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a short summary from today's interview in the "BernerZeitung" ( http://www.bernerzeitung.ch/region/bern/MuseDrummer-will-junge-Baeren-sehen/story/15504358) with Dom:


He might check out the young bears in the bear park before the gig, as he always likes to walk around a bit before the show.


Asked whether he's angry that the stadium tour collides with the world cup, he answered that he's not interested in football at all.


He also confirms that the opener will be Uprising (obviousely with the whole protestor-thing)


They try to offer a big show with a theatrical aspect to the audience, because they would like to see something like that for themselves if they were the audience. And they're only 3 people, so they somehow need to distract the people and keep them interested :).


Last but not least, they will play Citizen Erased. Fans would feel pranked if they didn't play it, everyone wants to hear it. However, they had to practise it quite a lot. :)

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a short summary from today's interview in the "BernerZeitung" ( http://www.bernerzeitung.ch/region/bern/MuseDrummer-will-junge-Baeren-sehen/story/15504358) with Dom:


He might check out the young bears in the bear park before the gig, as he always likes to walk around a bit before the show.


Asked whether he's angry that the stadium tour collides with the world cup, he answered that he's not interested in football at all.


He also confirms that the opener will be Uprising (obviousely with the whole protestor-thing)


They try to offer a big show with a theatrical aspect to the audience, because they would like to see something like that for themselves if they were the audience. And they're only 3 people, so they somehow need to distract the people and keep them interested :).


Last but not least, they will play Citizen Erased. Fans would feel pranked if they didn't play it, everyone wants to hear it. However, they had to practise it quite a lot. :)


Interesting- thanks!

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Hmm, so Uprising will open and Citizen Erased will be played? Sounds good.

I hope MKULTRA isn't dropped.


Citizen Erased, Bliss, Showbiz, Butterflies & Hurricanes, Showbiz and Assassin came in the top 5 (there was a tie, hench there is 6). Would love to see at least two of these come up other than Citizen Erased and Bliss.

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a short summary from today's interview in the "BernerZeitung" ( http://www.bernerzeitung.ch/region/bern/MuseDrummer-will-junge-Baeren-sehen/story/15504358) with Dom:


He might check out the young bears in the bear park before the gig, as he always likes to walk around a bit before the show.


Asked whether he's angry that the stadium tour collides with the world cup, he answered that he's not interested in football at all.


He also confirms that the opener will be Uprising (obviousely with the whole protestor-thing)


They try to offer a big show with a theatrical aspect to the audience, because they would like to see something like that for themselves if they were the audience. And they're only 3 people, so they somehow need to distract the people and keep them interested :).


Last but not least, they will play Citizen Erased. Fans would feel pranked if they didn't play it, everyone wants to hear it. However, they had to practise it quite a lot. :)


Thanks for the link. Can't wait......only a few hours to go... :dance:

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interesting that dom says they would piss the fans off if they don´t play CE...:rolleyes:

I really love that song and it´s great that they will play it live again, but I really do think they should play some other songs from the polls, come on muse, only CE? a bit lame after such a poll thing on your website.. (and I mean for all the stadium shows, not just for Bern)

but maybe they have a surprise for us, I´m still hoping!:happy:


I don't think he meant that it was the only song they would be playing from the polls ...

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I hope you´re right!:) it´s not only this interview that gave me the impression that it´s all about Bliss and CE, maybe I´m just too scared that they ignore the other songs from the top 5!:unsure:


I hope they'll play other songs aswell, but I can't really blame them for thinking that the top 2 songs are the songs that we want to see the most :erm: sounds logical.. anyways, I'm still hoping for other songs!

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I hope they'll play other songs aswell, but I can't really blame them for thinking that the top 2 songs are the songs that we want to see the most :erm: sounds logical.. anyways, I'm still hoping for other songs!


Especially considering that those two songs lead all the polls.

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oh dear that protestor thing does sound a bit disappointing but i can see why you would still choose to do it. it is, at least, a very unusual and interesting experience.


if you have a golden circle ticket, you could go in the golden circle afterwards. but this wouldn't work at all for those gig where it's first come first served in the GC eg Wembley. to be at the back of the gig afterwards would be soooo awful! although, i guess by then, they'll have professional extras rather than fans doing it?

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