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the only muse dream i ever had was one when i went to school we were waitin 4 our p.e teacher in the changin room, she said she had a suprise for us and we went into the gymn which suddenly looked like the set-up for the hyper music video, and me and a load of randomers (that're not in my class) were the crowd in the hyper music video and they played that song then i woke up...


In my wildest dreams :(

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I didn't have this dream, my mother did, but she gave me permission to post it on here.


It started out her and I were walking down a highway and Matt and Dom were driving along, she noticed it was them and stuck her thumb out and they pulled over and invited us in. Then they drove us to where we lived (was actually my grandmother's house) and Matt was talking to someone on a mobile phone and said he invited someone over. A few minutes later, Ricky Wilson of the Kaiser Chiefs shows up and he and my mother go out in the backyard where there was this big blue-green lagoon thing. Matt, Dom and I were still inside hanging out. Ricky was trying to flirt with my mother and she told him that she was like an aunt to him and he was too young for her (she's 47) and he was trying to throw her into the lagoon. A few minutes later, the boys and I go into the backyard and we all continue hanging out, lol.

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Guest QueenOfNerds

Had a couple of general negative ones lately, involving them laughing at me in the background :(

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Had an epic dream that I met Morgan Nicholls last night.


If you know me, you know I love Morgan, and that's why it was epic. :awesome: He's so cool. I barely remember it though, which is sad.


Had a couple of general negative ones lately, involving them laughing at me in the background :(


awww you guys. :(



Laura in your next dream you should get revenge!! I know you can't control what you dream, but I've found that there are times where I can influence things in my dreams to happen. ^^ Give it a whirl!


Rainy...sorry you couldn't remember much but hey at least you know it was epic! :awesome: I am officially scared of Morgan though...I never want him in my dreams again. :erm:

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the only muse dream i ever had was one when i went to school we were waitin 4 our p.e teacher in the changin room, she said she had a suprise for us and we went into the gymn which suddenly looked like the set-up for the hyper music video, and me and a load of randomers (that're not in my class) were the crowd in the hyper music video and they played that song then i woke up...


In my wildest dreams :(


If you don't mind me asking, where is that kecking epic quote in your sig from? :chuckle:

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haha, I had another muse dream last night/morning:D

All right it starts off I woke up in matts room (so far, so good right?) haha ...on the floor. But the thing was I distinctly remembered falling alseep at my house... in australia.

So Im there freaking out coz I can't work out how I got to England when matt wakes up and Im really scared hes going to accuse me of being some creepy stalker that I pretend not to know who he is:rolleyes: Hes pretty nice about it and takes me downstairs where he 'introduces' me to dom and tom and we sit and drink lemon tea (?).

I remember being all worried about my family realizing I wasnt at home... but then matt assured me that it wouldnt happen because not only was I transported to England I was transported into the past and it was 2007. So my 2009 self was still at home (WTF??)

*I cant remember much from then on* But I do remember matt driving me to devon to drop me off at my cousins house who would somehow get me home.... and thats it

... so not as epic as my dreams usually go


(I actually do have a cousin in devon who actually went to the same school as muse- same year as chris!!... needless to say she's my favourite cousin!):LOL:

Edited by Psyche
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I had a muse dream for the first time in a long time the night before last!!


I was listening to a song from The Resistance on the radio (though i was watching the video on a screen (lolwut??) but it was aweful, it was all chavvy and dancey rubbish, and i was thinking to myself, "this is it i officially no longer like Muse anymore, how can Bellamy let me down like this?? at least we got our 14minute "symphony", pity its crap" and the song went on for like 2 hours of the same dance music over and over.

then it all changed and i was in the sea with matt, dom and chris and we were all trying to drown matt and dom and chris were furious because the record lable had dropped them and a ban had been put on them so they could no longer write any music for the rest of their lives, and matt was screaming at us to stop it and he didnt mean to go behind their backs and write the album by himself, as chris and dom had no idea that matt had written an album and relised it without their imput. Then the scene changed again and me and chris was sat on the beach and dom was wrapping up matts body in a tarpulin weighted with rocks and chris was crying because he had no other way of bringing money in to feed his kids and wife, and he was telling me that teignmouth council had evicted them from their house and a lynch mob had chased them out of town saying they would kill them if they ever returned and that Muse was a disgrace to the community.


then my boyfriend woke me up


all in all a very bizzare dream yet highly amusing at the same time! :LOL:

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I had a muse dream for the first time in a long time the night before last!!


I was listening to a song from The Resistance on the radio (though i was watching the video on a screen (lolwut??) but it was aweful, it was all chavvy and dancey rubbish, and i was thinking to myself, "this is it i officially no longer like Muse anymore, how can Bellamy let me down like this?? at least we got our 14minute "symphony", pity its crap" and the song went on for like 2 hours of the same dance music over and over.

then it all changed and i was in the sea with matt, dom and chris and we were all trying to drown matt and dom and chris were furious because the record lable had dropped them and a ban had been put on them so they could no longer write any music for the rest of their lives, and matt was screaming at us to stop it and he didnt mean to go behind their backs and write the album by himself, as chris and dom had no idea that matt had written an album and relised it without their imput. Then the scene changed again and me and chris was sat on the beach and dom was wrapping up matts body in a tarpulin weighted with rocks and chris was crying because he had no other way of bringing money in to feed his kids and wife, and he was telling me that teignmouth council had evicted them from their house and a lynch mob had chased them out of town saying they would kill them if they ever returned and that Muse was a disgrace to the community.


then my boyfriend woke me up


all in all a very bizzare dream yet highly amusing at the same time! :LOL:


:LOL: Funny but sad at the same time!

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I had a muse dream for the first time in a long time the night before last!!


I was listening to a song from The Resistance on the radio (though i was watching the video on a screen (lolwut??) but it was aweful, it was all chavvy and dancey rubbish, and i was thinking to myself, "this is it i officially no longer like Muse anymore, how can Bellamy let me down like this?? at least we got our 14minute "symphony", pity its crap" and the song went on for like 2 hours of the same dance music over and over.

then it all changed and i was in the sea with matt, dom and chris and we were all trying to drown matt and dom and chris were furious because the record lable had dropped them and a ban had been put on them so they could no longer write any music for the rest of their lives, and matt was screaming at us to stop it and he didnt mean to go behind their backs and write the album by himself, as chris and dom had no idea that matt had written an album and relised it without their imput. Then the scene changed again and me and chris was sat on the beach and dom was wrapping up matts body in a tarpulin weighted with rocks and chris was crying because he had no other way of bringing money in to feed his kids and wife, and he was telling me that teignmouth council had evicted them from their house and a lynch mob had chased them out of town saying they would kill them if they ever returned and that Muse was a disgrace to the community.


then my boyfriend woke me up


all in all a very bizzare dream yet highly amusing at the same time! :LOL:


OH my goodness!! dreams of killing matt!? A lynch mob after chris?! More like a nightmare!! That was such a crazy depressing but kinda cool nightmare!

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I had a muse dream for the first time in a long time the night before last!!


I was listening to a song from The Resistance on the radio (though i was watching the video on a screen (lolwut??) but it was aweful, it was all chavvy and dancey rubbish, and i was thinking to myself, "this is it i officially no longer like Muse anymore, how can Bellamy let me down like this?? at least we got our 14minute "symphony", pity its crap" and the song went on for like 2 hours of the same dance music over and over.

then it all changed and i was in the sea with matt, dom and chris and we were all trying to drown matt and dom and chris were furious because the record lable had dropped them and a ban had been put on them so they could no longer write any music for the rest of their lives, and matt was screaming at us to stop it and he didnt mean to go behind their backs and write the album by himself, as chris and dom had no idea that matt had written an album and relised it without their imput. Then the scene changed again and me and chris was sat on the beach and dom was wrapping up matts body in a tarpulin weighted with rocks and chris was crying because he had no other way of bringing money in to feed his kids and wife, and he was telling me that teignmouth council had evicted them from their house and a lynch mob had chased them out of town saying they would kill them if they ever returned and that Muse was a disgrace to the community.


then my boyfriend woke me up


all in all a very bizzare dream yet highly amusing at the same time! :LOL:


Blasphemy, ye shall be smite where you stand!

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:LOL: Funny but sad at the same time!


OH my goodness!! dreams of killing matt!? A lynch mob after chris?! More like a nightmare!! That was such a crazy depressing but kinda cool nightmare!

:D you didnt hear the way matt was screaming!! that was kinda funny in a weird way

Blasphemy, ye shall be smite where you stand!


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wow thats such an epic crazy dream! :LOL:

wierd dream on Wednesday night:

Matt was sitting by himself in a cafe so i ran up to him asking for his autograph and he gave me it then said "would you like to buy a puncho?"wtf? n then his table turned into a stall n he was all "buy 1 get 1 free!" i left the cafe n noticed these massive flashin arrows, followed them to a greenhouse (huh?) n found a crazy lady yelling "we must get Bells back, he has become a salesman n teacher! :( need muse back!"

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I've only had one Muse dream...


My friend (Jess) and I were staying at this hotel and she was leaving up a flight of stairs which Matt was coming down. Jess said hi to Matt but then left, so I asked him for an autograph. I handed him this poster thing I had in my hand and then went into any other room in search of a permanent marker. When I couldn't find one were I had apparently last put it I got really mad and started yelling :LOL: Then Matt comes in all embarrassed and says he took it. Suddenly we both just start laughing.


The scene then changes to Matt and I having a conversation on a white couch with Chris and Dom sitting at a table. Matt and I have this really great conversation which I've completely forgotten now but it was awesome. Then Matt randomly gets up, points his finger in the air and says 'I've got a brilliant idea, lets go clubing!'

so we all go out clubing then I unfortunately woke up. :LOL: was funny though

Edited by niky_e
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i never remember my dreams but last night i had a dream that i went to the big day out and i didnt know they where going to be there but they where! annd the sound was stuffed up so they couldnt play any songs but then matt and i got a photo :D

good dream.

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Guest QueenOfNerds

I am anxious about getting tickets cause I had a weird dream about it last night.


I dreamt that I had to pay in melon slices:erm:

And when it came to the actual show, they had a parade based around turnips :confused:

I am not sure what turnips have to do with Muse!

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I sleep to HAARP to induce seeing-Muse-live-dreaming. Last night I had a dream that I got a private concert on Cydonia. I, for some odd reason, was playing the cello with a bunch of the songs. When they played SMBH a supermassive black hole sucked up Mars (sorta like what happened in the new Star Trek movie) and Matt was like "Beam me up Scottie" and then we were somewhere else. Matt then played something really lovely on the piano and when I woke up I could not remember any of the tune. Why must my subconscious tease me? :supersad:



I just remembered a good one. I had a dream all of the disfigured people from the feeling good music video were coming at me or climbing the walls like they did in the music video. It was one of those dreams that I have when I'm half-awake and I have my eyes open looking around my room but the freaky people were still there climbing my walls and edging towards my bed. Then my alarm went off... it is one of those old-fahioned ones witht eh bells and the mallet. It was clashing with the song I had on (sleep to HAARP) and that was the only reason I woke up that morning.


... That one was just creepy.

Edited by star-lit-newborn
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This was a really confusing dream I had a while ago.


There was a poster in our front door about Muse doing a tour in Mars. I got really terrified, 'cause I didn't have any tickets. I just smashed the door with my superpowers and it created this massive wave that made me fly all the way to Mars.

I don't remember the gig at all, I just saw the planet and was like "wow" and suddenly I was in a spaceship with Dom and Chris. They were talking about Matt having a depression again and I thought maybe I could go and comfort him. So I ran into the men's toilet and saw Matt there and kissed him right in middle of his head, 'cause he was really short. Like really short. Matt didn't like that though and he made like a ninja attack at me, then took a gun from the toilet seat and tried to shoot me. I ran to the female toilet and was suddenly home again.

At home I was watching the TV, it was a soap opera and all sudden it changed into a big newscast. The newscaster told with a polite voice that Matt had made a suicide and at the same time blown up the whole universe, then there was some photo material of me and Matt in the toilet.

I started crying in the dream, like "oh no muse is dead" and then woke up and continued crying. It took maybe half a hour before I realised "oh wait, muse did come back alive from mars! No panic then!". It took hours until I actually realised the whole thing was a dream.

Edited by Kuje
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Funny that I find this topic. I had a dream about MUSE last night actually.


Hard to remember the details, but somehow I won some contest which allowed me to have dinner with them, as well as being a VIP for one of their shows. I remember going into some place that seemed like a school and I was frantically looking around for the dinner. I was running all around the place until I realized that I had missed it. I talked to the principal of the school and yelled and complained that there were no signs or anyone to tell me where to go.


Next thing I remember is being in a room with the band, chatting it up, and making Matt laugh. I remember being damn happy that I was making an impact on him and that is when I woke up.


Another dream in the past involved me being at one of their shows, running around backstage trying to meet them, and having the band get really pissed off at the concert because the crowd sucked.

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