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I think your letting Matt's disinterest in school when he was younger influence you. And man, being an outcast usually means your the one that's being honest with yourself... the others are faking to fit in. Then when they have to go on their own after school, they're lost puppies.


Matt is really spreading onto me like butter, yes :LOL:

He started the stuttering and the reason I go deep into a song to feel what they were feeling when they wrote it :happy:

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i'm kind of an outcast too. I mean I have close friends but.. Personally I think outcasts are more interesting. but what do i know.

and you call your dad Fasha? like in auston powers :p lol yes i've seen the movie!


Indeed, I used to call my dad, Daddy, all the time even at an age everybody calls their dad, Dad. But now, it's Fasha :happy:

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1984 is literally stocked in every bookstore/library I've ever been to. It's not hard to find. At all. And it's inexpensive, got my copy new for $7.95 while most books here are upwards of $12. And it's a great book, very interesting, Muse connections or not. :)



For me I don't particularly hate school itself since I enjoy learning for its own sake, but I do share the general dread of actually going to classes, talking to people, doing presentations…


For me it's not so much being the outcast as much as having a somewhat avoidant personality (I guess mainly because I go to a ridiculously huge university, hence it has an incredibly diverse population, so no one really gives a fuck over what you're like; in primary school I was definitely the outcast) as much as that I'm at a loss of what the hell I want to do with my life. I don't know why the hell I'm doing what I'm doing or how it will help me.


But you know what? Nearly EVERYONE I know feels this way. The few that have a plan figured out or a dream don't even know what they're doing or how they're going to achieve it. I mean, in retrospect I suppose it's easy to think we "knew" at some point that this is what we wanted, because obviously to get to that point you had to start on the path, but really, most people I know simply stumbled to what they're doing.


It may have been what they loved all along, they may have had to sacrifice their real dreams, or maybe they even stumbled upon a new love that they never would've otherwise realized they had, but we all find our way somehow. Our life keeps going as long as we don't give up.



Well, that was overly long and pretentious. :stunned:


oh, and the reason I was gonna post in the first place and forgot about after typing all of that. :facepalm:

YKYATMW you think it's weird that you've gone 2 days without at least a member of Muse showing up in your dream in some form, even if the dream itself isn't explicitly about Muse.


I do agree that was overly long, but well said :)

I already have my dream road planned out, so I guess that's great :happy:

I was going to write a book or two, go to England, find a band that needs a bassist (this will be once I learn the bass), join the band and Boom ;)

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i really hate school, but i've come so far

and well i only have like a year and a half left of high school anways



:chuckle: the HMV near me used to have four Muse posters, now it only has one :supersad: I feel sorry for it because it's between a Justin Beaver poster and a JLS poster :indiff:

i feel bad for any Muse things stuck between crap like that


When you give someone a hug because they bowed to the awesomeness of Muse. She seen them live, too. :happy:


i did that to my friend last year, we were walking and out of nowhere she brings up Muse and said she liked them. i freaked out and gave her a hug :LOL: she was like :confused:


YKYATMW ... if you go to a dirty old toilet and you're excited because the floor is made of hundreds of hexagons ...

whenever i see hexagons i'm like :awesome:

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i really hate school, but i've come so far

and well i only have like a year and a half left of high school anways




i feel bad for any Muse things stuck between crap like that




i did that to my friend last year, we were walking and out of nowhere she brings up Muse and said she liked them. i freaked out and gave her a hug :LOL: she was like :confused:


whenever i see hexagons i'm like :awesome:


I haven't known her very long. But when she said that, I was like :eek::awesome: and then the hug came. She's like, my new best friend now :chuckle:

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Since everybody is talking about school I suppose I will state my school story!


I'm a homeschooler and right now I'm doing an online class. I have gotten behind on it. :$

I was begging my mom to let me get a Muse hoody, and she said if I finish the class by the end on Feb. then I can get the hoody!

So now i'm working really hard and really fast!:happy:


YKYATMW Muse is your only motivation. :p

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Since everybody is talking about school I suppose I will state my school story!


I'm a homeschooler and right now I'm doing an online class. I have gotten behind on it. :$

I was begging my mom to let me get a Muse hoody, and she said if I finish the class by the end on Feb. then I can get the hoody!

So now i'm working really hard and really fast!:happy:


YKYATMW Muse is your only motivation. :p




So true.

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Population Uprising is finally here!!! It's our first video so please be nice! It's pretty obvious who I am...;)



I was all for making the video actually making sense to the song, but my friends wanted to just dance and act silly in front of the camera so you see which person won that debate!

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Population Uprising is finally here!!! It's our first video so please be nice! It's pretty obvious who I am...;)



I was all for making the video actually making sense to the song, but my friends wanted to just dance and act silly in front of the camera so you see which person won that debate!




nice job! really awesome and :LOL::p

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Population Uprising is finally here!!! It's our first video so please be nice! It's pretty obvious who I am...;)



I was all for making the video actually making sense to the song, but my friends wanted to just dance and act silly in front of the camera so you see which person won that debate!


:LOL::LOL::LOL: That was hilarious!!!

The harmonies were beautiful:D

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Population Uprising is finally here!!! It's our first video so please be nice! It's pretty obvious who I am...;)



I was all for making the video actually making sense to the song, but my friends wanted to just dance and act silly in front of the camera so you see which person won that debate!


That was so, like, hilarious and crazy! You made my lol today! :LOL::LOL:

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Population Uprising is finally here!!! It's our first video so please be nice! It's pretty obvious who I am...;)



I was all for making the video actually making sense to the song, but my friends wanted to just dance and act silly in front of the camera so you see which person won that debate!


HAHA! Thats awsome!

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Population Uprising is finally here!!! It's our first video so please be nice! It's pretty obvious who I am...;)



I was all for making the video actually making sense to the song, but my friends wanted to just dance and act silly in front of the camera so you see which person won that debate!


:awesome: yay!!! I loved it when I read the lyrics, this is great! :)

gonna comment after i'm done with the board lol

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YKYATMW the only way you can calm yourself about starting new classes tomorrow is by thinking that there might be a chance you're gonna meet a muser in one of your classes...even though i know thats probably never gonna happen :(

and also by watching KoC live @ Wembley 2007....it always gets me all excited :D

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Population Uprising is finally here!!! It's our first video so please be nice! It's pretty obvious who I am...;)



I was all for making the video actually making sense to the song, but my friends wanted to just dance and act silly in front of the camera so you see which person won that debate!


haha nice




When you can't help but clap along to Starlight as you're zoned out during History

i think anyone who saw me probably thought i was high


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Thanks to all for the nice comments on the video! :D Hopefully me and my friends will be able to make a few more videos this year!


YKYATMW you try to use the board smilies on Facebook chat and you're disappointed when you realize they don't work. :) is better than =) !


:LOL::LOL: Your vid was great! I nearly died during the guitar solo parts.

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Matt is really spreading onto me like butter, yes :LOL:

He started the stuttering and the reason I go deep into a song to feel what they were feeling when they wrote it :happy:


Getting that immersed into a song is such a great trait! The stuttering, not so much... :)


YKYATMW you start pronouncing words a bit differently because you watch so many interviews of the band! Although, this is not limited to Muse, therefore I have some Australian influences to my speech as well :LOL:

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Population Uprising is finally here!!! It's our first video so please be nice! It's pretty obvious who I am...;)



I was all for making the video actually making sense to the song, but my friends wanted to just dance and act silly in front of the camera so you see which person won that debate!


Do all those people love Muse?! That's amazing! Pure awesomeness :) This is proof that Muse fans are smarter haha!

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