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Hey, don't feel bad about liking FOB, it's better than what my favorite artist was when I was nine...

Hilary Duff... :facepalm:


Anyway, I gave up Muse for lent. I'm not Christian, but my parents are, and I just thought it would be interesting to see if I could do it :D So far, so good.


oh gosh, that was my 'guilty pleasure' too... actually, I'm pretty sure I have her album :noey:


good luck with that!!!

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I love FOB... :$


+1 :$

Cool dude(s), keep likin' em. I see nothin' wrong with it... everyone is entitled to their own taste, and not everyone is going to have the same tastes.

Hey, don't feel bad about liking FOB, it's better than what my favorite artist was when I was nine...

Hilary Duff... :facepalm:


Anyway, I gave up Muse for lent. I'm not Christian, but my parents are, and I just thought it would be interesting to see if I could do it :D So far, so good.


She was my first concert when I was seven :facepalm:


Hey, you guys were young, you couldn't help it that you weren't brought up with good music (I wasn't either).

When I was young (long time ago, god I feel old), my parents took me to see Enrique Iglesias (spelling?)... so that was technically my first concert I suppose, but not the first one of my choosing, so I don't really count it. I didn't pay for my ticket, so it's not MY first concert. In defense though, this was before he went to his pop shit that he does now.

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Hey, you guys were young, you couldn't help it that you weren't brought up with good music (I wasn't either).

When I was young (long time ago), my parents took me to see Enrique Iglesias (spelling?)... so that was technically my first concert I suppose, but not the first one of my choosing, so I don't really count it. I didn't pay for my ticket, so it's not MY first concert. In defense though, this was before he went to his pop shit that he does now.


I was brought up with good music actually, I just ignored it for the longest time...My brothers have been listening to Muse for ages, since the beginning basically, and I ignored it until a few years ago...But i think that when you're growing up you have to go through that stuff so you can look back and be all "WTF?", plus when you'er a kid you just follow, if hillary duff is popular then you're gonna be all in to hillary duff :D enrique iglesias (idk) isn't that terrible either! :D

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YKYATMW: You sing Dead Star to your cat but changing the lyrics to fit her appearance :awesome:

She's so FLUFFEH. :LOL:


And speaking of concerts.. My first concert was when I was in my mum's wound.. Yeah that's right :phu:

I was brought up listening to great music, but actually was alive in.. 2008 I'd say. When I was little I didn't appreciate music as much as I do now... It's depressing to think about because when I first saw Coldplay, I was short like Matt ( :awesome: ) and had to stand on my chair. But, the ONLY THING I REMEMBER was seeing Chris run around during Fix You, swing the lightbulb and when they performed Clocks.. That's just :facepalm:

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And speaking of concerts.. My first concert was when I was in my mum's wound.. Yeah that's right :phu:

I was brought up listening to great music, but actually was alive in.. 2008 I'd say. When I was little I didn't appreciate music as much as I do now... It's depressing to think about because when I first saw Coldplay, I was short like Matt ( :awesome: ) and had to stand on my chair. But, the ONLY THING I REMEMBER was seeing Chris run around during Fix You, swing the lightbulb and when they performed Clocks.. That's just :facepalm:


:LOL: my first concert then, was The Clash when I was in my mom's womb.

hey you saw Coldplay, that's awesome! I've never gotten to... :stunned: was alive in 2010 when I saw Muse. end of story :D (wasn't ever able to see them before :$)

ur already taller than Matt?! I still have an inch to go before we're the same height.


hey obsessive musers should i buy this


or do you know where to get an official DVD of live performances/documentary type thing?

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:LOL: my first concert then, was The Clash when I was in my mom's womb.

hey you saw Coldplay, that's awesome! I've never gotten to... :stunned: was alive in 2010 when I saw Muse. end of story :D (wasn't ever able to see them before :$)

ur already taller than Matt?! I still have an inch to go before we're the same height.


hey obsessive musers should i buy this


or do you know where to get an official DVD of live performances/documentary type thing?


Oh.. I'm actually not taller than Maffoo.. I was just making fun of his shortness 'cause everybody seems to... :stunned: ... moving on though... wait.. oh yeah I'm 5'1'' :awesome:


And yeah, I saw Coldplay twice :happy:


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YKYATMW you immediately freak out when you see that your friend has a leopard print snuggie :eek:

and then you start to think that maybe Dom is living at her house :stunned: why else would she have any leopard print stuff? :rolleyes: it's the only explanation! :awesome:

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hey obsessive musers should i buy this


or do you know where to get an official DVD of live performances/documentary type thing?


On Musewiki it says that the DVD is a waste of money. It's just some interviews with people who knew the band in their teens along with facts about the band that you would probably already know.


YKYATMW you immediately freak out when you see that your friend has a leopard print snuggie :eek:

and then you start to think that maybe Dom is living at her house :stunned: why else would she have any leopard print stuff? :rolleyes: it's the only explanation! :awesome:


YKYATMW even though you vowed to never buy a Snuggie, you actually go on the website to see how much a leopard-print Snuggie costs along with dropping hints to your family to buy you one before you go off to college in the fall. :$

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oh, my first concert was Hannah Montana and The Cheetah Girls :phu: in the crappy music department, you win. :LOL:

but when i discuss my first concert i pretend my first was actually Def Leppard, Foreigner and The Styx. because technically that was my 2nd but my 1st. :p


I guess I do :rolleyes:


I was brought up listening to classic rock, but my friends listened to that kind of music, so I guess I did to... Funny though, since now my friends all copy my musical tastes :phu:


Oh.. I'm actually not taller than Maffoo.. I was just making fun of his shortness 'cause everybody seems to... :stunned: ... moving on though... wait.. oh yeah I'm 5'1'' :awesome:


And yeah, I saw Coldplay twice :happy:



I'm 5'1" too!!!!! :awesome:

.... Coldplay TWICE!? .... Lucky :p

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I love FOB... :$


+1 :$

i will admit that i still listen to them at times, brings back memories

I listened to Bang the Doldrums yesterday :]


Hey, don't feel bad about liking FOB, it's better than what my favorite artist was when I was nine...

Hilary Duff... :facepalm:


Anyway, I gave up Muse for lent. I'm not Christian, but my parents are, and I just thought it would be interesting to see if I could do it :D So far, so good.

i used to like her too :facepalm:

but in a way i'm grateful that i looked up to her, unlike some of todays "role models"


YKYATMW you immediately freak out when you see that your friend has a leopard print snuggie :eek:

and then you start to think that maybe Dom is living at her house :stunned: why else would she have any leopard print stuff? :rolleyes: it's the only explanation! :awesome:


this reminds me of a twitter conversation i had about how Dom is leaving signs of himself all over the place with leopard print :chuckle:

it also reminds me of something i saw, called the tuggie, it was leopard





YKYATMW you believe that seeing leopard print is a sign that Dom was there :chuckle:

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