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I dreamed that Matt Bellamy was teamed up with Billie Joe Armstrong on a Norwegian show called Beat for Beat... A singing "contest"(it's more for entertainment than winning, since everyone only gets flowers anyway xD) with 4 different, famous, norwegian guests every week. But some times they pick up some foreigners xD And that is what I dreamed...


Matt and Billie didn't work so well as a team...

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I had a really stupid dream involving Muse the other day and I laughed so hard when I woke up I thought I had to share it...


At first my dream had nothing to do with Muse, I was buying candies at a market (yeah actually I dream quite often about buying or eating candies which is really silly but whatever...) , so as I was buying those candies I saw Matt and Dom coming towards me, I was with a friend and I told her something like "I'd better hide my candies or Dom is going to eat every of them", and then they started running very fast towards I don't know where and my friend said smth like "We should follow them, it must be an enigma..." (You know my brain was probably confounding with the USOE treasure hunt thing) , so we starded running after them, and at a point they disappeared , but then me and my friend heard a sort of siren song (you know a bit like in Harry Potter and the goblet of fire when Harry's in the black lake...whatever) and then we realised that it was Matt who was singing (he had a female voice but for some reason it didn't suprise me...) and we found that Matt and Dom were hidden behind a wall, they were sitting on the floor one beside the other, completely naked, with just a fig leaf you know where... and then I woke up and laughed....

That's insane! :LOL:

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I had a horrible dream last night! :eek:


A couple of friends and I were all at this house party. I can’t remember all that much but the band were there and I was talking to Chris. I then went into a room and saw my friend was sitting next to Matt who was lying, eyes closed, on a bed. I asked if he was alright but my friend didn’t know.

I put hands on his chest over his heart .... and I couldn’t feel it beating.:stunned:

I freaked and tried to pump his chest like they did in movies, but I didn’t know how to do CPR properly so my friend took over. I left the room and called to my other friend telling her to call medics.

I stood there just praying he’d be okay. My friend came back and told me no medics could come because they were all in exams (:wtf:) I got angry and demanded she call an ambulance.

She said she had but they told her there was ‘no point in coming, if his heart wasn’t beating there wasn’t anything they could do’.

‘So he’s dead?’ I asked in disbelief, my friend nodded. I distinctly remembered hoping it was a dream but knowing in my heart that it was real and crying :supersad:.

I went back into the bedroom and began to sing (:wtf:) Overture and Blackout in memory of Matt. Then, weirdly the whole room begun to sing KoC and during the breakdown, I swear I saw Matt open his eyes…

Then I woke up….:chuckle: the awesome KoC riff brought matty back to life!

Edited by Psyche
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ah, had a silly one :chuckle:

dreamt that Matt was trying to make breakfast, and I kept demanding that he make me some boiled eggs. but everytime he tried to cook one, when he opened it it was still uncooked so he had to keep restarting. I got impatient and told him to hurry the fuck up and he got angry and threw a spoon at me and it wacked me on the forehead. then he climbed out my kitchen window. :LOL:.

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ah, had a silly one :chuckle:

dreamt that Matt was trying to make breakfast, and I kept demanding that he make me some boiled eggs. but everytime he tried to cook one, when he opened it it was still uncooked so he had to keep restarting. I got impatient and told him to hurry the fuck up and he got angry and threw a spoon at me and it wacked me on the forehead. then he climbed out my kitchen window. :LOL:.

:chuckle: You should have asked for some pasta and chicken ;)


I had a rather disturbing dream. Fortunately I don't remember much about it, but I was trapped in a big building filled with pedophiles (even though I shouldn't be considered pedobait anymore :p) and ran a lot on the stairs and through the corridors to find a place to hide. I finally found an empty room and hid behind an armchair, but then the door opened and three men came in. Matt was the first one and he had the creepiest expression on his face and did that maniac-laughter as he was walking towards me, long fingers stretched out. One of the scariest moments I've had in dreams for a loooong time.


Dreams like that usually bother me a lot more, but that particular one just makes me laugh, because it was just too silly :LOL:

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speaking of silly, I think I never dreamed about Muse before but last night I dreamed that me and my friend were at a Muse gig, weird enough it wasn't crowded at all, we were sitting in front of the barrier!? then it even became weirder cause a whole bunch of kids, between 6 and 10 years old were also at the gig, showing up some Disney posters! they even had somebody with them who told them when to cheer! :LOL:

a little boy told me afterwards that they were going to see Eric Clapton play next week!

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speaking of silly, I think I never dreamed about Muse before but last night I dreamed that me and my friend were at a Muse gig, weird enough it wasn't crowded at all, we were sitting in front of the barrier!? then it even became weirder cause a whole bunch of kids, between 6 and 10 years old were also at the gig, showing up some Disney posters! they even had somebody with them who told them when to cheer! :LOL:

:eek: the future of Muse gigs!



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Guest Sarah-x

i dreamt once that i was in a hall waiting for muse to play live.. they come on.. but with no instruments they start dancing round in a circle holding hands and then dom starts playing the bagpipes...:LOL:

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Guest Sarah-x
I would love to see that! :LOL:


it was really werid think bout it now but i remeber in the dream being dead happy when the bagpipes were brought out haha... omg muse should but bagpipes in their next songs!! i have just founded the future of muse yey :LOL:

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I had a dream a few nights ago, where I was on a panel show, between Chris Addison and Dara O'Briain with Jonathan Ross hosting and Muse were the live band. Chris and Dara were answering questions in a banter-like fashion.

Then Muse played a cover of a new indie song (I can't remember its name), then came over to where Chris and Dara were sat in complete silence with a certain amount of shyness. Jonathan commentated their actions as they made a structure out of wooden blocks (whilst holding them they were the size of Duplo, but once assembled they were coffin-sized). Matt was very timid and didn't really know what to do; leaving it to Dom who, according to Jonathan, "had a great eye for this sort of thing". Chris applied masking tape to hold the structure together, then set it on fire (he was trying to blend it together). It created some acrid-smelling smoke and the whole studio was set alight. I was walking through part of the structure at the time, so I didn't know where the exit was. Someone told me to follow their voice, but I didn't know which direction they were in. Not sure if I got out or not in the end...

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:eek: my gig is in 5 days and this is the kind of dreams I have … :facepalm:


I dreamed I was in the barrier at my first muse gig, and I was very happy, but they were really late.

Then, when they arrived, the stage was really small and weird and they started to play songs, but it wasn’t muse songs. Then, after some silly songs, some children started to appear to dance and Matt was dancing with them, and that is when I thought “wtf this doesn’t make sense :wtf:” and I was getting really sad. While Matt and the kids were dancing, Dom got in the front of the stage to play with uh… paper is spiral form? :LOL: seriously, don’t ask… and he sat on the stage. I then look at my left and see one friend of mine who don’t like Muse and she was like “ohh OHHH DOM! CAN I GO TAKE A PHOTO WITH YOU NOW? PLEASE? LOVE YOU GUYS!” and thought “..but she doesn’t even like Muse…wtf :stunned: “ and he smiled, so the security guys took her out of the audience and I started to say “oh ffs! IM A REAL FAN! I want to go too! TAKE ME OUT OF HERE!” and the security helped me, and when I go to Dom after the photo with my friend, he smiled at me, took my hand, started to snuggle it and started to look at me with sexy eyes and a smirk and I was like “:$ shit…. Uh..uh..uh..” and I got teleported to the back of the arena and I woke up :stunned:



:facepalm: I hope a muse gig is not like that :erm:

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I had a dream last night that I went to a muse gig in france I think somewhere and met up with my old housemate (she doesnt even like muse) Then after the gig we waited for them but no one turned up so in the morning we went to the hotel they were staying in and waited.


Eventually matt and dom came out, signed a cd i had brought with me and then came out for photos. I just remember really vividly that matt was wearing that white t shirt with the black bird motif and it was really soft :s I didnt know if it was ok to get photos but the guys were both like 'yeah come over and have a photo' :happy: Also the cd they signed wasnt a song they had done but it had all their photos on it and was official, matt even said 'ah yeah i remember this one, cool' so it must have been an oldie or something. Not the most thrilling dream but i was incredibley happy nonetheless so much so I had to remind myself i was dreaming

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omg! When I saw this thread I was thinking, pffew I'm not the only one haha. I dreamed that I was on holidays with Matt, Dom and Chris. Somehow Chris broke his leg with skieing and Dom was cuddling him haha!


Sweet dreams :LOL:


And I had really long hair which I dont have in real life lol, dreams are strange!

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My Dream was a bit strange but i loved it! :D

I dreamed that i was sleeping backstage before they came on stage, i watched the whole concert and got to spend some time with the boys afterwards! We had a great time :D but then i had to go and Dom gave me his pants as a farewell gift :LOL: and i woke up

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My dreams make no sense. :LOL: last night it started with me and my friend in a car, and we saw Dom walking and I said 'Oh, we must be close!' then next thing I am in computer class and Matt is the teacher. there were screens everywhere and Matt loaded up this picture of himself on them and said 'As you can see, this is a picture of Matt.' and I was just sitting thinking 'wtf, he's Matt. why is he referring to himself in third person?' then next thing me and my friend were playing hide and seek under the computer tables (wtf :LOL:) then the dream changed to me at my aunties. she had ornament things coming out of the ground in her garden, so i was like 'ooh thats like the uprising cover!' so i tried to get a picture but then all of a sudden I was auditioning for the x factor and i got through and won. see? makes no sense :LOL:

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Another muse dream.

I was coming back home and opened my bedroom door and matt was there lying on my bed like one of those depressed teenage boys in movies.. I wasnt surprised and sat down at my desk and was doing my homework or something, then matt started to sing 'Don't Stop Me Now' by Queen while accompanying the song with like whistles and clicks in between. I got really irritated and asked him to stop and he just kept on giggling and singing and then i got really angry and chucked a pencil at him. But then he caught it and started tapping it on the window sill. Then he stopped and said, 'take a chill pill, dudette, take a chill pill'. Then Dom appeared and gave Matt this scarf saying he left it at school.



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I had a "Muse board" dream :stunned:

I was flying somewhere with my sister and we had the whole plane to ourselves. From the inside, the plane looked more like a house - it had rooms and beds etc. We were alone, sitting on a sofa (no pilot either!), but from nowhere came StewarDom who served us food and brought snacks and then went away - don't know where, cause (s)he wasn't anywhere on the plane anymore.


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