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@Lupus it's from Manchester LCCC last year, Matt introduced it by saying "so I think where gonna change our website from muse.mu to citizenerased.com :D just because citizen erased had the most votes on the poll I think. Sorry for not quoting not got the hang of it dully via my iPod.


Not a problem, I was just curious

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YKYATMW you hear "Starlight" in a movie trailer and you instantly freeze up and listen with a big smile on your face. My family must think I'm weird! :p

:yesey: was it Stupid Crazy Love?!

YKYATMW...you get 2 Musey cakes for your bday! :D Sorry for the huge size, il spoiler them.








:D :D

THAT IS BEAUTIFUL. I wanted a Muse cake but my parents said no that this is another stupid phase or whatever :facepalm: Happy Late Birthday:)

:eek: I almost forgot about that! She's just about ready to pop huh?

I went away for a week and a day, and I was afraid of that :p

you know youre addicted to muse when your dad tears up listening to the drum track to SS

Your dad is my idol. :LOL:

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you know youre addicted to muse when your dad tears up listening to the drum track to SS

how are you addicted when he's the one tearing up? And how the hell does that work?

YKYATMW you named a mannequin Dom because it was wearing leopard print

also when you go to Best Buy and saw that someone didn't log out of their Pandora, so you added a Muse station for them



what a lovely surprise for them! :p:)

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I'm assuming you met/talked to/was replied to by Matt? Or are you just interested in those two?


I met Matt :D shook his hand, was spoken to by him, and got his autograph on my ticket <333 still to this day the best of my life so far :p

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I met Matt :D shook his hand, was spoken to by him, and got his autograph on my ticket <333 still to this day the best of my life so far :p

Vewy nice! (sorry, just had to for some reason)

:eek: *envy* was his hand soft...was is soft and sexy... :p


*sigh*... :rolleyes:

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Today at breakfast my dad asked me if I wanted to go this writer's group with him, and I said sure. But then he remembered he had to meet a client sometime before that, so I told him I'll just go with him to both.

Dad: Won't you be bored?

Mom: no, she can just go online and stare at pictures of Matthew Bellamy.

Me: Yeah... :rolleyes:

Dad: I like Dom better. Yeah, Dom. I think he's the one with all the talent. There would be no band without Dom. Dom's an amazing man. Such a good bassist.

Me: :chuckle::facepalm: Chris is the bassist

Dad: Oh, so Dom's the drummer....Well. I still like Dom better



Then yesterday, in the car, with my friend Taylor, he turns up the radio.


Dad: Is this MYUSE?!?! OMG

Me: No, dammit, it's Young The Giant! :rolleyes:

Taylor: It just sounds like Uprising.

Me: This band realized how amazing Muse is, so they STOLE IT! Muse is 40 million times better than this band

Taylor: and 40 million years older, too :chuckle:

Me: :LOL: they're NOT THAT OLD! :happy:

Taylor: and richer

Dad: Yeah, 8th richest according Forbes. Hey, do they split up their money evenly?

Me: Probably...Why, should Matt get more? How is that fair

Dad: Usually the front man gets more. Whose band is it?

Taylor: It's nobody's band. It's all of their band.

Me: It's my husband's band.

Dad: Well It probably sucks for Matt cuz he has Kate.

Me: But Chris has like 40 kids

Dad: 40!? Think of all the Child Support he pays!

Me: Not 40, I was exadgerating! And he's married, he didn't just have a fuck ton of kids :LOL:

Dad: Chris is married, Matt is engaged-

Taylor: TO SOFIA!

Dad: So what about Dom?

Me: Dom's single and ready to mingle :p

Dad: Good for Dom.

Me: Yeah, good for Dom

Taylor: and all the other single Musers.... :LOL:

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