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posting from my rubbish phone. absolutely loved every second of the gig! why do people think matt was ill? he was on fine form and very clearly having a great time, lots of grinning and laughing from all three actually. no idea why nothing from the poll was played but everything they did play was done so with great gusto, it was a fantastic performance and they sounded immense. can't wait for the paris gigs next week.

Great to hear you had a fantastic time. :D

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Finally got home a few hours ago. . .I'm bloody KNACKERED :LOL: Six hours sleep since Tuesday, plus running around Berne/Zurich, plus being rained on continously, plus a diet of crisps and lukewarm water makes for a very sleepy Ali :LOL:


BUT. . .it was absolutely worth it, 100% :happy: Switzerland is BEAUTIFUL, the people were super friendly and the gig? Fucking fantastic. The lads were on top form, bouncing around everywhere, smiling continously and constantly breaking out into giggles! The bass sounded beefy as fuck (UNF), and they simply played absolutely superbly :happy:

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posting from my rubbish phone. absolutely loved every second of the gig! why do people think matt was ill? he was on fine form and very clearly having a great time, lots of grinning and laughing from all three actually. no idea why nothing from the poll was played but everything they did play was done so with great gusto, it was a fantastic performance and they sounded immense. can't wait for the paris gigs next week.


Finally got home a few hours ago. . .I'm bloody KNACKERED :LOL: Six hours sleep since Tuesday, plus running around Berne/Zurich, plus being rained on continously, plus a diet of crisps and lukewarm water makes for a very sleepy Ali :LOL:


BUT. . .it was absolutely worth it, 100% :happy: Switzerland is BEAUTIFUL, the people were super friendly and the gig? Fucking fantastic. The lads were on top form, bouncing around everywhere, smiling continously and constantly breaking out into giggles! The bass sounded beefy as fuck (UNF), and they simply played absolutely superbly :happy:


SO GOOD to see you both again - and I'm glad you got home safe and sound :D



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posting from my rubbish phone. absolutely loved every second of the gig! why do people think matt was ill? he was on fine form and very clearly having a great time, lots of grinning and laughing from all three actually. no idea why nothing from the poll was played but everything they did play was done so with great gusto, it was a fantastic performance and they sounded immense. can't wait for the paris gigs next week.



Happy to read such high marks from you! I thought other than the 'ignored poll results' bit they put a lot of effort into putting on a great show.


Well from yt videos the guys are usually just glowing specks so we can't tell if they are having a great time or not. Good to know you guys enjoyed a great gig!

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But the gig was still fantastic :)


ah of course, when we're in the gig we'll still find it fantastic, and that's good!

That's why people didn't start moaning and bitching on the RiR thread, they were able to listen to the first few songs live in RFM radio.... especially their reactions to SS :yesey: we did get Mk Ultra and Ce.. but no New born and US... so..

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Imagine the faces if they did that at a gig! :eek::LOL:




But the gig was still fantastic :)


yeah, it still looked good judging by the YT videos. nearly everyone there seems to have enjoyed it too, so we probably cant really judge when were sat here at our computers...


They should just play Feeling Good at that speed. That way the agony will be over much quicker as well!


:LOL: the base sounds really bouncy on that speed :happy:

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Most of the people posting weren't there. :p


Oh! :LOL:


ah of course, when we're in the gig we'll still find it fantastic, and that's good!

That's why people didn't start moaning and bitching on the RiR thread, they were able to listen to the first few songs live in RFM radio.... especially their reactions to SS :yesey: we did get Mk Ultra and Ce.. but no New born and US... so..


Ah, I can understand people's frustrations, but when the opinions of people who were actually at the gig get overlooked. . .that's equally frustrating!


MK Ultra looked so IMMENSE at RiR!!

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