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That was the absolute best time I have had in for ever. I took the bus from Pittsburgh with my daughter and her friend. The bus trips to and from Baltimore were an experience of there own.I have concluded that if you are a writer you should do a summer of nothing but riding a bus, you could come up with a lot of stories! :p .


We get to the arena and seen no one. I was like ok this is cool I guess. I was actually worried that we were either at the wrong place or were missing something. After a few minutes we spotted hardcoremidgit and his friend sitting on a bench, then we seen bellamy'szetagirl and headed to the doors to wait. It was awesome the waiting was not too bad at all. My daughter would not leave her spot for anything, I tried to get her to leave a couple times to get warm a little bit, I finally did get her to go to dunken donuts for a few. She was just enjoying the experience too much. Her friend did not know who muse was so she was not as into the waiting, I kept going different places with her to keep her occupied. At first there was a lot of people asking who we were seeing etc... I missed were it was decided to call them cheesecake but that this was absolutely hysterical. :D. On one of my trips I got the sign and a marker so we wouldn't have to tell people anymore. Once the sign was made there were pictures being taken of it so bellamy'szetagirl put the lines on it to make it look better. She also had to add the fact we had tickets because that became the next question lol. Anyway the waiting was fun in all. I realized that ravens/capitiol fans and steeler/penguins fans could coexist nicely outside of sports :p.


When we got in my daughter and I almost left her friend a couple times as we wanted barrier and were fast walking as best we could to secure a spot. Her friend didn't understand lol. We made barrier and were beside the drunk crowd from the line outside. They were cool though, Two of them ended up having to be helped out of the crowd at various points during the show, due to dehydration etc...(lesson would be don't drink the hard stuff and get barrier.) We waited for the show to start and were getting more and more excited as time went by. The security was extremely nice!!! They allowed us to put her friends purse and coat on the other side of the barrier for safe keeping.


When silversun started it was wicked. I thought I would have the chance to get my coat off, but no chance of that lol. I'm on the bigger side of things and there were these smaller girls behind me so I did not want to disrupt them and decided to keep my coat on. Silversun impressed me. I really loved there set and she likes crabcakes :D. The friend crushed on the drummer so her night was complete right there. The wait for muse between was almost unbearable, worse then the wait outside cause you knew they were coming on any minute!!! Once the people started walking up the steps the goose bumps came and didn't leave until I slept sometime today!!! The show was that great!!! My daughter, had a smile so huge on her face that was priceless to me. I would have went any where and done anything to see that smile. Due to the fact that there were some girls on the small side behind me and I wanted to let them see the show I decided I would just head bob lol. If I would have started jumping the show for them wouldn't have been as fun, and they were really nice. I offered to bend down so they could see better but they were happy with what they had.


The music show was phenomenal which I knew it would be, I would have loved for them to do a longer set and with some different songs, but I can not bitch at what I got for my first time ever seeing them live. I have been hooked since seeing replays of their concert at glastonbury 2004, so I have waited a long time to see them. I was not disappointed at all. Very loud, and very very very good!!! I didnt pay attention to the seats so I didn't know they were dull. My experience from the pit was that the crowd was very much into it! We had crowd surfers galore. I ducked so much for security during the second half of time is running out I should have just sat down lol(but who could do that during this set) We got matt doing the shuffle dance. I lost it at that point :D. My daughter was jealous cause she missed it. Over all one of the best experiences in my entire life. I told my daughter seeing them and being at barrier has probably ruined any other concert she will ever see unless of course its them again. At the end dom threw his drumsticks my daughter was convinced he was looking at me when he threw the one on matts side. It looked like it to me and I will just take it that he did. The drum stick ended up going to the right of my hand by about five feet lol.


Wow I wrote so much I should have given a song by song break down!!! Don't think thats needed though as we all know they are one of the greatest bands around!!! I will say seeing Matt in person wow, very gifted!

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That was the absolute best time I have had in for ever. I took the bus from Pittsburgh with my daughter and her friend. The bus trips to and from Baltimore were an experience of there own.I have concluded that if you are a writer you should do a summer of nothing but riding a bus, you could come up with a lot of stories! :p .


We get to the arena and seen no one. I was like ok this is cool I guess. I was actually worried that we were either at the wrong place or were missing something. After a few minutes we spotted hardcoremidgit and his friend sitting on a bench, then we seen bellamy'szetagirl and headed to the doors to wait. It was awesome the waiting was not too bad at all. My daughter would not leave her spot for anything, I tried to get her to leave a couple times to get warm a little bit, I finally did get her to go to dunken donuts for a few. She was just enjoying the experience too much. Her friend did not know who muse was so she was not as into the waiting, I kept going different places with her to keep her occupied. At first there was a lot of people asking who we were seeing etc... I missed were it was decided to call them cheesecake but that this was absolutely hysterical. :D. On one of my trips I got the sign and a marker so we wouldn't have to tell people anymore. Once the sign was made there were pictures being taken of it so bellamy'szetagirl put the lines on it to make it look better. She also had to add the fact we had tickets because that became the next question lol. Anyway the waiting was fun in all. I realized that ravens/capitiol fans and steeler/penguins fans could coexist nicely outside of sports :p.


When we got in my daughter and I almost left her friend a couple times as we wanted barrier and were fast walking as best we could to secure a spot. Her friend didn't understand lol. We made barrier and were beside the drunk crowd from the line outside. They were cool though, Two of them ended up having to be helped out of the crowd at various points during the show, due to dehydration etc...(lesson would be don't drink the hard stuff and get barrier.) We waited for the show to start and were getting more and more excited as time went by. The security was extremely nice!!! They allowed us to put her friends purse and coat on the other side of the barrier for safe keeping.


When silversun started it was wicked. I thought I would have the chance to get my coat off, but no chance of that lol. I'm on the bigger side of things and there were these smaller girls behind me so I did not want to disrupt them and decided to keep my coat on. Silversun impressed me. I really loved there set and she likes crabcakes :D. The friend crushed on the drummer so her night was complete right there. The wait for muse between was almost unbearable, worse then the wait outside cause you knew they were coming on any minute!!! Once the people started walking up the steps the goose bumps came and didn't leave until I slept sometime today!!! The show was that great!!! My daughter, had a smile so huge on her face that was priceless to me. I would have went any where and done anything to see that smile. Due to the fact that there were some girls on the small side behind me and I wanted to let them see the show I decided I would just head bob lol. If I would have started jumping the show for them wouldn't have been as fun, and they were really nice. I offered to bend down so they could see better but they were happy with what they had.


The music show was phenomenal which I knew it would be, I would have loved for them to do a longer set and with some different songs, but I can not bitch at what I got for my first time ever seeing them live. I have been hooked since seeing replays of their concert at glastonbury 2004, so I have waited a long time to see them. I was not disappointed at all. Very loud, and very very very good!!! I didnt pay attention to the seats so I didn't know they were dull. My experience from the pit was that the crowd was very much into it! We had crowd surfers galore. I ducked so much for security during the second half of time is running out I should have just sat down lol(but who could do that during this set) We got matt doing the shuffle dance. I lost it at that point :D. My daughter was jealous cause she missed it. Over all one of the best experiences in my entire life. I told my daughter seeing them and being at barrier has probably ruined any other concert she will ever see unless of course its them again. At the end dom threw his drumsticks my daughter was convinced he was looking at me when he threw the one on matts side. It looked like it to me and I will just take it that he did. The drum stick ended up going to the right of my hand by about five feet lol.


Wow I wrote so much I should have given a song by song break down!!! Don't think thats needed though as we all know they are one of the greatest bands around!!! I will say seeing Matt in person wow, very gifted!


Awww I was right behind you! Thanks for trying to get me the setlist, you were so nice!

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[/font]Wow, I can't believe all the complaining! Please, everyone, just appreciate that Muse came to the U.S. so we all could hear them live! And they played at quite a few places so far, so we had several opportunities to see them. (My hubby, who likes Muse but isn't as big of a fan as me, was kind enough to let us go to 2 shows, Philly & Baltimore.)


As far as the setlist, everyone has different tastes and everyone has their "favorites," so it would be IMPOSSIBLE for Muse to make the perfect setlist. If they hear too many complaints about it, they may decide to not come back to unappreciative fans! :mad:


OK, so some people didn't stand up at their seats. :rolleyes: That doesn't mean they didn't enjoy the show. A little kid next to us was seated, but you could tell he was having a great time! Everyone is different in the way that they listen to & react to live music. We had seats for Philly & Baltimore--in Philly, everyone stood from the very beginning. So we stood & danced around with everyone else. In Baltimore, barely anyone stood. So we just danced around in our seats! Just gotta' go with the flow....


Personally, I'm just SO happy, glad, appreciative, excited, grateful.... (you get the point) that Muse came somewhat close to home & I could see them live! I really don't care what they play--they sound good no matter what they do! Hope to see them again in the future!

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Wow, that story with the security guard was a bit ridiculous. Even I took a little video, and it wasn't even like I was far from any guards. Really sucks for him though, to be pulled out of the show for that.


I took 5 seconds of video when the security guards were distracted by the crowd surfers. :chuckle:

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[/font] If they hear too many complaints about it, they may decide to not come back to unappreciative fans! :mad:



It's a forum thing, nothing to do with the US. Same stuff gets said whether they are playing in the UK, Europe, Asia or Australia. Usually by a small minority.


On your point, I do think sometimes that it might make them wonder why they do it at all, at times! But hopefully they realise it's just a few people on an internet forum not the majority of their audience.Though not everyone is going to enjoy every show they go to, I think the feedback from people who've just come out of a show appears overwhelmingly positive. A lot of people appear blown away! :D

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in philly, there was NO ONE sitting in their seats!


The people in my section in Philly sat a lot ... really ticked me off, because they acted as if I were terribly inconsiderate for standing. I still enjoyed the show in Philly, but felt much more in my element on the floor in Baltimore. These were my first two Muse shows and I was absolutely blown away. I guess when you go to 20 of these you start to get picky about the set list et al, but I can't imagine walking away from a performance like that disappointed. The crowd around me was great ... I was quite close to the stage and kind of got the snot beat out of me, and loved every snot-beating second of it. I'm an English major and a professional writer, yet I can't even find the words to describe my impression of Muse as a live act.

I've been listening to Muse for a pretty long time, by myself, at work or while I'm working on my cars (sure I appeared bat$^#& crazy singing along to Muscle Museum while disassembling a driveshaft in the driveway). Not to sound trite, but their music has helped me fight out a pretty tough couple of years. All of what I love about them was so divinely amplified in the shows. Every song they played (even the second night, when I knew what was coming), just put me in the stratosphere emotionally. Was also cool to be in the trenches with others who shared my enthusiasm. Anyhow, I'm sorry if some folks felt short-shrifted by the set list or anything else, but I was more impressed with our boys than I have been by anything in a long time. I knew they weren't likely to do any of my three favorites songs (Unintended, Citizen Erased, Hyper Chondriac Music) so it didn't bother me that they didn't. Loved everything they did. I'm an existentialist whiner so it takes a lot to make me flat-out giddy, but giddy I am.:D

As one last aside ... I grew up in love with the film Once Upon A Time In The West and used to rock the soundtrack on the way to school (nerdy, huh?). I recall Matt saying KOC was Morricone-inspired at one time, but my jaw dropped when they actually broke into Man with a Harmonica. That is one of the most powerful bits of music ever written, and to hear Muse do it (perfectly, of course) was one of the coolest things I've ever witnessed.

Enjoying everyone's pics and videos. So glad someone caught Matt's shuffle during TiRO ... love it. I made a couple videos from my Droid. Sound came out kinda bad but at least it bears witness to the visual awesomeness and how close I was to said awesomeness.

Hopefully I'll blog about this in the next few days (on my car blog, LOL) ... will link it if I do ... back to the work grind for now. Nine days straight, seven of which are really bad shifts. WORTH IT!

I'm watching my Exogenesis Pt I video right now ... my god, that voice ... :D

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I still can't believe there were large groups of people sitting at any Muse gig. I've been to a fair amount of concerts in my life, and unless it was like a mellow, acousticy artist, I don't think I've ever been to a "rock concert" where loads of people sat. At Muse/U2 in October, there were some groups of people sitting for parts of U2, (and unfortunately almost all the people sat for Muse's set since they were the opener), but U2 has alot of really mellow songs. It still wasn't a majority.


It appeared that in Atlanta virtually everyone was standing throughout, so that made me happy. :)


Sitting for Muse - just weird. I guess if that's the person's choice, so be it. But to berate those who ARE standing, that's low.

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What I want to say is that I miss Muse... I miss them a lot. :$

The whole car ride home I was thinking about the gig... going through my camera pics over and over again... wanting to relive it all.

Random, but I swear I got goosebumps when Matt let us sing part of Starlight, it was totally magical.

I know! I keep saying...I MISS MUSE!!! :'(

Gah...if only they came out with more dates this year close to us.

:facepalm: I knew I'd get something wrong. I know who you are though. :chuckle:

:LOL: it's cool

agreeed...i miss that night so much already!! wish i was loaded with cash so i could fly to wembley hehehe

That would be amazing! I'd love to see a UFO go over the crowd at wembley :chuckle:

LOL my friend knocked her glasses off.


Did you see me? I had brightasfuck yellow pants.

pretty sure I talked to you...or complimented on your shoes? silver converse right?

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exactly! its a really sad, yet sort of kinda weird feeling. cause your exciting you just saw them..yet you want more and you know your really not gunna get more for a while..haha at least we can go on here and vent about it though..thats always nice:)


Yeah! I'm still just like...I don't want to do or say anything that doesn't involve Muse.

I saw them with U2 last year in October and I thought that was good (even though I was in nosebleed seats behind the stage). Monday and Wednesday's gigs were just beyond describing. New addiction, Muse concerts.

Maybe they'll put out some dates near the end of the year? :awesome: Fall US tour anyone? Then they can come back next year in the spring :D

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I know! I keep saying...I MISS MUSE!!! :'(

Gah...if only they came out with more dates this year close to us.


:LOL: it's cool


That would be amazing! I'd love to see a UFO go over the crowd at wembley :chuckle:


pretty sure I talked to you...or complimented on your shoes? silver converse right?


yes! did you talk to me before the pit? Some really cute girl was like "I like your pants and shoes! very Dom!" ...zat you!?

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The people in my section in Philly sat a lot ... really ticked me off, because they acted as if I were terribly inconsiderate for standing. I still enjoyed the show in Philly, but felt much more in my element on the floor in Baltimore. These were my first two Muse shows and I was absolutely blown away. I guess when you go to 20 of these you start to get picky about the set list et al, but I can't imagine walking away from a performance like that disappointed. The crowd around me was great ... I was quite close to the stage and kind of got the snot beat out of me, and loved every snot-beating second of it. I'm an English major and a professional writer, yet I can't even find the words to describe my impression of Muse as a live act.

I've been listening to Muse for a pretty long time, by myself, at work or while I'm working on my cars (sure I appeared bat$^#& crazy singing along to Muscle Museum while disassembling a driveshaft in the driveway). Not to sound trite, but their music has helped me fight out a pretty tough couple of years. All of what I love about them was so divinely amplified in the shows. Every song they played (even the second night, when I knew what was coming), just put me in the stratosphere emotionally. Was also cool to be in the trenches with others who shared my enthusiasm. Anyhow, I'm sorry if some folks felt short-shrifted by the set list or anything else, but I was more impressed with our boys than I have been by anything in a long time. I knew they weren't likely to do any of my three favorites songs (Unintended, Citizen Erased, Hyper Chondriac Music) so it didn't bother me that they didn't. Loved everything they did. I'm an existentialist whiner so it takes a lot to make me flat-out giddy, but giddy I am.:D

As one last aside ... I grew up in love with the film Once Upon A Time In The West and used to rock the soundtrack on the way to school (nerdy, huh?). I recall Matt saying KOC was Morricone-inspired at one time, but my jaw dropped when they actually broke into Man with a Harmonica. That is one of the most powerful bits of music ever written, and to hear Muse do it (perfectly, of course) was one of the coolest things I've ever witnessed.

Enjoying everyone's pics and videos. So glad someone caught Matt's shuffle during TiRO ... love it. I made a couple videos from my Droid. Sound came out kinda bad but at least it bears witness to the visual awesomeness and how close I was to said awesomeness.

Hopefully I'll blog about this in the next few days (on my car blog, LOL) ... will link it if I do ... back to the work grind for now. Nine days straight, seven of which are really bad shifts. WORTH IT!

I'm watching my Exogenesis Pt I video right now ... my god, that voice ... :D



...you're from Delaware too! :p

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...you're from Delaware too! :p


Yep, Delaware lifer! We get teased for being a dinky state, but look how convenient it is for us to do cool stuff in Philly and Baltimore.


I'm with you guys on the withdrawal thing. Wow. If I didn't have to work tonight I'd be scraping for a ticket to MSG. I'm actually a little depressed right now. Unfortunately my car with the killer sound system is under construction right now so I can't even enjoy the next best thing. Oh well, gonna pop Absolution in my other ratty car and enjoy the heck out of it as I run errands.


Re: sitting at Muse shows. Not my style, but I can respect people who want to. Example, my dad is almost 70, but he really likes Muse ... I introduced it to him via HAARP one night and he was really fascinated by their talent (he loves Pink Floyd and Rachmaninoff, so I wasn't surprised). He would love to sit quietly and admire them at a show ... I feel really bad that I didn't think to take him to Philly (I took my sister, who was having a bad day and didn't seem to get that into it). No way he'd be standing and jumping up and down like me, but trust me, he would have been loving every minute from his seat. I'm definitely cool with that. The only thing that offended me was the few people in my section who glared, sighed or complained that people were standing ... they were somewhat few though, and I stood a lot anyway. Plus I knew I'd get my chance to be rowdy in Baltimore.:D

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Yep, Delaware lifer! We get teased for being a dinky state, but look how convenient it is for us to do cool stuff in Philly and Baltimore.


I'm with you guys on the withdrawal thing. Wow. If I didn't have to work tonight I'd be scraping for a ticket to MSG. I'm actually a little depressed right now. Unfortunately my car with the killer sound system is under construction right now so I can't even enjoy the next best thing. Oh well, gonna pop Absolution in my other ratty car and enjoy the heck out of it as I run errands.


Re: sitting at Muse shows. Not my style, but I can respect people who want to. Example, my dad is almost 70, but he really likes Muse ... I introduced it to him via HAARP one night and he was really fascinated by their talent (he loves Pink Floyd and Rachmaninoff, so I wasn't surprised). He would love to sit quietly and admire them at a show ... I feel really bad that I didn't think to take him to Philly (I took my sister, who was having a bad day and didn't seem to get that into it). No way he'd be standing and jumping up and down like me, but trust me, he would have been loving every minute from his seat. I'm definitely cool with that. The only thing that offended me was the few people in my section who glared, sighed or complained that people were standing ... they were somewhat few though, and I stood a lot anyway. Plus I knew I'd get my chance to be rowdy in Baltimore.:D


and the crowd was rowdy :) at least where I was!


and wooot DE! I am from southern delaware and went to the Philly and Balt gigs as well, both are 100 miles from me! not bad at all :happy:

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I certainly think we deserve another tour! The rest of the world is hogging them! :LOL:

lol exactly!! Ahhh...come on Muse!!!

yes! did you talk to me before the pit? Some really cute girl was like "I like your pants and shoes! very Dom!" ...zat you!?


It was! :awesome: Yay I met another board member! :D Haha, when I first saw you I was like...dude, her entire outfit is so Dom. :awesome:

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school today was rough..


all i could think about was the concert and how sad i was cause it was all over..


its not fair ya know? USA sorta gets a rep with Muse that we just have poser fans ( and we do most defiantly )..but its not just that its fans like us boardies that are just as intense as European fans..but we finally got our chance to see them and its sorta a shame cause it will be a long while till we'll get another chance to see them! like im 15 years old..i get my senior license when im 17 1/2..i live in pittsburgh and muse has never came here once..so its just not fair.


and i know im whining after i finally got my chance to see them live..its just it will be a really long time before most of us will be able to do that again..where euro fans can distance isnt really that bad of a problem..


this was just my rant as i have been looking back at the concert all day in school haha

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