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for ages the resistance was my favourite album, then I realised that Absolution and OoS were superior. Now it is my least favourite.


I really like Exogenesis, MK Ultra and Undisclosed Desires


I like Uprising (but only with the riff outro)


Unnatural Selection is OK


and I really don't like resistance, I belong to you and united states of Eurasia any more


and I hate guiding light


Well I had all the other albums before The Resistance, loved Muse on that basis before joining the board, and I really liked the Resistance when it first came out but I didn't realise it was my favourite (I have difficulty deciding a favourite) which now I think it is, well at this time, anyway.


On joining the board I remember my favourite song at the time was Space Dementia so I'm, not coming from hearing The Resistance first and then going back to listen to their previous albums.


I have also increased my love for Uprising and USoE as time has gone on, and I've always loved IBTY and Exogenesis and Resistance and Unnatural Selection. I don't know, the whole album just works on a lot of levels for me.:)


I even don't mind Guiding Light though I would never list it as a favourite. As part of the journey through diversity the album offers, I think it works, and I like the lyrics, though I have to admit I do still sometimes wind up the window in the car when it comes on.:unsure::chuckle: That's my own stigma/embarrassment about the old cheesy glam rock thing though, it still touches me and even so I wouldn't assess the whole album based on one song.

Edited by CarrieB
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Well I had all the other albums before The Resistance, loved Muse on that basis before joining the board, and I really liked the Resistance when it first came out but I didn't realise it was my favourite (I have difficulty deciding a favourite) which now I think it is, well at this time, anyway.


On joining the board I remember my favourite song at the time was Space Dementia so I'm, not coming from hearing The Resistance first and then going back to listen to their previous albums.


I have also increased my love for Uprising and USoE as time has gone on, and I've always loved IBTY and Exogenesis and Resistance and Unnatural Selection. I don't know, the whole album just works on a lot of levels for me.:) I even don't mind Guiding Light though I would never list it as a favourite.:)


before the resistance came out absolution was my favourite, then it changed to TR and now is back to absolution.

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are you the member Citizen Erased with a new name, cos if you are then I know you like shine a lot and there is no point arguing, Cos I really don't like shine acoustic, it was a b-side for a reason. and is more cheesy then endlessly imo. and really not that beautiful at all. I simply named the love songs off the top of my head which I like a lot. But point taken about dead star being a hate song. But it is ultimately driven by love.


Yeah she is, she had a name change.


I don't know, there just isn't enough happening in the song, instrumentally (it's almost just a repeated chord progression), melodically (one melody with a brief variation) or lyrically for me to say it's brilliant. As Raining_Muses said it does the same thing for 5 minutes. Compare to FAWY which is built on a lot happening which you don't immediately notice (bassline, distortion, subtle guitar lines etc). Endlessly suffers from something similar, not a whole lot happens in the song.


Undisclosed Desires would be one of the best things they've done... if it had no lyrics.

Edited by spark_
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Yeah she is, she had a name change.


I don't know, there just isn't enough happening in the song, instrumentally (it's almost just a repeated chord progression), melodically (one melody with a brief variation) or lyrically for me to say it's brilliant. As Raining_Muses said it does the same thing for 5 minutes. Compare to FAWY which is built on a lot happening which you don't immediately notice (bassline, distortion, subtle guitar lines etc). Endlessly suffers from something similar, not a whole lot happens in the song.


Undisclosed Desires would be one of the best things they've done... if it had no lyrics.


Undisclosed Desires is still in my top 20, which is strange, but I like the lyrics. They are quite haunting and it is my favourite soft love song.

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Undisclosed Desires would be one of the best things they've done... if it had no lyrics.


I agree completely, it's produced well. Unfortunately this means it isn't that great live. Surprisingly it's my most listened to song from the resistance on my itunes.

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Who cares for the life we've earned?

Someone's sold all the truth you've yearned,

Remember when we used to shine

And had no fear or sense of time

When it creeps up on you


You can't cry now there's nothing to feel

No one's noticed our loneliness

Remember when you used to tease

And made us scream eternal joy


I believed that you'll always be here

'Cause once you promised a life with no fear

Please don't break my ideals

And say what's fake was always real


Hope was the one now im gone

Take me back again.




This is why I prefer the instrumental versions of the albums :chuckle:

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Well, 'IMHO'... BH&R>TR... but.... IMHO. ;)


BH&R has some of the best Muse songs, but the middle ruins it, and the production is awful. The Resistance doesn't have as many stand-out songs, but overall it's a solid album that I can listen to all the way through. So TR>BH&R. imo :p

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BH&R has some of the best Muse songs, but the middle ruins it, and the production is awful. The Resistance doesn't have as many stand-out songs, but overall it's a solid album that I can listen to all the way through. So TR>BH&R. imo :p


I would say the opposite:


TR has too of my top 10 (MK & exogenesis)


BH&R doesn't have any but I think other than exo-politics it is consistent.


BH&R > TR even there are no stand out tracks for me on BH&R

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I would say the opposite:


TR has too of my top 10 (MK & exogenesis)


BH&R doesn't have any but I think other than exo-politics it is consistent.


BH&R > TR even there are no stand out tracks for me on BH&R


Maybe the BH&R tour compared with TR tour make a difference to what albums we like? Or eh, maybe not. :p

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All of the game threads were pointless and should have been deleted much earlier.


Although I'm all for the Resistance elimination game being finished.


Related to Muse:

Resistance is the worst song on The Resistance by A LOT.

TiRO is an awesome song.

Showbiz is boring save Cave, Uno, HT&ILY, and occasionally Muscle Museum.

Too many people act like The Resistance is the worst album of all time.

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le fixed


really am not a fan of TR, if i had not been a muse fan before it was released i dont think i'd even own it :LOL:

I was a Muse fan before it was released and I don't own it. In fact, it pushed me over the edge, now I can safely say I'm not a fan any more :awesome:

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Not a fan after one album? That's a bit harsh, no?


(Not trying to criticize you, I'm just curious)

Well they were pushing their luck with BH&R, theres maybe 3 songs on there that I like, and I can't listen to them often. Then TR came out, which I thought was slightly better, but still rubbish, then NSC came out and fun times were had by all. I guess I just really don't like the direction they seem to be travelling in

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