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Brisbane Entertainment Centre, Are you going?  

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Any tips for a 20 year old female not being trampled? Lol, kinda going by myself to the 6th Dec show...my friends aren't into Muse (one day i will disown them) and I've got GA standing. Kinda freaking out but still can't wait either cos this'll be first time i see Muse, missed them last few times :)


Get to the barrier, you can't get trampled there.

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Any tips for a 20 year old female not being trampled? Lol, kinda going by myself to the 6th Dec show...my friends aren't into Muse (one day i will disown them) and I've got GA standing. Kinda freaking out but still can't wait either cos this'll be first time i see Muse, missed them last few times :)


Sharpen your elbows and don't be afraid to use them.

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Any tips for a 20 year old female not being trampled? Lol, kinda going by myself to the 6th Dec show...my friends aren't into Muse (one day i will disown them) and I've got GA standing. Kinda freaking out but still can't wait either cos this'll be first time i see Muse, missed them last few times :)


i was thinking about hanging back, so i don't get hurt, but it's probably safer on the barrier anyway, if you die, there's security to pull you out :LOL:

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Haha cheers!! :D How early is everyone getting there??


You'll be fine, there are some people on here that are 14! Not mentioning any names. haha.

But if you get to the barrier, and I mean, right on it, you can chill there, but 2 people back from the barrier, and its intense.


I'm probs getting there on the 6th at 12, or 1, or 2. ahah.

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You'll be fine, there are some people on here that are 14! Not mentioning any names. haha.

*smug face*


But if you get to the barrier, and I mean, right on it, you can chill there, but 2 people back from the barrier, and its intense.


I'm probs getting there on the 6th at 12, or 1, or 2. ahah.


yeah, i'll probably be getting there at 1 or 2.

aaand i think we should just stick to one thread.

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If I end up going on the 6th and get GA, then I would just show up later, maybe 6 or 7. I'm not too fussed about barrier. Then again, I might just go with silver seating. Or not go at all. I don't know.


It really would make more sense and be less confusing to open another thread, but we don't even need to do it until the day of the concert really. Even so, there is nothing stopping everyone continuing to post in this thread anyway. We don't have to be segregated based on which gig we are attending.

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Hahaha, today I hung out with my sister who is seeing muse with me, and we ended spending the whole day talking about them! She's going way overboard for the show, shes bought crazy coloured hair extensions and these cool laser finger things to wear lol! I suppose I can't taalk though, seeing as I've bought a whole bunch of random glowsticks and even made a sign for them! Even mum is softening up to them, and is suggesting bringing deck chairs for when we're waiting in the line... My sis doesn't know many muse songs, so she's promised me that she will spend all of tonight listening to a playlist of all the muse songs she can find, and reading my muse book that I lent to her... She's trying to one up me in the fannage department, which won't happen till she gets on here haha!!

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Hahaha, today I hung out with my sister who is seeing muse with me, and we ended spending the whole day talking about them! She's going way overboard for the show, shes bought crazy coloured hair extensions and these cool laser finger things to wear lol! I suppose I can't taalk though, seeing as I've bought a whole bunch of random glowsticks and even made a sign for them! Even mum is softening up to them, and is suggesting bringing deck chairs for when we're waiting in the line... My sis doesn't know many muse songs, so she's promised me that she will spend all of tonight listening to a playlist of all the muse songs she can find, and reading my muse book that I lent to her... She's trying to one up me in the fannage department, which won't happen till she gets on here haha!!


:LOL::LOL::LOL: i should definently get glow sticks! i'm considering bringing something to make lining up more comfortable, but i want it to be cheap so i can ditch it :D

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Hahaha, today I hung out with my sister who is seeing muse with me, and we ended spending the whole day talking about them! She's going way overboard for the show, shes bought crazy coloured hair extensions and these cool laser finger things to wear lol! I suppose I can't taalk though, seeing as I've bought a whole bunch of random glowsticks and even made a sign for them! Even mum is softening up to them, and is suggesting bringing deck chairs for when we're waiting in the line... My sis doesn't know many muse songs, so she's promised me that she will spend all of tonight listening to a playlist of all the muse songs she can find, and reading my muse book that I lent to her... She's trying to one up me in the fannage department, which won't happen till she gets on here haha!!


You should post a pic of the sign! My sister is always competing with me to be the biggest fan. Never gonna happen though, her favourite song is Neutron Shit Collision.

And, has anyone worked out what we're taking/wearing to recognise Messageboarders on the night?

35 DAYS! :dance:

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:LOL::LOL::LOL: i should definently get glow sticks! i'm considering bringing something to make lining up more comfortable, but i want it to be cheap so i can ditch it :D


yeah, some cheap under $20 deckchairs or something... or just bring an old foam mattress LOL

mm glowsticks ftw! the ones i got are really cool, they have wire inside them so you can bend them into whatever shape or bend it into a necklace or wrist cuff... pretty handy!



You should post a pic of the sign! My sister is always competing with me to be the biggest fan. Never gonna happen though, her favourite song is Neutron Shit Collision.

And, has anyone worked out what we're taking/wearing to recognise Messageboarders on the night?

35 DAYS! :dance:


haha yeah i already posted a pic abuot 5 pages back... maybe more. I can post it again when i get home to save you looking if you want.

LOL, my sister's fave is Supermassive :facepalm: but oh well, she's a fan nevertheless...

HAHA supermassive facepalm... epic!

Yeah i dunno, still gotta come up with some decent ideas... wristbands? like, a certain colour piece of cloth or something? it'd be hard to spot, though. hmm... i still like the cape idea :LOL:

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Awesome sign! And i fully endorse the Bliss one that someone mentioned!


One thread's enough, we need to stick together :p



i think about a week before the gig, we should split threads, so if we want to meet, we don't get confused about days. but now one is good :)

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Having an English exam! That's not much of a celebration though.

Maybe I should skip school? :p


haha, man that sucks! skip school yeah :D my last week of school is going to be amazing.


sunday - muse

monday - muse recovery

tuesday - day of school without classes

wednesday - dreamworld

thursday & friday - at home.


sunday & monday are still going to be the greatest :LOL:

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School finishes on the 26th for me.


But the week muse is in will be the best

2nd Dec: My birthday (same as Chris's, just saying :awesome: )

5th: Muse :awesome: x2

9th: U2 :awesome:

Every other day: Exploring Brisbane!


haha, your beats mine. even though i'm not a huge fan of U2, that show will be freaking amazing. the stadium set up is like WOOOOAH.

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Friday: Airport stalking:ninja:

Saturday: Preparation

Sunday: Muse :D

Monday: Muse :D

Rest of week: Post Muse Gig Depression :(


hahaha, it acutally will be depressing afterwards, i haven't thought of it yet. want to meet up and do some stalking after the gig? :LOL:

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