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I was blocked, too :LOL: but we still lost :stunned:

That's never happened to me but that's funneh :D


Kinda too late for that :LOL: Dogs come in and sniff our lockers, too. 12 people got expelled in the first 3 months of school...[


GEEZ, that's a lot of people :eek:

I think I only have.. let's see.. 9 people in my grade who do drugs :rolleyes:

And 2 of those druggies I walk home with :fear:


I still can't believe we lost to Tokio Hotel :(

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I actualy had the books for years and never read them. For some reason, I thought the movie was so shit I had to read the books to find out what they were like. Cause I'd read a Pullman before and liked it.

Read it. It's completly insane, but also scarily realistic in some ways.

Got Oryx And Crake out of the library by the way. :awesome:


Oh damn, I'm in debt now :chuckle: not that I wasn't going to read it, but now b/c someone else actually took my suggestion, I really feel obligated! That's ok, if I wasn't interested, I woulda said so, so I don't mind the extra motivation

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YKYATMW you refuse to wake up to any music other than Muse. Nothing like some trippy, orchestral rock with falsetto vocals at six in the morning!

:yesey: I sleep to Muse! Actually, yesterday my mom got mad at me for it...I don't put it loud, it's a little less than half sound, and I put it under my pillow to muffle the sound, but I guess she came in in the morning and was like "WTF IS GOING ON!?" :rolleyes:

GEEZ, that's a lot of people :eek:

I think I only have.. let's see.. 9 people in my grade who do drugs :rolleyes:

And 2 of those druggies I walk home with :fear:


I still can't believe we lost to Tokio Hotel :(

9 is a lot still....12 is just how many got caught, we have more than that who actually do them.....ugh. I mean I have no problems with drugs, you can do them, whatever it's your choice to go and fuck up your life like that, I just don't do them and I can't believe some pot heads are so stupid and actually smoke it on school grounds.

I know, we lost to Tokio Hotel! I feel bad.

Say no more, say no more...



YKYATMW my cousin's birthday was yesterday (April Fools, haha) so I had to celebrate with him...but my family was partying and we didn't go to bed till around 5am....once i got in bed, I was like "shit, I didn't get on the board today!" :facepalm::rolleyes::D

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:yesey: I sleep to Muse!


Yea I fall asleep with my iPod quite often too :) Sometimes it's Muse, but I find the best music to fall asleep to is (shoot me now, I know it's the ultimate... oh what's the word... anyway, who cares, I like 'em, but Muse is still on top for me) The King of Limbs. Muse is better with their quieter songs, but I absolutely cannot fall asleep with BH&R playing... that album keeps me up, cause I can't help dancing around, miming drums and singing along :chuckle:

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Yea I fall asleep with my iPod quite often too :) Sometimes it's Muse, but I find the best music to fall asleep to is (shoot me now, I know it's the ultimate... oh what's the word... anyway, who cares, I like 'em, but Muse is still on top for me) The King of Limbs. Muse is better with their quieter songs, but I absolutely cannot fall asleep with BH&R playing... that album keeps me up, cause I can't help dancing around, miming drums and singing along :chuckle:


Ya I sleep to Muse a lot, but I also have a playlist that has soft/quite/acoustic/sad songs on it...Easier to fall asleep to than, say, Hysteria. It has some Muse on it. :D



I was in the car with my mom, on our way home from shopping, and I was going through all the old CD's I had in there....Burnt ones? And I wasn't really listening to them, just looking at what was on them. But when my mom said "I am so tired!" I was like, "hmmm...this is what you need!" and I put Blackout on. and when it was done i said, "wasn't that beautiful?" and she was like, "if you say so..." :stunned: But then I tried Yellow by Coldplay and she was singing along so I guess it all works out:D

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:yesey: I sleep to Muse! Actually, yesterday my mom got mad at me for it...I don't put it loud, it's a little less than half sound, and I put it under my pillow to muffle the sound, but I guess she came in in the morning and was like "WTF IS GOING ON!?" :rolleyes:


For some reason, I can't fall asleep to Muse! I've tried playing Blackout, Nishe, and all of Exogenesis to make me sleepy, but it never works. Whenever I hear any Muse song, I just get excited and stay awake, even if it's at three in the morning.

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For some reason, I can't fall asleep to Muse! I've tried playing Blackout, Nishe, and all of Exogenesis to make me sleepy, but it never works. Whenever I hear any Muse song, I just get excited and stay awake, even if it's at three in the morning.


:LOL: That's funny cuz those are the only Muse songs that can put me to sleep :)

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:LOL: That's funny cuz those are the only Muse songs that can put me to sleep :)


I have a playlist of soft Muse songs. Like Unintended, Screeager, Meglo, Exo-gen., and some piano covers of Muse too! I can't go to sleep without music.:happy:

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For some reason, I can't fall asleep to Muse! I've tried playing Blackout, Nishe, and all of Exogenesis to make me sleepy, but it never works. Whenever I hear any Muse song, I just get excited and stay awake, even if it's at three in the morning.


:LOL: What I do is i shuffle it but I find an area that has 6 slow ones in a row, that way I know I'll fall asleep before Apocalypse Please wakes me up. :D Or I have a playlist, has like Exogenesis 123, Blackout, Falling Down, Nishe, Megalomania, and some soft songs from other artists. Add them all together and it's 5 hours of soft songs for sleepytime! :awesome:


But really...she got really pissed off after I kept doing it. She said she'll take away my iPod and send it to our family in Bolivia. (she'll do it too)....MY PRECIOUS!! I WONT LET HER TAKE YOU! That beauty cost me $350 i'm not just gonna let someone take it away like that. Equal opportunities...or something. Im scaired. i'm gonna stop sleeping with it for a while. Plus I'm currently begging for concert tickets so I have to play it nice ;)

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:LOL: What I do is i shuffle it but I find an area that has 6 slow ones in a row, that way I know I'll fall asleep before Apocalypse Please wakes me up. :D Or I have a playlist, has like Exogenesis 123, Blackout, Falling Down, Nishe, Megalomania, and some soft songs from other artists. Add them all together and it's 5 hours of soft songs for sleepytime! :awesome:


But really...she got really pissed off after I kept doing it. She said she'll take away my iPod and send it to our family in Bolivia. (she'll do it too)....MY PRECIOUS!! I WONT LET HER TAKE YOU! That beauty cost me $350 i'm not just gonna let someone take it away like that. Equal opportunities...or something. Im scaired. i'm gonna stop sleeping with it for a while. Plus I'm currently begging for concert tickets so I have to play it nice ;)


Ah, I see. Play nice to get things your way ;). I'm not sure what I would do without my iPod. I have over 100 Muse songs on there! Once I accidently left my iPod in my mom's jeep (there was fire coming out from the bottom and my mom yelled at me to get out) and once I was safely away, I turn around and realize it was in there. I almost fell on my knees like they do in the movies and yelled "NO!" The jeep didn't blow up and my iPod is still safe and sound! :LOL:

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I have a playlist of soft Muse songs. Like Unintended, Screeager, Meglo, Exo-gen., and some piano covers of Muse too! I can't go to sleep without music.:happy:


:LOL: What I do is i shuffle it but I find an area that has 6 slow ones in a row, that way I know I'll fall asleep before Apocalypse Please wakes me up. :D Or I have a playlist, has like Exogenesis 123, Blackout, Falling Down, Nishe, Megalomania, and some soft songs from other artists. Add them all together and it's 5 hours of soft songs for sleepytime! :awesome:


I can't fall asleep to Megalo. Once the chorus kicks in I wake right up.

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For some reason, I can't fall asleep to Muse! I've tried playing Blackout, Nishe, and all of Exogenesis to make me sleepy, but it never works. Whenever I hear any Muse song, I just get excited and stay awake, even if it's at three in the morning.

Yea thats the way it is for most Muse songs for me too, well sometimes anyways. It depends on my mood before going to bed. Like when Chris actually replied to me on twitter, any Muse song made it impossible to fall asleep! But if it's been a long day, any music that I like, loud or soft is just comforting.

:LOL: What I do is i shuffle it but I find an area that has 6 slow ones in a row, that way I know I'll fall asleep before Apocalypse Please wakes me up. :D Or I have a playlist, has like Exogenesis 123, Blackout, Falling Down, Nishe, Megalomania, and some soft songs from other artists. Add them all together and it's 5 hours of soft songs for sleepytime! :awesome:


But really...she got really pissed off after I kept doing it. She said she'll take away my iPod and send it to our family in Bolivia. (she'll do it too)....MY PRECIOUS!! I WONT LET HER TAKE YOU! That beauty cost me $350 i'm not just gonna let someone take it away like that. Equal opportunities...or something. Im scaired. i'm gonna stop sleeping with it for a while. Plus I'm currently begging for concert tickets so I have to play it nice ;)

Exogenesis is usually beautiful enough to lull me though :)

Why don't you just use headphones? Oh right, I should know better than to suggest that... I've kinda got them tangled round me a few times. Once or twice its been round my throat, and had I just pulled a little the one way... whoops :chuckle: But anyway, it doesn't usually happen :p

Ah, I see. Play nice to get things your way ;). I'm not sure what I would do without my iPod. I have over 100 Muse songs on there! Once I accidently left my iPod in my mom's jeep (there was fire coming out from the bottom and my mom yelled at me to get out) and once I was safely away, I turn around and realize it was in there. I almost fell on my knees like they do in the movies and yelled "NO!" The jeep didn't blow up and my iPod is still safe and sound! :LOL:

Talk about dramatic! I would be a little bit upset too though, yea

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Ah, I see. Play nice to get things your way ;). I'm not sure what I would do without my iPod. I have over 100 Muse songs on there! Once I accidently left my iPod in my mom's jeep (there was fire coming out from the bottom and my mom yelled at me to get out) and once I was safely away, I turn around and realize it was in there. I almost fell on my knees like they do in the movies and yelled "NO!" The jeep didn't blow up and my iPod is still safe and sound! :LOL:

Yes, play nice. ;) Oh my, if my ipod was in the car and there was a fire, I think I'd run back.. I'm kind of addicted to the computer..&&my parents yell at me for being on here too much, say i'm going to be just like my brother. So I go watch TV with them, but really I'm just watching Ray William Johnson on my iPod and listening to music to numb the boringness that is TV. So i love my iPod, it keeps me sane.:) my brother is a big World of Warcraft guy, he's like 2rd3 in the USA or something...

~~~~my iTunes tells me I have 12 hours of Muse on my iPod. GEEZUS!

I sleep best to Assassin for some reason. :stunned: Blackout keeps me wide awake, too. :LOL: So does Falling Down. I like USoE and Exo3 for sleeping, though.

:LOL: I absoloutely love Blackout. I can sleep to it, but if I heard it randomly I'd be wide awake and singing along. I'm sure no one wants to hear me sing to blackout :LOL: I do not like USoE very much. I would say I don't like it at all, but I guess it's okay. It's just one Muse song I can't listen to..:stunned:

I can't fall asleep to Megalo. Once the chorus kicks in I wake right up.

I sleep through it most of the time, but I've found that every time I wake up in the middle of the night, it's to that song. I think it's a sign from the universe. I'm not meant to have kids. [which is good because I don't particularly like them anyways XD]

Like when Chris actually replied to me on twitter, any Muse song made it impossible to fall asleep! But if it's been a long day, any music that I like, loud or soft is just comforting.


Exogenesis is usually beautiful enough to lull me though :)

Why don't you just use headphones? Oh right, I should know better than to suggest that... I've kinda got them tangled round me a few times. Once or twice its been round my throat, and had I just pulled a little the one way... whoops :chuckle: But anyway, it doesn't usually happen :p

HOLY! YOU GOT A WOLSTENTWEET!? what did it say? wait, who are you on twitter, imma follow:) I like Exogenesis Part 2 the best, the lyrics I guess, then I like part 1 for some reason, I think Matt's voice sounds so beautiful in it...but I don't like Part 3 very much. :$ I used to sleep with headphones, but that happened to me so much I stopped. I was afraid to sleep with my ipod actually on w/o headphones because there's always these specials on the Local News about iPods hurting kids and whatnot. That's probly why when my mom found out, she wouldn't let me sleep with it anymore... My precious...

I'm pretty sure I could fall asleep to even Micro Cuts. I just listen to a couple songs, loud or soft, and I'm out. Doesn't matter what they are.

That takes skill.


YKYATMW One of your friends forgot to mention that he likes Muse, so when you hear him singing the lyrics to Resistance you're in a state of shock. Then when when he lends you your iPod you look through it, vast collection of Muse, & youo're like :awesome:

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:LOL: I absoloutely love Blackout. I can sleep to it, but if I heard it randomly I'd be wide awake and singing along. I'm sure no one wants to hear me sing to blackout :LOL: I do not like USoE very much. I would say I don't like it at all, but I guess it's okay. It's just one Muse song I can't listen to..:stunned:


I like Exogenesis Part 2 the best, the lyrics I guess, then I like part 1 for some reason, I think Matt's voice sounds so beautiful in it...but I don't like Part 3 very much. :$


Blackout :yesey: I don't listen to USoE that much, but I wouldn't say I don't like it or think it's just okay. I just think it's incredibly epic and the "SIAs" at the end make the best ringtone ever... :D


.... I love Redemption... It's so pretty :$

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Blackout :yesey: I don't listen to USoE that much, but I wouldn't say I don't like it or think it's just okay. I just think it's incredibly epic and the "SIAs" at the end make the best ringtone ever... :D


.... I love Redemption... It's so pretty :$

"Why split these states when there can be only one" I don't like that line, I guess I don't like the fact that It's a song about....a country? XD I like the beat, the beginning/end piano(beautiful), and I suppose the "SIAs" make a good ringtone...But something about the song..?

Oh, no, I love Redemption! It's just my least favorite of the Exo Symphonies


When I'm bored I close my eyes and type randomly into google and search.


I did it just now, opened my eyes and saw I had typed 'muse board'.


And now here I am. :awesome:

that is so strange :awesome:

But don't you think that you know what you're typing? Just because you can't see it doesn't mean you planned ahead to type it. I'm closing my eyes while I type this sentence and I think it looks fine.... XD

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"Why split these states when there can be only one" I don't like that line, I guess I don't like the fact that It's a song about....a country? XD I like the beat, the beginning/end piano(beautiful), and I suppose the "SIAs" make a good ringtone...But something about the song..?

Oh, no, I love Redemption! It's just my least favorite of the Exo Symphonies


Eh, I think it's catchy and cheesy but it works :D

I think it might be my favorite, it's really peaceful and beautiful and Matt's vocals tear me to pieces :happy: Though I have been listening to Overture a lot lately....

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I sleep through it most of the time, but I've found that every time I wake up in the middle of the night, it's to that song. I think it's a sign from the universe. I'm not meant to have kids. [which is good because I don't particularly like them anyways XD]


HOLY! YOU GOT A WOLSTENTWEET!? what did it say? wait, who are you on twitter, imma follow:) I like Exogenesis Part 2 the best, the lyrics I guess, then I like part 1 for some reason, I think Matt's voice sounds so beautiful in it...but I don't like Part 3 very much. :$ I used to sleep with headphones, but that happened to me so much I stopped. I was afraid to sleep with my ipod actually on w/o headphones because there's always these specials on the Local News about iPods hurting kids and whatnot. That's probly why when my mom found out, she wouldn't let me sleep with it anymore... My precious...


YKYATMW One of your friends forgot to mention that he likes Muse, so when you hear him singing the lyrics to Resistance you're in a state of shock. Then when when he lends you your iPod you look through it, vast collection of Muse, & youo're like :awesome:

There is no such thing as a coincidence ;)

Yes I got a Wolstentweet. And if my twitter wasn't failing right now, I'd link you up. I'd rather make sure it wasn't hacked or something stupid before I tell you :) But at the time another muser asked about game consoles, and I asked him if his kids had a favourite game. He told me that Alfie loves FIFA, and they play it all the time :)

This is going to sound.... em, silly, but I actually kind of knew that if I was going to get a reply, that was the time. Because I just happened to check my twitter (I don't remember the motivation, but it wasn't to see if Muse tweeted) just seconds after Chris tweeted about... something :chuckle: At the very same time, I was listening to UD on the radio (online), so it was definitely weird. I didn't bog him with questions, but over the course of maybe a half hour, I only sent six tweets, most of them a different question (going along mostly with the rest of the muser conversation). Wow, long story for a few seconds in my life! :LOL:

ANYWAY, it's so cool finding another Muser like that, isn't it?!

Blackout :yesey: I don't listen to USoE that much, but I wouldn't say I don't like it or think it's just okay. I just think it's incredibly epic and the "SIAs" at the end make the best ringtone ever... :D


.... I love Redemption... It's so pretty :$


*imagining awesome ringtone*

Oh my gawsh, that would be such a cool ringtone! That would get some heads turning!

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