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When you start reading 1984.


It's pretty good.:D


Haha, I started reading it too! My copy that my mum got for a sixth of a dollar is so old, that the first 38 pages fell out, and now they're in a clump that always falls out... :rolleyes:


Ah well... I had to stop reading it to read my lame-ass novel for English this year, but as soon as that's done, I'm back to it :)

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When you get to the ending, you're gonna lose hope in humanity, though.

I threw the book across the room when I read the last sentence.


I didnt like the ending very much but it was still kinda good

Overall though, the book was probably the best I've ever read :)

after i finished it, i was like "I FINALLY get this song! :awesome:" (referring to Resistance)

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I didnt like the ending very much but it was still kinda good

Overall though, the book was probably the best I've ever read :)

after i finished it, i was like "I FINALLY get this song! :awesome:" (referring to Resistance)


Same! I liked Resistance a lot more after I read the book.

But even without the Musey references, it was a damn good book.

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Same! I liked Resistance a lot more after I read the book.

But even without the Musey references, it was a damn good book.


Yea I read the book in school before hearing Resistance... you can imagine my shock and excitement when I was listening to the song for the first time, thinking "hmm, you think they're referring to 1984?" and then "OH! THOUGHT POLICE! YESSSS!!!" :):p

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You will. :) I'm borrowing from the school library though, and I'll probably buy my own copy as well.


I don't even think my DREADED school has a copy of it :rolleyes:



Back on topic: When Muse makes you wanna drop out of school until highschool... Because I'm hating it A LOT ever since I did listen to Muse... I guess it's a good and bad thing :LOL:

But thus, I guess I could go through another year of it... :stunned:

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I don't even think my DREADED school has a copy of it :rolleyes:



Back on topic: When Muse makes you wanna drop out of school until highschool... Because I'm hating it A LOT ever since I did listen to Muse... I guess it's a good and bad thing :LOL:

But thus, I guess I could go through another year of it... :stunned:


Um, that's not really a good thing :LOL:

I'm really curious... why did Muse make you hate school?

But seriously, put up with it, it's for the best. :p

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When you start reading 1984.


It's pretty good.:D


I read that last year :D Our English teacher had this enormous pile of books, and we could choose which one we wanted to read- "all are considered classics" - and the first one I saw was 1984, and I was like :eek: *MUST. READ.* :LOL:



YKYATMW you just went bowling with all of your friends, and one of your guy friends was wearing a black & white checked shirt complete with hanging sunglasses exactly like Matt is in this picture and you go :eek: ... :stunned: ... :eyebrows:....................:$

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Ah yes, but in Australia it has been Thursday mornings... :LOL:


Most of the mags are pretty much copying what US mags say anyway... but having said that...



YKYATMW You spend 20 minutes in a 7/11 looking at mags, not buying them, and not even buying a SLURPEE, and having the shopkeeper look at you like your trying to steal something...

oh, and when you stand in JB Hi-Fi for 30 minutes deciding which Muse CD you want to buy next... or just staring at them....

and when you walk out of the store, you see they've recycled The Resistance stand, but you still see the album cover on the side of it, but with random stuff in it and a piece of paper over the top...

i always do that when i see any magazine stand

then when i'm looking at cds i always look for Muse, even though i already have them :chuckle:


When you start reading 1984.


It's pretty good.:D


i haven't finished reading it

and i started reading it last summer :(

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YKYATMW...in school we've started writing memoirs....and it's supposed to be a whole book full of them, and one or more will be on Muse and the concert I went to. I'm thinking at the head of each chapter I can put a little Muse quote that goes with it! I iz excited.


...whenyou get sooo excited when you hear someone say the word "megalomaniac"


...when everyone you know thinks your last name really is Bellamy or they know who Matt is. My best friend started saying "OH MY MATT!" and "MATT BLESS YOU!" like I sometimes do :rolleyes: and now everytime i sneeze she makes a point of saying Matt Bless You.....and she doesn't even really like Muse or think Matt's that hott, she just knows it makes me proud of her.. ;)

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i always do that when i see any magazine stand

then when i'm looking at cds i always look for Muse, even though i already have them :chuckle:


:LOL: I do that too!!! I was shopping with my friend this weekend and we went to a music store and I ran to find the Muse CDs. As soon as I started looking through them she said, "What are you doing? You have all these.":chuckle:


i've seen that commercial! except when i see it i say "Muse WROTE that song, daddy!" (I still call my dad daddy :p)


Muse didn't write FG :$

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:LOL: I do that too!!! I was shopping with my friend this weekend and we went to a music store and I ran to find the Muse CDs. As soon as I started looking through them she said, "What are you doing? You have all these.":chuckle:



Muse didn't write FG :$


oh, I know! :LOL: but for me it's like Muse wrote it, because Muse has the best version in my opinion. Plus my dad doesn't like Muse very much so I can see the annoyance in his face every time I mention them.

and lol about the Muse CDs, i do that too. My friend once said "and why are you even looking? You think Muse has a secret album that you don't have and have never heard of? :rolleyes:" I don't know why I look through them. It's inexplicable, I mean I have them all, but I can't resist!

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YKYATMW You aren't upset that if somehow in any way you actually got married to Matt your initials would be JB. haha


You aren't upset about Matt and Kate anymore, you just want Maffoo to be happy :{)


You beg your guitar teacher to teach you every single Muse song that it is possible to, just so that you can feel like Matt


Everytime someone starts saying music, you freak out, yelling "MUSE MUSE MUSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OH MY HECK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I THOUGHT YOU HATED THEM!!!!!!" Before you realize what they actually said.


In that last one, you accidentally typed muse instead of music.


When your watching American Idol, no matter how well someone does with a song, you automatically think, "Muse could do a better cover of that!" haha :p


You are seriously considering buying the Barbie nail art thing you saw on the commercials just so that you can have Matt, Dom, and Chris's faces, Muse album covers and such on your nails easily. Haha. Haha nice little subtle Muse saying there :)


When you do this to the back of your folder:








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Me Too! Usually here they only have TR. So when I see the other albums I get very excited!


Yep. A lot of times they have BHaR too. When they have Origin or Showbiz, I get excited. One store even had Hullabaloo, and I did a little dance in the aisle :LOL:



YKYATMW you watch American Idol and wonder what it'd be like to have Matt as a judge someday :LOL:...

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