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Try duct tape. Oh yeah. They have leopard-print duct tape. I don't know if they sell them in your local Wal-Mart but they do at mine.


YKYATMW you want so bad to go to aforesaid Wal-Mart and buy a few rolls of aforesaid duct tape, then wrap it round your backpack straps like a lot of people seem to be doing now. (if I want to put it on my Muse backpack then I must want to do it pretty badly said my friend Sarah).

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I used that on my composition notebook cover, but JUST with the cage, not the background, shadow, or person. (I noticed the person for the VERY FIRST TIME the same day I started tracing the cover)


*I want leopard print duct tape*


YKYATMW you wish a totally random loaf of Dom-bread would magically pop up on the counter in front of you.


Just as proof this tape exists:


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I used that on my composition notebook cover, but JUST with the cage, not the background, shadow, or person. (I noticed the person for the VERY FIRST TIME the same day I started tracing the cover)


*I want leopard print duct tape*


YKYATMW you wish a totally random loaf of Dom-bread would magically pop up on the counter in front of you.


Just as proof this tape exists:



haha i have some of that, it's actually right next to me. it's very handy.

i put it on just about everything :ninja:

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haha i have some of that, it's actually right next to me. it's very handy.

i put it on just about everything :ninja:



YKYATMW you have completely converted your best friend and you go spazzing when your muse top finally comes in the mail and you are ditching the flute for guitar and your dreams as a seven year old of being a rock star are becoming a lot more real...

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Best I can do is OoS freehand. PiB takes a bit of tracing for the zetas (ZETAS!!!).


YKYATMW someone asks you if those are aliens on your notebook, and you just say "yes", when what you really want to say is "They're not aliens, they're ZETAS!"


YKYATMW you can't wait for the 10,000th post on here that way you can be the creator of the third YKYATMW.

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I used that on my composition notebook cover, but JUST with the cage, not the background, shadow, or person. (I noticed the person for the VERY FIRST TIME the same day I started tracing the cover)


*I want leopard print duct tape*


YKYATMW you wish a totally random loaf of Dom-bread would magically pop up on the counter in front of you.


Just as proof this tape exists:



:awesome:I have one like that and I decoreted my friend's gift bo with that!

And the only reason you know of Jimi is because of Muse.

I started listening to Hendrix because of Muse:p



YKYATMW you almost yell at your art teacher 'cause she doesn't let you finish that drawing at home,which is actually the Resistance cover:D

YKYATMW your biology teacher says something about UFO and you whisper "Zetaaaas!"

YKYATMW you desk is full of Musey doodles!

YKYATMW after you first ever guitar lesson the first thing you do is trying to play a Muse song (with less than 4 noted:p) and also when I was playing a song I was thiking "How would Matt play that?" :chuckle:

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