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Still tired and basically only looking forward to meeting Sian and Carla. Other than that, I kinda want to bury my head under a pillow and not come out at all :noey:


I'm reading everyone's euphoric posts from the gig (yes, even "the banter wankers" loved the gig, everyone is just "whoa, this was amazing!") and I feel like crying. Most of the gig is like a black hole, I remember little clips of it and some bits of emotion. Really hope it will come back to me afterwards. :erm:


A note to Wembley Stadium - next time, have a fucking second barrier! The crush was terrible even at the sounddesk, because everyone was pushing forward until there was no room left whatsoever and then they started pushing backwards into the people who were at the sounddesk barrier. And guess who was at Kirk's sounddesk? :awesome:


Basically, someone was trying to push their way through during Unnatural Selection, I had a steaming hot sweaty back pressed against my nose, couldn't breathe, panicked a bit, asked to be pulled out, wasn't able to even raise myself up a bit when the security was trying to lift me, the others helped me over the barrier and then I just remember the floor coming closer and closer and complete darkness for a moment.


Thank god the security was so nice, otherwise I would have been an even bigger mess. I got half-carried to the side and they let me sit on the barrier step until I felt better, but I felt so crappy and I was basically missing both encores, so I was a crying mess until the end of the gig and even after that. And now I can't remember much from the gig at all, apart from the encores I saw/heard through constant crying and gasping for breath. Fuck.


Sorry, had to get this out. Next time, when I'm feeling even a little bit that I should get out and find a place with more air to breathe - I should do it immediately, not wait unil I can't breathe at all. :facepalm: I ruined my gig. :(



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Still tired and basically only looking forward to meeting Sian and Carla. Other than that, I kinda want to bury my head under a pillow and not come out at all :noey:


I'm reading everyone's euphoric posts from the gig (yes, even "the banter wankers" loved the gig, everyone is just "whoa, this was amazing!") and I feel like crying. Most of the gig is like a black hole, I remember little clips of it and some bits of emotion. Really hope it will come back to me afterwards. :erm:


A note to Wembley Stadium - next time, have a fucking second barrier! The crush was terrible even at the sounddesk, because everyone was pushing forward until there was no room left whatsoever and then they started pushing backwards into the people who were at the sounddesk barrier. And guess who was at Kirk's sounddesk? :awesome:


Basically, someone was trying to push their way through during Unnatural Selection, I had a steaming hot sweaty back pressed against my nose, couldn't breathe, panicked a bit, asked to be pulled out, wasn't able to even raise myself up a bit when the security was trying to lift me, the others helped me over the barrier and then I just remember the floor coming closer and closer and complete darkness for a moment.


Thank god the security was so nice, otherwise I would have been an even bigger mess. I got half-carried to the side and they let me sit on the barrier step until I felt better, but I felt so crappy and I was basically missing both encores, so I was a crying mess until the end of the gig and even after that. And now I can't remember much from the gig at all, apart from the encores I saw/heard through constant crying and gasping for breath. Fuck.


Sorry, had to get this out. Next time, when I'm feeling even a little bit that I should get out and find a place with more air to breathe - I should do it immediately, not wait unil I can't breathe at all. :facepalm: I ruined my gig. :(


Aww...so sorry you didn´t have the best experience at Wembley...but that happens you know, not being able to remember the gig...but I guess after you watch some videos and stuff it gets back to you.


Did you get to see the wetsuit up close? :eyebrows:


Now, I hate that constant pushing back and forward as well :mad: Why do these suckers feel like crushing everyone on purpose, at least get the balls and do some serious moshing! Then when it´s over the madness stops and everyone is cool.

I got that at Rock in Rio too. Didn´t you had the chance to hit some sucker too? Too bad you lost your senses...I never do, cause my body usually takes that kinda crap pretty well, so back then I basically elbowed everyone who was pushing, I swear some people still remember the little girl turned into a mad, agressive human being by sunset :LOL: I didn´t get pulled out, but I felt my lungs shrinking for a moment...then I had to make my away back otherwise no Muse for me...:noey:





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Hey girls! :D


First day was the worst gig of my life seriously :noey: But the second night made up for it, best gig of my life! I cried so much during Bliss and CE :$

Sidebarrier Matt's side and we got a protesters flag and I got a setlist. :D

People around the stadium where asking me if I was the Twitpic girls and some random fan going home yesterday on the street at Kings Cross too :wtf: :wtf:


Matt saw our MuseAliens and Dom smiled an waved at us during MK Jam! :awesome:



uploading pictures at the moment :shifty:

First day is already on my Facebook :ninja:

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Aww...so sorry you didn´t have the best experience at Wembley...but that happens you know, not being able to remember the gig...but I guess after you watch some videos and stuff it gets back to you.


Did you get to see the wetsuit up close? :eyebrows:


Now, I hate that constant pushing back and forward as well :mad: Why do these suckers feel like crushing everyone on purpose, at least get the balls and do some serious moshing! Then when it´s over the madness stops and everyone is cool.

I got that at Rock in Rio too. Didn´t you had the chance to hit some sucker too? Too bad you lost your senses...I never do, cause my body usually takes that kinda crap pretty well, so back then I basically elbowed everyone who was pushing, I swear some people still remember the little girl turned into a mad, agressive human being by sunset :LOL: I didn´t get pulled out, but I felt my lungs shrinking for a moment...then I had to make my away back otherwise no Muse for me...:noey:



I didn't see much at all. :erm: The only time I saw something was when they were on the UFO and moved closer, the rest of the time I was just struggling to stay up. Why do people think they can just push the shorter ones aside? :fear: Thank god for Dore and Lilia, they were basically my saviours.


uploading pictures at the moment :shifty:

First day is already on my Facebook :ninja:

So close! :happy:

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I know. Ruled by Secrecy, Take a Bow, Bliss, CE, MK all the good stuff...:stunned :

Was Dom in his wetsuit again? :eyebrows :




i know! im so jealous :p

and i do hope so :eyebrows:


:'( I hate my life!




*hug* i wasnt there either :'(


Damn It I Dont want the flu Noww :fear : I hate It because im the only one in th family who doesn't have it....


hope you feel better soon :happy:


Hey girls!


First day was the worst gig of my life seriously :noey: But the second night made up for it, best gig of my life! I cried so much during Bliss and CE :$

Sidebarrier Matt's side and we got a protesters flag and I got a setlist. :D

People around the stadium where asking me if I was the Twitpic girls and some random fan going home yesterday on the street at Kings Cross too


Matt saw our MuseAliens and Dom smiled an waved at us during MK Jam! :awesome :



uploading pictures at the moment :shifty :

First day is already on my Facebook :ninja :


wow! bliss! i love that song so much :supersad:

how come the first day wasnt very good?

thats so cool getting that stuff and having dom wave at you :D

i shouted 'i love you dom' at manchester but i dont think he heard :indiff::LOL:

and that is such a good photo!

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Still tired and basically only looking forward to meeting Sian and Carla. Other than that, I kinda want to bury my head under a pillow and not come out at all :noey:


I'm reading everyone's euphoric posts from the gig (yes, even "the banter wankers" loved the gig, everyone is just "whoa, this was amazing!") and I feel like crying. Most of the gig is like a black hole, I remember little clips of it and some bits of emotion. Really hope it will come back to me afterwards. :



A note to Wembley Stadium - next time, have a fucking second barrier! The crush was terrible even at the sounddesk, because everyone was pushing forward until there was no room left whatsoever and then they started pushing backwards into the people who were at the sounddesk barrier. And guess who was at Kirk's sounddesk? :



Basically, someone was trying to push their way through during Unnatural Selection, I had a steaming hot sweaty back pressed against my nose, couldn't breathe, panicked a bit, asked to be pulled out, wasn't able to even raise myself up a bit when the security was trying to lift me, the others helped me over the barrier and then I just remember the floor coming closer and closer and complete darkness for a moment.


Thank god the security was so nice, otherwise I would have been an even bigger mess. I got half-carried to the side and they let me sit on the barrier step until I felt better, but I felt so crappy and I was basically missing both encores, so I was a crying mess until the end of the gig and even after that. And now I can't remember much from the gig at all, apart from the encores I saw/heard through constant crying and gasping for breath. Fuck.


Sorry, had to get this out. Next time, when I'm feeling even a little bit that I should get out and find a place with more air to breathe - I should do it immediately, not wait unil I can't breathe at all. :

facepalm: I ruined my gig. :




aww, I'm so sorry about that! :(

this reminds me of poland by the way, we didn't have a second barrier either and there were moments in which I thought I would faint.


Hey girls! :D


First day was the worst gig of my life seriously :noey: But the second night made up for it, best gig of my life! I cried so much during Bliss and CE :$

Sidebarrier Matt's side and we got a protesters flag and I got a setlist. :D

People around the stadium where asking me if I was the Twitpic girls and some random fan going home yesterday on the street at Kings Cross too :wtf: :wtf:


Matt saw our MuseAliens and Dom smiled an waved at us during MK Jam! :awesome:



uploading pictures at the moment :shifty:

First day is already on my Facebook :ninja:

oh my god that's absolutely awesome! :awesome:



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Muse needs a new server : rolleyes:


:stunned: yeah... me too


Hell yeah!




Still tired and basically only looking forward to meeting Sian and Carla. Other than that, I kinda want to bury my head under a pillow and not come out at all : noey:


I'm reading everyone's euphoric posts from the gig (yes, even "the banter wankers" loved the gig, everyone is just "whoa, this was amazing!") and I feel like crying. Most of the gig is like a black hole, I remember little clips of it and some bits of emotion. Really hope it will come back to me afterwards. : erm:


A note to Wembley Stadium - next time, have a fucking second barrier! The crush was terrible even at the sounddesk, because everyone was pushing forward until there was no room left whatsoever and then they started pushing backwards into the people who were at the sounddesk barrier. And guess who was at Kirk's sounddesk? : awesome:


Basically, someone was trying to push their way through during Unnatural Selection, I had a steaming hot sweaty back pressed against my nose, couldn't breathe, panicked a bit, asked to be pulled out, wasn't able to even raise myself up a bit when the security was trying to lift me, the others helped me over the barrier and then I just remember the floor coming closer and closer and complete darkness for a moment.


Thank god the security was so nice, otherwise I would have been an even bigger mess. I got half-carried to the side and they let me sit on the barrier step until I felt better, but I felt so crappy and I was basically missing both encores, so I was a crying mess until the end of the gig and even after that. And now I can't remember much from the gig at all, apart from the encores I saw/heard through constant crying and gasping for breath. Fuck.


Sorry, had to get this out. Next time, when I'm feeling even a little bit that I should get out and find a place with more air to breathe - I should do it immediately, not wait unil I can't breathe at all. : facepalm: I ruined my gig. ):



"imoutofpicnames" lol!


I am so sorry, next time you're at a stadium gig, try getting seated, maybe in the first ring or smth. I'm sure it will come back to you, amazing stuff like that don't just disappear from one's memory :yesey:


Even dreams could bring things afloat!


Hey girls! :D


First day was the worst gig of my life seriously : noey: But the second night made up for it, best gig of my life! I cried so much during Bliss and CE :$

Sidebarrier Matt's side and we got a protesters flag and I got a setlist. :D

People around the stadium where asking me if I was the Twitpic girls and some random fan going home yesterday on the street at Kings Cross too : wtf: : wtf:


Matt saw our MuseAliens and Dom smiled an waved at us during Wankdorf Jam! :awesome:




Edited post a bit :ninja:


Come on! It can't be the worst! It was like a rerun of SdF but it was awesome anyway!

And the secong night! I have no words to explain he jealousy now! But I'm happier for you, you got the experience of a lifetime :awesome:



up close? I've seen more yesterday than I wanted to :stunned: During the jam not only his bum was shaking :stunned::stunned:

And we were like 2m away from that.


Stef! Mental images dammit! I wish I would have been there to see it. :facepalm:


This place is so dead. : supersad:




*falls off chair*

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I swear that's like the sexiest pic I've ever seen. I am utterly speechless. Totally devastated.


Hey! How are you?



It's one of my favourites too! He looked his best during Absolution time, in my opinion :yesey:


I'm alright, just terribly bored :( How are you?



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Too much :stunned:


Thanks! Last weekend I drew the Plug in Baby aliens as a poster to hang on my wall, since it's very non-musey and empty :shifty:



The walls in my new flat are also very white and empty :( I'm planning to draw something too :shifty:




God, I'm listening to Muse again after so long, I love it :happy:

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The walls in my new flat are also very white and empty :( I'm planning to draw something too :shifty:




God, I'm listening to Muse again after so long, I love it :happy:


New flat! I so forgot you were moving into a new one! Do you like it? You should definitely draw or paint something :awesome:


I completely understand :rolleyes: I haven't touched my iPod in "ages" :supersad:

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New flat! I so forgot you were moving into a new one! Do you like it? You should definitely draw or paint something :awesome:


I completely understand :rolleyes: I haven't touched my iPod in "ages" :supersad:


Yeah :awesome: I was thinking of painting the Absolution shadows on one small wall by the window...the owner doesn't need to know :ninja:


Why not? Are you too busy studying? :supersad:



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Yeah :awesome: I was thinking of painting the Absolution shadows on one small wall by the window...the owner doesn't need to know :ninja:


Why not? Are you too busy studying? :supersad:




:awesome:! That or the OoS poles, they're the easiest ones :rolleyes:


Busy in general, not necessarily studying :chuckle: and now the bus ride's too shot to listen to a good amount of epic songs :supersad:



Goodnight :supersad::kiss:

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:awesome:! That or the OoS poles, they're the easiest ones :rolleyes:


Busy in general, not necessarily studying :chuckle: and now the bus ride's too shot to listen to a good amount of epic songs :supersad:



Goodnight :supersad::kiss:


But I would have to paint the whole wall orange and I don;t think it would look that good :noey:


Oh, you'll find time :yesey:


Goodnight! :kiss:

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