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...when you see a license plate that includes "MB" and your first thought is "Those are Matt's initials! :awesome:" (Yeah, I was even a little weirded out by myself :D)


:LOL: There was a kid I was tutoring named Mike, and for the work he was doing he had to initial a paper, and his initials were MB. I was like :awesome:

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YKYATMW you read this and die because you didn't think of it too. Thank!


YKYADTMW you hire Knight And Day because they had Uprising in the trailer and are very disappointed they don't play it in the movie :mad:

it wasn't worth watching, i didn't see him :(


YKYATM when studying natural selection in biology, you ask about "unnatural selection", while giggling to yourself.


Then you get that song stuck in your head for the rest of the week.

i remember learning about that last year, i always had the song in my head :chuckle:


I do too :stonuge:




Children, children. He looks good in everything :chuckle::p



Welcome! haha. I will keep thinking too! Cuz its driving me Maaadddd! ;)


YKYATMW you say your dog needs a walk as an excuse to listen to Muse, when your supposed to be doing school work. even though is is 0 degrees F and snowing outside. :rolleyes:


i sometimes like walking home just so i can listen to Muse :happy:




When you wonder if Matt has alien abduction insurance


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You're addicted to Muse when you miss about EVERYTHING on the forum and both your sister and you have a Muse related dream. Where as in mine, Chris was a Dom with curly, short hair. Now tell me that's not weird! :LOL:

And in my sisters, they were performing wearing maid outfits like that outfit Dom was in... If you have seen it :D

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When you grin hugely when your mom makes her first Muse reference!

She sang the "it could be wrong, could be wrong" part of Resistance when she was saying she could be wrong about something. I'm so proud :D



my friend always does that :happy: she also said that Resistance was the best song ever :D AND she recommended it to someone else! :awesome:

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...when you see a license plate that includes "MB" and your first thought is "Those are Matt's initials! :awesome:" (Yeah, I was even a little weirded out by myself :D)


Same here :D

I wonder when I'll cause my first car accident because I'm searching for MB's, CW's and DH's all the time :facepalm:


Btw... My initials are BW... when I switch the place and change the W for 180° I get MB :D:D

And my mothers initials are CW :awesome:

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Same here :D

I wonder when I'll cause my first car accident because I'm searching for MB's, CW's and DH's all the time :facepalm:


Btw... My initials are BW... when I switch the place and change the W for 180° I get MB :D:D

And my mothers initials are CW :awesome:


(YKYATMW)there is a Dominic Harris at my school...

I cannot resist..I keep calling him DOMMEH! :p

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YKYATMW I told my roommate that I know 5 couples who are pregnant, then proceeded to name the couples. When I got to the final couple, I said "Kate Hudson and Matt Bellamy." In all seriousness, my roommate replied, "Who's Matt Bellamy?" :eek: I just about went into shock. "You know, the lead singer of Muse?!" "Oh." Well, atleast she's heard of Muse...but only because of me.

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YKYATMW you spend ages on the .mu shop even though you know you're not allowed to buy anything :rolleyes: I have £40 that wants to be spent on Muse stuff!!! :chuckle:


:) I too have money that I would want to spend on Muse stuff, but I need to save money for a Digitech Whammy Pedal, so that when I play guitar I can use the same effects as Matt! :)

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When your mom made this cake for your 18th birthday :happy:






You know you're addicted when all clothes you bought latley has some kind of leopard prints on it :facepalm: Today I bought a black and grey leopard print dress.It was beautiful, but I don't know in what ocasion I could use it:rolleyes:

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