene then most of the people involved so I told them I'd help them with finding bands (I'm not actually booking, just helping). And I'm hoping that GIVERS comes back by here soon if not by this thing, I want to see them badly, love their EP (big problem with finding a physical copy is that there are no record stores here...at least that i know of. Yeah, it kinda sucks. But if they come by again, they've played here before, then I'm sure they'd bring some copies to sell). They could totally headline this thing too, since most of the other acts we've been looking at are purely local while they've actually toured and opened for some relatively big bands


Its in late February. The big problem is that theres not a whole lot of money involved, its a non-profit thing, so theres not a ton of money to pay bands with. So mostly have to stick to local artists (Theres some really good ones though). I definitely know the Houston scene well and suggested a few artists from there. I don't know Austin near as well though, but that might be harder anyway because it'd probably cost more since they'd have a longer trip to make.

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Mind you having said that they won't break contract we are talking bout someone who cancelled interviews because of some earth shattering event (or rather cause he couldn't be arsed).

Im really hoping he can be arsed for lolla :p


Watch SA get a shit-ton of rarities and we get NSC and GL. Calling it now.

I can see that happening :facepalm:

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Yessssss, my dream gig is NSC and GL on rotation 16 times in a row. A step up for the back-to-back NSCs we got at the Wembley soundcheck. :p


NSC once would be bad enough...


But if we get a generic TR tour set, or your dream set, I'll try not to complain too much because at least I'm seeing them again! :LOL:

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NSC once would be bad enough...


But if we get a generic TR tour set, or your dream set, I'll try not to complain too much because at least I'm seeing them again! :LOL:


Oh come on. NSC even beat Starlight for best Muse song to sing to obnoxiously while completely wasted :D


I haven't heard NSC live so I would not mind it. It may be a fun crowd sing-a-long :LOL:

I've heard guiding light. It wasn't bad, it wasn't near Muse standards either. It was just a waste of setlist space (but I do love GL in it's own way)


I just want Dead Star.

That's the goal. They can play NSC a million times in a row but if I hear dead star once, I will be the happiest person on the planet.

Though, agreed. I don't exactly care what they play I just want to see them at least once this year (though I always say that and then when I get to the concert I'm always like "If they don't play at least one rarity I may loose the fucking plot" Luckily I've gotten MK Ultra and CE :D)

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Watch SA get a shit-ton of rarities and we get NSC and GL. Calling it now.


:fear: As much as I love my native Argentina, if they get Space Dementia or Fury or Dead Star or B&H or TaB AGAIN, while I only get the standard TR setlist...I will be absolutely furious. Especially if that Chilean newspaper is right and they play 90-minute sets before U2.



I'll see them anyway, though. PMS + I really want to be in this Muser meetup. :D


Also...I'd rather hear NSC once, than Guiding Light for the 3rd time. :p If we must pay for hearing Dead Star by enduring NSC...bring it on.

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