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Wow you're brave....:fear:



Although I learned a valuable lesson from it, I would probably never do it again!


YKYATMW your car breaks down in the dark, cold, rainy forest not even a mile from a jail and to calm yourself down, you decide to listen to Muse until help arrives (although the beginning of Space Dementia was a little too creepy considering the circumstances! :LOL:).

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Although I learned a valuable lesson from it, I would probably never do it again!


YKYATMW your car breaks down in the dark, cold, rainy forest not even a mile from a jail and to calm yourself down, you decide to listen to Muse until help arrives (although the beginning of Space Dementia was a little too creepy considering the circumstances! :LOL:).


Hahah, Space Dementia :LOL:

Usually when I'm alone in my room and is too lazy to turn the TV or radio that is right near my bed on, and when I'm listening to Muse on my MP3 player, that died from being in my backpack ( :( ) , I get freak'd out by the beginning of Screenager :stunned::LOL:

But now, since that was a few months ago, I LOVE the beginning. Sure it's spooky and mysterious, but absolutely SMASHINGG!! :awesome:

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lol, no it's not! &I know it may not seem like it, but I still am kind of a newbie! I joined in October, that was pretty recent :p


Next to the "quote" button at the bottom of every post is another button. When you click it, it turns blue. You click it for every post you want to quote and then when you hit post reply at the bottom, it automatically quotes all of them.


Suddenly, that seems so obvious :LOL: Thank you so much! Now I don't have to post a million times!


The other day, I fell asleep in class, and when my teacher woke me up, I yelled "FUCK OFF YOU CUNT!!" really loud. She already hated me and I got my first detention...


Yea that might get you one... but still funny!

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How old are you? Whenever I venture into Banter I go for the YMT (Young Musers Thread), which isn't as nasty as the real Banter thread. If you're a main muser going into real banter, you will get verbally bashed straight away!

Although if you act normal, you could get away with something, but I tried that yesterday, no luck :(


I've never gone to banter.... Users like sippe go there :LOL:

what do you mean a 'main muser' i feel lost :rolleyes:

I never fit in with the users on chat or on any thread except a few like this one... :$

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When youre home alone and blast Muse while cleaning hahaha. the neighbors called and said they loved it :D

Blasting music while cleaning... especially when trying to overpower the vacuum... that's fun :p And I can't tell if that was sarcasm, and I use it all the time! I hope it wasn't, 'cause then I'd say you have awesome neighbours!

We would be considered "Main Musers". MMers go to Muse-related threads, talk/obsess over the band and such ;) From what I've seen, MMers are not well-liked in Banter!


Good to know... I never go to the Banter threads anyway. I come to Muse's site for the most obvious (and best) reason--MUSE!

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Blasting music while cleaning... especially when trying to overpower the vacuum... that's fun :p And I can't tell if that was sarcasm, and I use it all the time! I hope it wasn't, 'cause then I'd say you have awesome neighbours!


Actually the neighbor on one side said they like it, but like right after i posted that the neighbors on the other side of the house away from the stereo said to "Shut the hell up! We're tired of hearing that band, you play it so much on the stereo, on the amplifier on your guitar and bass, at least play something different" :LOL::LOL:

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As a group of friends we are all giving stuff up for lent, and having bets too


I'm giving up listening to Muse :$


I allowed on the message boards though ;)


Oooh, that's tough! :( How long do you have to do that for?


YKYATMW you decide just one day to listen to another band and your entire family asks if you're okay and suggest you listen to Muse! :LOL:

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Oooh, that's tough! :( How long do you have to do that for?


YKYATMW you decide just one day to listen to another band and your entire family asks if you're okay and suggest you listen to Muse! :LOL:


Lent is 40 days and starts March the 9th. idk what im giving up yet, caffeine maybe..

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YKYATMW your talking with you friends and the conversation abruptly stops, and Kim says "are you okay?" and you say, "Yes, why?" and she says, "You haven't mentioned Matt yet." :LOL:


When people read british books they ask me what words mean :LOL: One girl said, "Hey, Sofia, what's a bloke?" and I realized I wouldn't have known what a bloke was if I hadn't been a Muser... ;)

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We would be considered "Main Musers". MMers go to Muse-related threads, talk/obsess over the band and such ;) From what I've seen, MMers are not well-liked in Banter!


oh, i see. lol ya i'm a main muser i guess...and people like sippe--the people who go on Banter, wouldn't appreciate me. It's like if you appreciate Muse AND Matt's sexiness at the same time, you're not welcome. At least that's what I've learned from other threads here,

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Actually the neighbor on one side said they like it, but like right after i posted that the neighbors on the other side of the house away from the stereo said to "Shut the hell up! We're tired of hearing that band, you play it so much on the stereo, on the amplifier on your guitar and bass, at least play something different" :LOL::LOL:

Murphy's Law! :LOL:


As a group of friends we are all giving stuff up for lent, and having bets too


I'm giving up listening to Muse :$


I allowed on the message boards though ;)

Wow... another brave soul. But I'm reconsidering though, and maybe you 'brave' people are just loosing it :p

YKYATMW your talking with you friends and the conversation abruptly stops, and Kim says "are you okay?" and you say, "Yes, why?" and she says, "You haven't mentioned Matt yet." :LOL:


When people read british books they ask me what words mean :LOL: One girl said, "Hey, Sofia, what's a bloke?" and I realized I wouldn't have known what a bloke was if I hadn't been a Muser... ;)

Yea, if I hadn't been a fan of Muse, Kasabian and Oasis, I wouldn't know that much about the vocab. Same with Aussie vocab, if I wasn't such a big fan of JET and The Temper Trap. Unfortunatly, my knowledge is not utilized as much as I think it deserves ;)

When a kid from your mock trial team feels the need to text you when he plays Uprising on Guitar Hero :rolleyes:


It'd up my mood for a few minutes! haha!

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Yea, if I hadn't been a fan of Muse, Kasabian and Oasis, I wouldn't know that much about the vocab. Same with Aussie vocab, if I wasn't such a big fan of JET and The Temper Trap. Unfortunatly, my knowledge is not utilized as much as I think it deserves ;)

Believe it or not, before I joined this board, I was under the impression that nobody likes Oasis. :rolleyes: I guess I just never realized how big they were. I live in the suburbs, no one my age has heard of them

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Believe it or not, before I joined this board, I was under the impression that nobody likes Oasis. :rolleyes: I guess I just never realized how big they were. I live in the suburbs, no one my age has heard of them


How old are you? and ya same i wouldn't know about some bands if i hadn't joined the boards.


When you greet your best friend with "Fuck off you cunt!"

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How old are you? and ya same i wouldn't know about some bands if i hadn't joined the boards.


When you greet your best friend with "Fuck off you cunt!"


I knew Oasis long ago, just didn't know of their fans. :D

14....yes, i'm a baby teenager. But I bite. and I am not on this board because of twilight or matt's ass! :fear:

...okay, maybe his ass a little..

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I knew Oasis long ago, just didn't know of their fans. :D

14....yes, i'm a baby teenager. But I bite. and I am not on this board because of twilight or matt's ass! :fear:

...okay, maybe his ass a little..


Hahah Matt's bum :awesome:

This may seem strange, but it also goes with the thread, but I would trade any part of my body to have Dom's legs :stunned::LOL::happy:

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I knew Oasis long ago, just didn't know of their fans. :D

14....yes, i'm a baby teenager. But I bite. and I am not on this board because of twilight or matt's ass! :fear:

...okay, maybe his ass a little..


I'm almost out of my baby teenage years, turn 16 in a june. I joined cause i love the music. i ain't gay, but dat azz :LOL: jk hahaha

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Hahah Matt's bum :awesome:

This may seem strange, but it also goes with the thread, but I would trade any part of my body to have Dom's legs :stunned::LOL::happy:


he does have very nice legs...a bit too manly for me though, i mean he has girly legs for a guy, but too manly for a girl.

I'd date a guy with Matt's hair or eyes anyday, and anyone brave enough to wear those colored jeans :LOL:

This goes with the thread, When I first told my cousin (very distant) that my favorite band is Muse, he said and I quote, "those faggots with the blue pants? why?"

(hey this goes with the thread, too!) Note To All Musers: Don't put your favorite Muse pin, or any one you even like a litte; on your backpack or purse or bag because someone will steal it. Maybe it's because they like Muse as well, maybe it fell off, or maybe those songs of bitches like to see you suffer......:stunned::p:LOL:

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he does have very nice legs...a bit too manly for me though, i mean he has girly legs for a guy, but too manly for a girl.

I'd date a guy with Matt's hair or eyes anyday, and anyone brave enough to wear those colored jeans :LOL:

This goes with the thread, When I first told my cousin (very distant) that my favorite band is Muse, he said and I quote, "those faggots with the blue pants? why?"

(hey this goes with the thread, too!) Note To All Musers: Don't put your favorite Muse pin, or any one you even like a litte; on your backpack or purse or bag because someone will steal it. Maybe it's because they like Muse as well, maybe it fell off, or maybe those songs of bitches like to see you suffer......:stunned::p:LOL:


It probably just fell off. I had a pin on my purse from another band I really like, and it fell off about twice a week. I didn't lose it forever until about two months ago, though...


And I'm giving up Muse for lent too. And my other favorite band. Not because I'm Christian, but my parents are. I just want to see if I can do it :LOL:

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he does have very nice legs...a bit too manly for me though, i mean he has girly legs for a guy, but too manly for a girl.

I'd date a guy with Matt's hair or eyes anyday, and anyone brave enough to wear those colored jeans :LOL:

This goes with the thread, When I first told my cousin (very distant) that my favorite band is Muse, he said and I quote, "those faggots with the blue pants? why?"

(hey this goes with the thread, too!) Note To All Musers: Don't put your favorite Muse pin, or any one you even like a litte; on your backpack or purse or bag because someone will steal it. Maybe it's because they like Muse as well, maybe it fell off, or maybe those songs of bitches like to see you suffer......:stunned::p:LOL:



But that is totally not Muse related at all :rolleyes:

And I thought someone stole my page in my agenda where I wrote down Plug In Baby lyrics, but realised I just flipped by it :$:LOL:

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