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My mum likes Muse a little bit :p And my sister is a fan


My sister is a fan too! And my mom recognizes Muse if she hears them on radio.


So does my dad, my brother, my cousins (well one of them :chuckle:) most of my friends and even my nan!!


You must have some kind of Muse aura around you which makes everyone near you fall in love with Muse! :LOL:

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When your about to go to sleep and Microcuts comes on and you get so pissed off that you can't remember the lyrics that you go to the trouble to turn your laptop on to google the lyrics just so you can have peace of mind.


And also when you get on the bus with your friend and the first words you say are something Muse related.


:LOL: For a while I didn't think Micro Cuts even had words. It was just a bunch of "nyaaaaahhhhhhhs" :chuckle:

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You consider putting Plug in Baby on the back of your senior jersey (but it wouldn'y fit :()

And whenever you see the flag of Israel, you mentally add MUSE between the blue lines and mentally edit the star of David so it looks like an all-seeing eye :ninja:

((This happened to me in the Geigraphy classroom. The teacher has a flag for every country he's been to) Also, no offence intended in regards to the flag or anything).


Also, the captcha you have to do to submit this reply contains 1974, and think 'Oh, so close!' :ohmy:

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YKYATMW your classmates figure that for your English project (which is choosing 5 songs that fit the themes of Romeo and Juliet) you'll be using all Muse songs........ I only chose 2 :$


I pulled a Matt today and replaced an r with a w while speaking in class :facepalm:



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when you're supposed to sculpture something that represents music and the first thing that comes to your mind is "GLITTERATI" :rolleyes:


And the group you're in thinks it's a good idea to make an "M for music, M for Mozart" and I said "Or M for Muse, M for Matt Bellamy". So one of my friends went like "Emi, seriously... :facepalm:"



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...when you feel assulted finding the digipak version of Black Holes and Revelations within a bunch of pop- and schlagermusic in a supermarket, costing 3 (!!!) € (almost the same in pounds). (Totally bought it though, only had the jewelcase-version, but still ! :mad: )


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