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haha yes it was you! :happy:

actually you're lucky because we don't get any live videos. I never even got to see the Resistance commercial, only on youtube. The only Muse i've heard was when they were in the commercial for Knight and Day, and of course NSC was on a few times....


:awesome: Thank you :D

I didn't get the Resistance commercial either :$ I've only gotten like Seaside Rendezvous, Starlight, Uprising, and Plug in Baby from Glasto 2010, and SFA, TiRO, and Plug in Baby again from Glasto 2004...

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Ugh that's horrible D:

People always go for 'Uprising' and for Coldplay, people always go with 'Viva La Vida.' It's quite annoying..:rolleyes:


yes same here. I like Coldplay as well...and really the lyrics to "Viva La Vida" make no sense, as to why people always say "LETS LISTEN TO IT!" i'm like "no you idiot" haha Dom quote.... :p

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I've never seen a Muse concert before, but just watching Wembley 2007 Live on DVD, I can barely stay still, especially sat down on the couch. I have to stand headbanging and jumping around following Matt's movements :D


yes he was sitting down! Well, I've been to a lot of concerts with him because we tend to have the same taste in music, and he hasn't stood up at any of them...but i was just like :eek: ITS MUSE! you don't SIT DOWN.

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If i had that much money i would probably buy it...i think... i'm actually not sure. :stunned: I never thought of buying from the shop because it's all in Euros. so if i wanted to buy that hoodie, I couldn't, cuz i live in the states... its a beautiful hoodie though, a bit plain.. Love it anyways. :)


Ya. but I really really want it. I'm debating over whether i should buy a plain hoodie then stencil Muse on it. but then I can't wash it cuz it would come off! I already made a shirt that way and haven't washed it yet! I'm sooo scared! Haha! I'm pretty sure it would come off cuz my sister made a shirt with the same paint and she washed it and the paint faded very badly. If I get the sweater from the shop then I can wash all I want!!! And it is just special to actually have something from the Muse shop!

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Ya. but I really really want it. I'm debating over whether i should buy a plain hoodie then stencil Muse on it. but then I can't wash it cuz it would come off! I already made a shirt that way and haven't washed it yet! I'm sooo scared! Haha! I'm pretty sure it would come off cuz my sister made a shirt with the same paint and she washed it and the paint faded very badly. If I get the sweater from the shop then I can wash all I want!!! And it is just special to actually have something from the Muse shop!


ya i looked just now and they added a lot since last time i checked! i want it all!!! :p

i would buy it probably but i think they have paint that doesnt come off, it probably costs more but i have shirts that i decorated with friends that it stayed on... I suppose it's more of a dye that i used with a paintbrush...

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ya i looked just now and they added a lot since last time i checked! i want it all!!! :p

i would buy it probably but i think they have paint that doesnt come off, it probably costs more but i have shirts that i decorated with friends that it stayed on... I suppose it's more of a dye that i used with a paintbrush...


I know there is sooo much! I really want the sweater cuz it is always really cold here so I cant just wear a t-shirt. So when I want to wear my Muse t-shirt that i made, i have to wear a dumb sweater over it and it ruins it! but if I have a Muse sweater, then my problem is fixed. But My mom wont let me!!:mad: When I made my shirt I used some fabric spray paint. Like i said i haven't washed my shirt yet so maybe it will stay on. Lets hope it does.

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haha oh, yes i've got friends liek that too. all of them love SMBH but if i mention Muse they would say "Muse who?" and i would say "The baseball scene in twilight..." :stunned:

but yes my non-Muser friends definitely know who matt, dom, and chris are, particularly matt. seeing as how most people call me "mrs. bellamy" :p and many like Uprising. But i agree with you, those are the songs that don't make you a Muser.


It kills me that she likes SMBH because of Twilight :supersad: She's the same way.

I think most of my friends know who Matt and Dom are, probably not Chris, though. I'm jealous:p I don't think any of my friends besides "Mrs. Howard" :chuckle: like Uprising


Yeah. I dont have any Muser friends. my friend who got me into Muse likes them and knows all of their album songs. but she doesn't love them like I do! My sisters like them too, but only a few of their songs.:rolleyes:


Luckily for me, my sister likes Muse as well, quite a lot. Just not as much as me:happy: She went with me when I seen Muse



I know I'm addicted to Muse when I post on Facebook that I want lime green skinny jeans, and then heaps of people say 'ew'

and then I defend Dom's sense of fashion.

Yup. Addicted.

Not necessarily about the yellow pants bit though... :stunned:


I wrote a letter to Dom's skinnies on my Facebook status :chuckle:

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YKYATMW you get EXTREMELY defensive when someone says they dislike them.


Example with my best friend:

Friend: I don't like Muse that much.

Me: Yeah?! Well, *insert band name here* sucks and you have bad taste in music!!

Friend: :eek:


I got into a similar argument. Though, she isn't my friend, and she also said Justin Beaver was more of a man than Matt Bellamy:mad:


I was a lot upset

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YKYATMW you get EXTREMELY defensive when someone says they dislike them.


Example with my best friend:

Friend: I don't like Muse that much.

Me: Yeah?! Well, *insert band name here* sucks and you have bad taste in music!!

Friend: :eek:


I'm exactly the same for me for one of my best friends. She thinks Muse is crap and Good Charlotte is the best band in the world, but according to her I'm the one with bad taste.:rolleyes:

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YKYATMW you got very mad when the guy in hot topic didn't know who Muse was.

(srsly i wanted to slap him :p) or how bout that one guy who i asked if they had Muse and he said no, then he said "But you seem like you may like My Chemical Romance." that was like SAY WHAT. :stunned:


OMG THAT IS HILARIOUS xD But sadly, I never asked anyone in HotTopic if they had Muse yet D: Only 30 Seconds to Mars so far... But I promise I will and they shall have Muse :mad:

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