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Maybe it's coz there's apparently less argy-bargy pushing and shoving (going by what ppl have said) so ppl can text? Doesn't explain why ppl in seats couldn't tweet more though...

yeah, could be the case for the pit... I had no problem texting at the rail! The only time I got shoved was when Matt's glasses went right over my head (without me noticing, of course!) Other than that there was just jumping around and stuff, but no pushing....

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New born, well I never!


i think its pretty safe to say that the set list will be the same with minor changes. MK ultra or Guiding Light. Feeling Good/ Cave or sunburn. My money is on Guiding light and feeling good as they always want to do those. Appocolypse please would be a nice surprise :p

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was just looking at a twitpic taken from far back... it's amazing how much bigger the venue is than the patriot center! (i mean, I knew the PC was small, but it's so wow to see all those people!)


I wiki'd the Wachovia centre earlier and apparently it seats about 21,000 for basketball games so yes, quite a bit bigger than last night!

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