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And Jared, Sharon, Helens... everyone I hanged out with yesterday - thanks ! Had a blast. Shame I got so sunburnt... the bay area hates me, always happens here!!


If anyone's down LA area in the next 2-3 days, Ortal and I will be partying hard down there ;) last stop before heading back to Israel.


So you met them when you gave them the scrapbook and then they promised to play MK? When did you meet them? :happy:

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i think there were waaay more flashes for SSPU than Vegas...that goes with the encore as well. i don't remember seeing so many lighters and cell phones lit up, there were tons last night.


and does anyone have a pic of the musers together? in GA? i'd like to see it! :)


o one last thing, the outro riff right after new born? that was soooooooo heavy! wish i filmed that

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i think there were waaay more flashes for SSPU than Vegas...that goes with the encore as well. i don't remember seeing so many lighters and cell phones lit up, there were tons last night.


and does anyone have a pic of the musers together? in GA? i'd like to see it! :)


o one last thing, the outro riff right after new born? that was soooooooo heavy! wish i filmed that


yea I got some pictures of everyone holding up the cell phones and stuff...I haven't gotten a chance to offload my memory cards to my comp yet....got home, went straight to bed (for 3.5 hrs), then came to work. ha Hopefully will have everything gone through, and uploaded somewhere, most likely Facebook, by Saturday.


I have a pic of a bunch of us Board Members...not everyone is in the pic. I know there were at least 2 other cameras that got a pic as well. So someone may post it here before I get a chance to.

Wish we would have taken a "before" picture though....you can tell we were all just dancing and sweating our arses off! :LOL:


Awesome show...worth waiting outside in the cold. Although it would have been nice if the security and Oracle staff would have let us just stay by the entrance...


Did anyone here get the set list, or take a picture of it?

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For the sexyplaners:


I'm reading what you guys posted and laughing.


One thing is that in the setlist, I don't remember them playing "Star Spangled Banner" before "Hysteria". I DO remember Matt playing "Interlude" on his guitar and going f**king crazy knowing what was coming next. :D



Edit: Matt did play "Star Spangled Banner", but he also played "Interlude" :)

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I am jealous of your pics JessicaSarah! :mad:


All of mine either came out blurry or not very clear. :(



BUT, I do have a couple that are (IMO) pretty cool. I have a couple of Matt on his knees with his guitar(s) and I managed to get a couple good ones of Dom and Chris during the Jam, a decent pic of Chris smoking before "Time Is Running Out" and a pic of Matt leaning up against that reflective amp (before he tipped it over).

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I am jealous of your pics JessicaSarah! :mad:

All of mine either came out blurry or not very clear. :(

BUT, I do have a couple that are (IMO) pretty cool. I have a couple of Matt on his knees with his guitar(s) and I managed to get a couple good ones of Dom and Chris during the Jam, a decent pic of Chris smoking before "Time Is Running Out" and a pic of Matt leaning up against that reflective amp (before he tipped it over).


Aww! I can't wait to see them. The last picture I posted above is Matt on his knees. I forget which song, might have been Plug in Baby. It was pretty epic to see it live and right in front of me! :eek:

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Oh and here are some clips I captured.


Back in Black riff


Burning Bridges (irish riff)


We are the Universe and part of Uprising


New Born solo (EPIC)


Part of Exogenesis


Plug in Baby Ballons ( see if you can catch Matt playing guitar on the back of his head!)


Star Spangled Banner, Interlude and Hysteria intro


If you want to see more just look at my Youtube account

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Any word on who won the interview contest and got flown to SF? Supposed to be 3 winners + a friend each?


Will the interviews be posted?


I actually got to meet them when I was in line (Club Seats FTW!!)


They seemed like nice people. One of the winners was a boardie, so hopefully he asked some good stuff.

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