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Yeah, I lift weights a lot, I should be in good shape to not get crushed. :D

Wait.... just... the concert's at 7 PM, should I seriously get there nearly 10 hours early??? I have no idea how crazy it'll be here in America...


That's not bad... when we went to the Friday gig in Teignmouth we started queueing at 7am: we had already been waiting for 11 hours when the doors opened at 6pm and by the time Muse got in stage we had been waiting for 13 hours... but being at the centre barrier for such a unique gig made it all worth it.

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If you want barrier, probably -- based on past experience. Varies from gig to gig, but people line up early!




So what's wrong with "listen to your muse mom"????:LOL::LOL:


Well, I wanna be at the very front, otherwise I'll never see, so now I just gotta convince my mom to take me early!


Actually, 'dudes with bras' is the tag that made me really laugh :facepalm::LOL:



That's not bad... when we went to the Friday gig in Teignmouth we started queueing at 7am: we had already been waiting for 11 hours when the doors opened at 6pm and by the time Muse got in stage we had been waiting for 13 hours... but being at the centre barrier for such a unique gig made it all worth it.


Ooooooh I can imagine how awesome that would be!

Yeah I might go a bit later since this is America but I think I'll still show before noon...

(Snuck a peek at the thread for the Detroit gig, a lot of people are showing up at noon).

So, how do you prepare for the long wait? Dress warm and bring food? What if I have to leave to go to the bathroom? :eek:


Okay I'm done being paranoid.

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Ooooooh I can imagine how awesome that would be!

Yeah I might go a bit later since this is America but I think I'll still show before noon...

(Snuck a peek at the thread for the Detroit gig, a lot of people are showing up at noon).

So, how do you prepare for the long wait? Dress warm and bring food? What if I have to leave to go to the bathroom? :eek:


Okay I'm done being paranoid.


Yeah we normally wear layers and we bring a first aid blanket to keep us warm that we can throw away when we are ready to get in. We take turn to go to the bathroom and go and get food. If you're on your own just tell the people in front and behind you where you are going (i.e. toilets or food) so you can get back to your place in the queue when you're back.

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Yeah we normally wear layers and we bring a first aid blanket to keep us warm that we can throw away when we are ready to get in. We take turn to go to the bathroom and go and get food. If you're on your own just tell the people in front and behind you where you are going (i.e. toilets or food) so you can get back to your place in the queue when you're back.


Okay thanks that works. Ha yeah I'm going with my mom (I hope she survives) so... this should be interesting.

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Yeah we normally wear layers and we bring a first aid blanket to keep us warm that we can throw away when we are ready to get in. We take turn to go to the bathroom and go and get food. If you're on your own just tell the people in front and behind you where you are going (i.e. toilets or food) so you can get back to your place in the queue when you're back.


This is a very good point.

Also, make sure you try and follow the same route going both in and out of the queue (as some aren't all in a straight line) so people will see you passing by and remember you coming back.

Some people can be very fierce if they suspect someone is jumping ahead of them.

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This is a very good point.

Also, make sure you try and follow the same route going both in and out of the queue (as some aren't all in a straight line) so people will see you passing by and remember you coming back.

Some people can be very fierce if they suspect someone is jumping ahead of them.


Yup, the security at Wembley were fuck wits and accussed us for queue jumping when we had been there since 7.30am. Make sure you make security recognise you more than anything if there is any at all :LOL:

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Yup, the security at Wembley were fuck wits and accussed us for queue jumping when we had been there since 7.30am. Make sure you make security recognise you more than anything if there is any at all :LOL:


Yep. I did that at the o2, I stopped at each security guard and said I'd came from down near the front. :LOL:

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You prob need to get there in the morning -- usually by 9 or so there is already a small group of barrier-minded Musers! If you're on the barrier you will see fine, just hope you're fit enough to fight off the crush. A friend from here had a rib broken at BDO in Auckland this week -- you want to be fit enough to be able to push back off the barrier when the surge comes forward. And it will.




Warped was probably a good indicator of the type of pit you can expect. The crazies and moshing adolescents seem to congregate in front of Matthew; it's almost always calmer over on Chris' side, with a great view of Matthew without his microphone in the way in all your pix!


What grade do you teach? I'm guessing little ones, who don't know Muse?





Actually that's not a bad idea. In Vegas we had a pact with the people around us to keep us safe (about 6 gals, 2 guys). The bigger guys are great for when people try to push into your space. And they will.


haha yeah little ones..i teach all grades kinder-4th..some of the older ones know either supermassive black hole (because of twilight) or knights of cydonia (guitar hero)..i've had only one actually say, "hey we're listening to muse!" lol she's my new favorite! :)

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Hello all fellow Musers. I am embarking on an adventure and need some advice from the show experts here. Here's my story... my wife and I were going to go to either the MSG or Boston show. I wanted GA tickets but... my wife wasn't too keen on that due to not feeling entirely "comfortable" with the possible mayhem. :D I completely understood so, I was looking for other tickets. Well, she has decidedto send me solo, for my birthday, with a GA/Floor ticket to the Boston show. While I am very excited, I have never been to any show with this sort of ticket and want to make the most of the experience so... here's where you, the show officianado, come in to aid in my adventure...


My questions:


1. I want to be CLOSE to the stage and do not mind waiting in line/whatever. How does this work? What time should I arrive for the 7:30 show to have my best shot of being close? Do they start "lining up" at a certain time before the show? Can I get there "too early"?


2. What can I expect on the Floor during the show? Is it THAT crazy? Are there usually problems I need to be concerned with?


3. Anything else I need to know to be prepared is very much appreciated. ;)



THANK YOU in advance for helping this 40 year old (feel much younger of course) with my upcoming adventure!!



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@34dean I've never been to a Muse gig before, but I can guarantee there'll be a mosh pit so... brace yourself. You'll have fun I'm sure but you may come away with a few bruises. And I'm definitely going early for the Michigan gig so I can be at the barrier, maybe... 9-10 AM (just to be on the safe side)?

I mean, I've got nothing better to do...

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Hello all fellow Musers. I am embarking on an adventure and need some advice from the show experts here. Here's my story... my wife and I were going to go to either the MSG or Boston show. I wanted GA tickets but... my wife wasn't too keen on that due to not feeling entirely "comfortable" with the possible mayhem. :D I completely understood so, I was looking for other tickets. Well, she has decidedto send me solo, for my birthday, with a GA/Floor ticket to the Boston show. While I am very excited, I have never been to any show with this sort of ticket and want to make the most of the experience so... here's where you, the show officianado, come in to aid in my adventure...


My questions:


1. I want to be CLOSE to the stage and do not mind waiting in line/whatever. How does this work? What time should I arrive for the 7:30 show to have my best shot of being close? Do they start "lining up" at a certain time before the show? Can I get there "too early"?


2. What can I expect on the Floor during the show? Is it THAT crazy? Are there usually problems I need to be concerned with?


3. Anything else I need to know to be prepared is very much appreciated. ;)



THANK YOU in advance for helping this 40 year old (feel much younger of course) with my upcoming adventure!!


I'm not an expert of what US Muse gigs, except I was at MSG and Boston in 2007.

All I can say is the Boston crowd was the calmest of all the gigs I've been to.

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I went into the pit at the 2nd Sydney Big Day Out and it was quite civilised until Muse started, then the waves of pushing and shoving began and the drunk dickheads began forcing their way through. Several times I was nearly knocked down, and was eventually forced back from 4th row from the fence to about 8th row, but at least it wasn't so rough there. And my son stood behind me and became my human shield. The thing was, several times my chest was being crushed and I couldn't breathe, I've since had problems with my heart which may be unrelated but it's worth bearing in mind especially if you're on your own. I can't help remembering that a young girl was crushed to death in the pit at the BDO a few years back. When in doubt, stay out - and unless you're tall, once you've been pushed back you won't see much anyway.

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I went into the pit at the 2nd Sydney Big Day Out and it was quite civilised until Muse started, then the waves of pushing and shoving began and the drunk dickheads began forcing their way through. Several times I was nearly knocked down, and was eventually forced back from 4th row from the fence to about 8th row, but at least it wasn't so rough there. And my son stood behind me and became my human shield. The thing was, several times my chest was being crushed and I couldn't breathe, I've since had problems with my heart which may be unrelated but it's worth bearing in mind especially if you're on your own. I can't help remembering that a young girl was crushed to death in the pit at the BDO a few years back. When in doubt, stay out - and unless you're tall, once you've been pushed back you won't see much anyway.


Weren't the circumstances surrounding her death a little more complex than just a rough crowd though? So tragic though, that poor girl :(


Hm, yes, if you're not sure about being near the front, then I'd say stay away. Better to be safe than sorry.

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Was that during Smashing Pumpkins or did I get that wrong? I heard the barrier just collapsed. Must be horrible though


During Limp Bizkit in. . .2001, I think. From what I remember reading, she was crushed and died of asyphxiation in hospital a few days later. Apparently the crowd density was incredibly dangerous because the D wasn't in place at the time, so yes, her death was in part due to the pit, but it could have been prevented.


Again, I'm not entirely sure about all of this, apologies if I've gotten anything wrong.

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During Limp Bizkit in. . .2001, I think. From what I remember reading, she was crushed and died of asyphxiation in hospital a few days later. Apparently the crowd density was incredibly dangerous because the D wasn't in place at the time, so yes, her death was in part due to the pit, but it could have been prevented.


Again, I'm not entirely sure about all of this, apologies if I've gotten anything wrong.


Oh no that's horrible :( I know someone died during a Pumpkins gig as well but not sure where/when that was

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Hello all fellow Musers. I am embarking on an adventure and need some advice from the show experts here. Here's my story... my wife and I were going to go to either the MSG or Boston show. I wanted GA tickets but... my wife wasn't too keen on that due to not feeling entirely "comfortable" with the possible mayhem. :D I completely understood so, I was looking for other tickets. Well, she has decidedto send me solo, for my birthday, with a GA/Floor ticket to the Boston show. While I am very excited, I have never been to any show with this sort of ticket and want to make the most of the experience so... here's where you, the show officianado, come in to aid in my adventure...


My questions:


1. I want to be CLOSE to the stage and do not mind waiting in line/whatever. How does this work? What time should I arrive for the 7:30 show to have my best shot of being close? Do they start "lining up" at a certain time before the show? Can I get there "too early"?


2. What can I expect on the Floor during the show? Is it THAT crazy? Are there usually problems I need to be concerned with?


3. Anything else I need to know to be prepared is very much appreciated. ;)



THANK YOU in advance for helping this 40 year old (feel much younger of course) with my upcoming adventure!!




For what concerns me, I always try to arrive as early as I can, but it all depends on the gigs. I think first row is the best place to be: you'll be crushed, but you won't suffocate ;) I think that if you come early enough in the morning, you won't have any problems to get it, just don't forget to run when the doors open :p but if you don't wanna go too early (maybe you don't even need to; I don't know how people are in the United States, but here in Europe, depending on the country you may have to wait since the day before the gig.. ) and if you don't get to the front row, you won't get any problem if you stay away from drunk people, or those who fight in the middle of the crowd. If you really can't stand being crushed, stay on the sides (by the way in front row you'll be crushed too ).


But then it all depends on the crowd, on you, etc. As you're a man, I think you will stand more than me, as an example :p


Hope it helps, I have the feeling that my explanation is a bit confuse :stunned:

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Hello all fellow Musers. I am embarking on an adventure and need some advice from the show experts here.... GA/Floor ticket to the Boston show. While I am very excited, I have never been to any show with this sort of ticket and want to make the most of the experience so... here's where you, the show officianado, come in to aid in my adventure...


My questions:


1. I want to be CLOSE to the stage and do not mind waiting in line/whatever. How does this work? What time should I arrive for the 7:30 show to have my best shot of being close? Do they start "lining up" at a certain time before the show? Can I get there "too early"?


2. What can I expect on the Floor during the show? Is it THAT crazy? Are there usually problems I need to be concerned with?


3. Anything else I need to know to be prepared is very much appreciated. ;)


THANK YOU in advance for helping this 40 year old (feel much younger of course) with my upcoming adventure!!


40? You're just a kid!


Seriously, read thru the first several pages of this thread; lots of good advice in there. Basically, the best place to be is on the barrier, but you will have to queue all day. Avoid the center and Matthew's side, as that's where things get a bit loony. You will do fine, just find a comfortable spot where you have a bit of breathing room.


Also, it might help to "meet" some people going to the gig, in the Boston gig thread.


I went into the pit at the 2nd Sydney Big Day Out and it was quite civilised until Muse started, then the waves of pushing and shoving began and the drunk dickheads began forcing their way through. Several times I was nearly knocked down, and was eventually forced back from 4th row from the fence to about 8th row, but at least it wasn't so rough there. And my son stood behind me and became my human shield. The thing was, several times my chest was being crushed and I couldn't breathe, I've since had problems with my heart which may be unrelated but it's worth bearing in mind especially if you're on your own. I can't help remembering that a young girl was crushed to death in the pit at the BDO a few years back. When in doubt, stay out - and unless you're tall, once you've been pushed back you won't see much anyway.


I have been in the pit in many US Muse shows, and never saw anything like that. I'm guessing it's the festival setting, long day, heat, etc contributing.


I'm wondering if it'll be slightly calmer in the US?

I'm going with my mom (44). I am a little worried. :(


44? No problem! Seriously, read the posts in the first few pages of this thread. Just remember, if it gets a bit too rough, move to where you have some room to breathe and enjoy the concert!



Hey 34dean and Ella's mom, you should drop in to the Older Muse Fans thread in Banter, we have a fantastic group of mature obsessives over there!


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Hey 34dean and Ella's mom, you should drop in to the Older Muse Fans thread in Banter, we have a fantastic group of mature obsessives over there!



:chuckle:My mom doesn't get on the boards; she thinks I'm a nutter for hanging out on here! She is a huge Muse fan though, and Chris is her favorite, so we could definitely head to that side. I'm in love with Matt, so it'll break my heart, but I don't want her to get squished! :p

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:chuckle:My mom doesn't get on the boards; she thinks I'm a nutter for hanging out on here! She is a huge Muse fan though, and Chris is her favorite, so we could definitely head to that side. I'm in love with Matt, so it'll break my heart, but I don't want her to get squished! :p


You'll still get great views of Matt from Chris' side and he normally comes over to the platform on Chris' side for the Hysteria solo and to sing TIRO.

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