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Forced In, Shrinking Universe, Recess are shit?


Don't forget Ashamed


I liked Forced In as an intro to Bliss live, but on the album it's too long.

Shirnking Universe is just a bit bland to me, the scream doesn't do much to me.

Recess keeps building and you're expecting something huge at the end, but it never comes.


Agitated and Ashamed are among the worst Muse songs. Just bland and generic.

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I don't think Agitated and Ashamed are good, and I often get them confused with one another. Probably because I never listen to them anymore.
Agitated is the faster one, with singing too fast for Matt to even sing live apparently :p


It also has the ridiculous old woman scream at the end.

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I don't think Agitated and Ashamed are good, and I often get them confused with one another. Probably because I never listen to them anymore.


This :LOL:


I'd say the ending is quite big sounding :p


Listened to it again and it really is big, bigger than I remembered. However, the rest of Hulla is still shit.

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I liked Forced In as an intro to Bliss live, but on the album it's too long.

Shirnking Universe is just a bit bland to me, the scream doesn't do much to me.

Recess keeps building and you're expecting something huge at the end, but it never comes.


Agitated and Ashamed are among the worst Muse songs. Just bland and generic.


You just made me cry a little bit :(

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It might be mine, but the production stops me listening to it that often.


Same actually. I don't listen to it very often on album. But the songs themselves are all great for me. Same with Origin really but I like the sound on Abso better.

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does anyone else think that if they extended interlude a bit longer, it could have made a good closer for the album ? no just me okay...:$


it wouldn't be bad, but closing with RBS was perfect.


Same actually. I don't listen to it very often on album. But the songs themselves are all great for me. Same with Origin really but I like the sound on Abso better.


Yeah, the songs are all ace. My problem with Abso's production is that it's just too polished and tidy. OoS mightn't have had the best production either, but at least it had plenty of grit.


Actually, thinking about it, my only real problem with the production of OoS was the bass line in CE.

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Yeah, the songs are all ace. My problem with Abso's production is that it's just too polished and tidy. OoS mightn't have had the best production either, but at least it had plenty of grit.


A bit of grit too would be nice. Mainly muddiness from my point of view. Nothing's very bright in the album. It's fine for Endlessly and RBS that are a bit softer to begin with but for songs like AP and parts of Stockholm the lack of punch just weakens the tracks. I did like Hysteria on album though.


whats wrong with it ? :(


Was a bit weak to me. I wish they didn't have the keyboard line taking up so much of the mix. Heavier guitar and bass would've been better.

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A bit of grit too would be nice. Mainly muddiness from my point of view. Nothing's very bright in the album. It's fine for Endlessly and RBS that are a bit softer to begin with but for songs like AP and parts of Stockholm the lack of punch just weakens the tracks. I did like Hysteria on album though.


Yeah, it works excellently on the softer tracks, but SS loses all its power. I didn't actually like it that much until I heard it on HAARP. Hysteria is good on the album, but that's mainly because of the vocals, to be honest.


Was a bit weak to me. I wish they didn't have the keyboard line taking up so much of the mix. Heavier guitar and bass would've been better.


Ah, I thought it was a synth.

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