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Stockholm 21 July, CANCELLED?


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Was going through my inbox today as any other day, only to find the sad message that says the gig with Muse in Stockholm (Zinkensdamm IP) on 21st of July is cancelled. This is of course very disappointing for me and my two friends who have planned for this concert for several months, but what's more is that I can't find everywhere WHY the concert is being cancelled! Is it because they couldnt sell enough tickets, or because Muse doesn't want to come to Stockholm again? I don't really understand, so I would gladly take an explanation. Maybe that will help me cope with the fact that I'm not going to see my favourite band this summer :(



Johan Eddeland of Sweden

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My face looked like this :stunned: for about 5 minutes when reading the mail over and over again. This would've been my third time seeing Muse, I had booked train tickets, the concert tickets and had thoroughly planned the stay in Stockholm. And now this.


What the shit? And the reason to why it was cancelled? "Due to unforseen circumstances"? What the shit does that mean?

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WHAT THE HELL? We were planning to come from Germany. I'm crying. Could someome translate the mail into English please?




We regret to inform you that the concert July 21 2010, Zinkensdammens IP with Muse - has been cancelled because of unforeseen circumstances.


Then there's just a shitload of info how you can return your tickets to get your refunds.



Really, really, really frustrating.

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"Unforseen circumstances"...? :noey: Hopefully they'll give you guys a better reason at some point!

I hope so too although I wasn't going to this gig, but this is just so unlike Muse. :erm: I really hope it's not money disagreements.

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At first I thought the mail was some sort of a hoax.

I've been listening to Muse for years and this would be the first time I'd get to see them live.

This also happened to be my birthday gift from my awesome mum and the first concert my boyfriend and I would attend together.


But that doesn't really matter.

I'm just upset beyond recognition right now because I'm not gonna see one of the greatest bands I know and it upsets me even more that there is no explanation what so ever as to why the concert has been cancelled.


This was THE day of this year that I've been looking forward to the most.

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At first I thought the mail was some sort of a hoax.

I've been listening to Muse for years and this would be the first time I'd get to see them live.

This also happened to be my birthday gift from my awesome mum and the first concert my boyfriend and I would attend together.


But that doesn't really matter.

I'm just upset beyond recognition right now because I'm not gonna see one of the greatest bands I know and it upsets me even more that there is no explanation what so ever as to why the concert has been cancelled.


This was THE day of this year that I've been looking forward to the most.



I feel so sorry for you!

At least I'm still going to Roskilde. But still! Now I've paid for an unrefundable flight to Stockholm, when I could be going to Wembley instead.

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