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Anyway, since nobody has ousted for any change of any sort (and maybe we can try to work around Jill's chinese class for our timing) or shown any support towards the 25th, I suppose that the outing shall be maintained as 24th April 2010?


Everyone in favour say aye.


Yes Ma'am!

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You're welcome guyz. :) Now I just wish I can find some recording of the show I was at... but I can't. Oh well.


Apparently Glitterati survived, so... That's great! Heh.


I'm glad I'm not in Singapore just so I don't have to do PW. :D But I should probably finally start finishing my homework now. Stupid procrastinating lezah.

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you know what.. i think this thing will keep the thread alive at least for a few days.



edit: it's not officially announced yet so don't blame me if it's not true :p

but yeah, i heard about it just today..........


probably not LAMC though, cos my friend who's got a connection with andre asked him and he didnt have any idea about this.



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That's really interesting... But would they rush from here to Manchester the next day for a gig?


But I am hopeful, because before Manchester, they'll be in Poland and that is 21/8, so they have quite some time between Poland and Manchester - how bout slottin in some Asian dates? :LOL:

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Having an Asian tour date in between European ones doesn't make sense at all.


I don't think it's true either. Maybe someone messed around with it to fuck with our minds ha. Anyways I'd still be in Australia then. Wish I was going to the Sept 10 Wembley show! That's my birthday. Meh.


Muse haven't even announced any Australian dates yet..

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Having an Asian tour date in between European ones doesn't make sense at all.


I don't think it's true either. Maybe someone messed around with it to fuck with our minds ha. Anyways I'd still be in Australia then. Wish I was going to the Sept 10 Wembley show! That's my birthday. Meh.


Muse haven't even announced any Australian dates yet..


im waitig the announcement! they said theyre coming back to australia at the end of the year right? im so flying there. just wish theyd announce soon so i can buy my plane tix ;)

and about the 3rd sept show. am a bit skeptical. they wont make it to the manchester show! haha

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24th April 2010

Kheleev + Cool guitarist friend (Peter Chao, apparently) + Cool bassist friend (Chris Wolstenholme)





Zul + Wann (because of Zul's insistence that he's his bitch :LOL:)




(Tim, maybe?)

Kai (tentatively)


Okay. Jamming from 2.30 to 5.30. After that, we can go off for dinner (uhhh somewhere that will be decided at a later date) and we can just go somewhere and lepak after that. (HAHA, yes I learnt a new word, I had to use it, so sue me. :p)

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Having an Asian tour date in between European ones doesn't make sense at all.


I don't think it's true either. Maybe someone messed around with it to fuck with our minds ha. Anyways I'd still be in Australia then. Wish I was going to the Sept 10 Wembley show! That's my birthday. Meh.


Muse haven't even announced any Australian dates yet..


I'm hoping the guys will announce the dates soon so LAMC could prepare necessary arrangements to rope them into Singapore! I've been checking the dates section and LAMC site every now and then.


I'm saving my precious Sing dollars for the second MUSE concert this year end and another pit tix for me! Haha, been MIA in this forum since March.

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1 more week!!


lets jam til we jam.




Wow it's this Saturday! It's been ages man.


Whooooo. I can't wait for jamming. We should have our traditional online convo the day before so we can firm up the attendance. Yeah. So Friday night, 23rd April 2010, at around 10? Is that a comfortable time for everyone?


Oh on a sidenote, Check this awesome shit out.


Online convo sounds like fun, and I wonder if we'll top ourselves from the last chaotic one.


That shoe is the colourful and great, except for the text heehee. I know at least a couple of tees that'd go well with those.


I'm hoping the guys will announce the dates soon so LAMC could prepare necessary arrangements to rope them into Singapore! I've been checking the dates section and LAMC site every now and then.


I'm saving my precious Sing dollars for the second MUSE concert this year end and another pit tix for me! Haha, been MIA in this forum since March.


I hope Muse will make a proper SEA tour, at least early next year. :awesome:

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