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I almost yelled that at work while watching videos of the show on my computer ... :eek::LOL:




sorry, posting from crap phone again! i'm spending a few hours at mark's but will begin uploading my video clips when i get home. see my you tube link if you'd like to view the videos as i don't feel inclined to post them in this whining thread. it'll take a while to get them all uploaded and processed though so be patient! got all the protester intro, all but the first few seconds of ibty, all of nsc, great video of the Berne jam plus what followed, great video of take a bow, great videos of some of the o



Can't wait to see them Pip :happy:

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sorry, posting from crap phone again! i'm spending a few hours at mark's but will begin uploading my video clips when i get home. see my you tube link if you'd like to view the videos as i don't feel inclined to post them in this whining thread. it'll take a while to get them all uploaded and processed though so be patient! got all the protester intro, all but the first few seconds of ibty, all of nsc, great video of the Berne jam plus what followed, great video of take a bow, great videos of some of the o



Oh I can't wait Pip! :D were you at the barriers?

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most of my last post is missing, stupid phone! yes, i was right on the barrier right in front of matt. got really cold at one point and had to put my foil blanket on to keep warm and dry! soon warmed up when muse came on though!

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well, I'd love to find people's video and pics from this gig, but am unwilling to sift through 40 pages of whining to get to them:(


here you got mine again then:





btw. Girls from England. I'm glad that you came home well. I'm sorry that the meet up didn't work. We went there after a beer and some where there but none of you. They told us that they were there for a long time but none of you showed up. Anyway, I'm happy you made it back home safely

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most of my last post is missing, stupid phone! yes, i was right on the barrier right in front of matt. got really cold at one point and had to put my foil blanket on to keep warm and dry! soon warmed up when muse came on though!


God, yeah, couldn't believe how cold it got during Editors :stunned:

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Yeah I can imagine it did :LOL:


And yes I think it was! :D Ah.. but have you seen any videos or know what happens during it? The jam before is pretty cool and much more funkier than helsinki jam

I hope someone got a good vid of it, the one vid I saw didn't have much bass in it and it was hard to tell the structure of the song. I didn't like the sound of it too much so I'm waiting until there's one that's better quality before listening again.


Did Dom use the UD drumkit for it or a regular one?


Jesus at people bitching over the "flying" thing. I couldnt see the crane thing that well from where I was stood so I could just see the ufo thing moving phuface!

:chuckle: when i saw your tweet I got this hilarious image of Dom being flown around on a wire, with the drumkit around him (various pieces on their own wires ;)), trying to play helsinki jam...




some more pictures....

Cool pics again, I like the one of the UFO :)


sorry, posting from crap phone again! i'm spending a few hours at mark's but will begin uploading my video clips when i get home. see my you tube link if you'd like to view the videos as i don't feel inclined to post them in this whining thread. it'll take a while to get them all uploaded and processed though so be patient! got all the protester intro, all but the first few seconds of ibty, all of nsc, great video of the Berne jam plus what followed, great video of take a bow, great videos of some of the o


awww you should post in here...


I was going to say this earlier, but the best way to get rid of the whiners is for the people at the gigs to start posting again. This is my experience from previous gigs - when nothing is going on, the vaccuum sometimes gets filled with the complaints (for better or for worse) so once new things get reported, whining subsides and moves to the other thread.


Here's hoping the next stadium show thread will stay a bit better on course, though, now that the initial turmoil has subsided.


But anyway, I can't wait to see your vids :D I've been waiting for high quality close up vids, I've seen very few so far...

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finally some posts about the actual gig from people who WERE there :D


what is this about a new newborn intro? matt played the intro on guitar, is that it?




Could we possibly keep this thread to discussion of this show, and move the ongoing setlist complaints with the others in the general tour discussion thread please? Thanks.

thank you!
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DEADSTAR;7992544']here you got mine again then:





btw. Girls from England. I'm glad that you came home well. I'm sorry that the meet up didn't work. We went there after a beer and some where there but none of you. They told us that they were there for a long time but none of you showed up. Anyway, I'm happy you made it back home safely


It was lovely meeting you, such a shame we didn't get to say goodbye properly though :(

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awww you should post in here...


I was going to say this earlier, but the best way to get rid of the whiners is for the people at the gigs to start posting again. This is my experience from previous gigs - when nothing is going on, the vaccuum sometimes gets filled with the complaints (for better or for worse) so once new things get reported, whining subsides and moves to the other thread.


Here's hoping the next stadium show thread will stay a bit better on course, though, now that the initial turmoil has subsided.


But anyway, I can't wait to see your vids :D I've been waiting for high quality close up vids, I've seen very few so far...


Yes I agree, it would be nice to see some good videos in here to pick up the real vibe from the first show. :) It should be an uplifting time afterall! :D

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most of my last post is missing, stupid phone! yes, i was right on the barrier right in front of matt. got really cold at one point and had to put my foil blanket on to keep warm and dry! soon warmed up when muse came on though!


Foil blanket? Couldn't you just have asked to borrow Matt's suit?:p;)

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what is this about a new newborn intro? matt played the intro on guitar, is that it?


Nope Morgan played it like before. On piano. NB guitar intro would be interesting to hear though.


Was Dom standing during UD? I thought someone earlier had said something about it and it's hard to tell if he's sitting or not on the vids.

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Nope Morgan played it like before. On piano. NB guitar intro would be interesting to hear though.


Was Dom standing during UD? I thought someone earlier had said something about it and it's hard to tell if he's sitting or not on the vids.


Dom was standing from what I saw playing the light up-kit he used at RiR.


And I think on Origin of Symmetry Matt plays the intro on his guitar during the verses leading into the 2nd chrous.

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lukas, you look great on my intro video! i think i see your flag in one of my videos too, i panned the crowd a couple of times. ali and i were at the petrol station for at least fifteen minutes after we'd been to the loo at the stadium, which in itself took about twenty minutes! the others joined us then we left about five mins after that as i was concerned we'd miss the last train from zurich to the airport, which we did! managed to get a taxi though so all was well. you were fantastic company yesterday.


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Foil blanket? Couldn't you just have asked to borrow Matt's suit?:p;)

Why do you think he picked that suit? :p It's to protect him from the elements in the outdoor gigs! :D


Nope Morgan played it like before. On piano. NB guitar intro would be interesting to hear though.


Was Dom standing during UD? I thought someone earlier had said something about it and it's hard to tell if he's sitting or not on the vids.

I think he was sitting and the comment before referred to his having to walk across the stage to get to the secondary drum kit :unsure:


But then, I don't know :$

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It was lovely meeting you, such a shame we didn't get to say goodbye properly though :(


Thank you. Maybe we could all see each other again in London :) Who knows...


your avatar makes me want to smack my computer screen :$


Point for you. That's a reason to hate me :p


lukas, you look great on my intro video! i think i see your flag in one of my videos too, i panned the crowd a couple of times. ali and i were at the petrol station for at least fifteen minutes after we'd been to the loo at the stadium, which in itself took about twenty minutes! the others joined us then we left about five mins after that as i was concerned we'd miss the last train from zurich to the airport, which we did! managed to get a taxi though so all was well. you were fantastic company yesterday.



I'm really sorry about that then :( But you did the right choice and went for the train! Looking forward to see you guys another time again.

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Did Dom use the UD drumkit for it or a regular one?



:chuckle: when i saw your tweet I got this hilarious image of Dom being flown around on a wire, with the drumkit around him (various pieces on their own wires ;)), trying to play helsinki jam...





I just saw him flying and had completely forgotten about his drumkit :chuckle:

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i've got all the Berne jam and a lot of ud on video so you'll see exactly what they did! someone mentioned people moaning about seeing the hydraulics of the lifting platform. is that really true? people were seriously moaning about that?! what tossers.

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i've got all the Berne jam and a lot of ud on video so you'll see exactly what they did! someone mentioned people moaning about seeing the hydraulics of the lifting platform. is that really true? people were seriously moaning about that?! what tossers.


really? :stunned:

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Why do you think he picked that suit? :p It's to protect him from the elements in the outdoor gigs! :D


Yes, and for a man with little body mass, survival is dependent on such clever wardrobe planning. That would explain the granny coat, too.:LOL:


On a side note, I'm so glad this thread has turned pleasant. I was getting sad last night.:(

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most of my last post is missing, stupid phone! yes, i was right on the barrier right in front of matt. got really cold at one point and had to put my foil blanket on to keep warm and dry! soon warmed up when muse came on though!


how did you manage to get on the barrier pip? didn't you go later than normal? mind you i did think the GC looked quite empty on some of the first twitpics that came along.


can't wait to see your pics etc. i know i'm one of those who doesn't like people filming etc near me at a gig (in case they pick up my singing/dancing or moan at me for being in the way) but i do like seeing the results afterwards.

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i've got all the Berne jam and a lot of ud on video so you'll see exactly what they did! someone mentioned people moaning about seeing the hydraulics of the lifting platform. is that really true? people were seriously moaning about that?! what tossers.


I've been on board with most of the whining and I don't remember that, but don't quote me on it. I think the general consensus has been good on both the new jam and UD on the platform. MK Jam is quite funky like UD, they go together perfectly. A rotating scissor lift is pretty damn cool. It's almost like another stage. Is it hard to see them if you're too close though?

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