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Not at all! But it is a documentable fact that many Banterers express precisely that sentiment about "MMers" posting and "spying" on Banter. See P. 1 of the "Banter 79" thread' date=' for ex. [and I'm typing these in because the board format doesn't allow for quoting across fora']:


Post #4: "Fuck off main musers." -- ryanbmuff

Post #5: "Aren't welcome." -- sparkle19

Post #7: "Radiohead fans welcome, lol" -- Rage Kitty

(Granted, Rage Kitty was just cheerleading the others, and not directly insulting MMers him/herself. Still a part of the problem though and not part of the solution...)

Post #12: "Main Muse can fuck off.

They stole my stapler." -- Edzo


I warned Banterers harrassing me awhile back that I would start calling them on their crap, and I meant it. That's not starting a war; that's starting to fight back against a faction -- a fairly small clique, actually -- within Banter that's giving all of Banter a very bad name.


You have a nice day, now.


for the first time you have shown me you are a "lulzer" because that made me laugh, you missed the point and got everything wrong. The first two were in jest of this banter/main muser divide which you have individually created (oh hi troll). Rage kittys comment has no relation to your weak arguement and then edzos one was a joke referring to a film :LOL:. Like I said in another thread, stop creating this divide and stop trying to find something to argue about because you are the biggest troll on this board and you single handly have given "main musers" a bad name. You want respect? Then stop with these type of posts.

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Just got word that this is our setlist:


1. Uprising

2. Resistance

3. New Born + Headup riff

4. Map of the Problematique + Who Knows Who riff

5. Supermassive Black Hole


7. Interlude + Hysteria

8. Nishe

9. United States of Eurasia

10. Feeling Good

11. Sunburn

12. Helsinki Jam

13. Undisclosed Desires

14. Starlight

15. Plug In Baby

16. Time Is Running Out + Burning Bridges riff

17. Unnatural Selection


18. Exogenesis: Symphony Part I (Overture)

19. Stockholm Syndrome

20. Man with a Harmonica intro + Knights of Cydonia



seems like a good setlist


does anyone remember what the one from last time was?


So...yeah... there is like this concert Friday...with like this band....I think the band is called Muse.... like under 84hours away.


Wait, what?




anyhow, not sure if I can go to this meet up (not being 21 and all :facepalm: ), but I shall try.

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seems like a good setlist


does anyone remember what the one from last time was?




Wait, what?




anyhow, not sure if I can go to this meet up (not being 21 and all :facepalm: ), but I shall try.

Yeah in that same situation I'm even considering a fake I if must to have a nice night

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for the first time you have shown me you are a "lulzer" because that made me laugh, you missed the point and got everything wrong. The first two were in jest of this banter/main muser divide which you have individually created (oh hi troll). Rage kittys comment has no relation to your weak arguement and then edzos one was a joke referring to a film :LOL:. Like I said in another thread, stop creating this divide and stop trying to find something to argue about because you are the biggest troll on this board and you single handly have given "main musers" a bad name. You want respect? Then stop with these type of posts.


Frankly, Olly, when people post stuff like "Fuck off, main musers" and "Aren't welcome," those statements are not unambiguously jokey; certainly not to newbies and guests. They are, on the other hand, pretty effin' hostile on the face of things, and that's how I honestly interpreted them.


If they were nothing more than jokes by intent, they were rather inept and thus still inflammatory. The way to make an intended joke clear is to stipulate that, even in tiny font at the end of the post. But even then, the poster can't be sure he isn't still being offensive. (Try that trick with a racist joke and see how it plays; simply adding "It's a joke" at the end won't likely erase the original offence from everyone's mind.)


OTOH, if someone was sincerely hostile with posts like that and tried to rationalize it after the fact, after someone came along and called them out on it, how would that likely go? I'm guessing they might trot out the "it was a JOKE...ffs!" line. Which might or might not be true... but could always be played, regardless.


Rage Kitty's comment was not trolling in itself, and I said so in my report. It was, however, cheerleading the others on, as I explained, and that's why I included it.


As for my quoting Edzo's "joke" post, yeah, I got that the pic and second line were a joke. I quoted it anyway for the hostility involved nevertheless, and because of that still-problematic first line: "Main Muse can fuck off." Again, try that with a minority designation like Pakistani-Brits or somesuch and see how that sounds... not entirely kosher, is it?


In the meantime, here's a sampling of the reaction in Banter 79 [again, board restrictions prevent copy/posting across fora]:


post #562: [darkshineskitty gleefully admits to previous trolling] (too long to type out here)

post #563: "You loser, fuck off.

ps you've only been to 1 muse gig and that hasn;t even happened yet, you're a shit main muser." -- ryanbmuff

post #564: [smiling or laughing emoticon] -- seregon

post #569: [approves of ryanbmuff's above post; paraphrased for length] -- darkshineskitty

post #570: Ryan<3 [2 laughing or smiling emoticons] -- L.


Now, Olly., will you be writing these off as just jokes, too?


That "we were just JOKING; you have no sense of humor, etc." -type excuse is just so lame. Stop posting the above type of crap and you won't have to keep trotting out that lame-o excuse, okay?

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post #562: [darkshineskitty gleefully admits to previous trolling] (too long to type out here)


Now, Olly., will you be writing these off as just jokes, too?


That "we were just JOKING; you have no sense of humor, etc." -type excuse is just so lame. Stop posting the above type of crap and you won't have to keep trotting out that lame-o excuse, okay?


I can't believe you just tried to sass Olly. But moreso, I can't believe how much that whole post FAILED at sassing Olly.


Lets see what my gleeful "admission" of previous trolling was, shall we?


You know who was fun? Totoro. They didn't waste time on any of this Banter vs Main Muse nonsense. They had good, clean, fun. And when they trolled, how we all laughed together. Sventington x Sir Quinton= gay couple is still one of the best threads. I tire of this 'creating beef' routine.


Totoro is not me. I said when "they trolled". I did not admit to any trolling. I was simply appreciating someone else who was a funny poster. I mentioned that we ALL laughed TOGETHER. As in EVERYONE ON THE BOARD. The only person who probably didn't find it funny was Totoro, as they were the one trolling with repeated spam and insults. And as we know you don't like trolling, there is no way you could justify any future attempts to take Totoro's side, as they were a troller of the most epic proportions.

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Backchatting a mod is something you just don't do here :noey:


Noted, and thanks, I guess. I'll just have to take my chances, seeing as how Olly. seemed to be engaging me in a give-and-take exchange there, and seeing as how last night I reported one of Olly.'s posts to another mod... for trolling.


I guess I have more respect for the rules themselves than for the authority figures who are supposed to be enforcing (and following) the rules. And IMO that's exactly how it should be, for every member of the board.

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Backchatting a mod is something you just don't do here :noey:


I'd be lying if I said Olly is the best mod around but TSC, seriously pack it the fuck in, you're playing him for a fool and especially as he's the only mod posting at the moment I think it's quite rude and disrespectful and I'm surprised you haven't been banned yet or at least infracted for abusing the report button as I know for sure that has been dealt with in the past.


Documenting posters' posts is just fucking ridiculous and you're draining out any possible fun this forum once had. Just seriously ignore it, we've all had to do that here at some point. Nobody is asking you to come to Banter. ERGH

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I can't believe you just tried to sass Olly. But moreso, I can't believe how much that whole post FAILED at sassing Olly.


Lets see what my gleeful "admission" of previous trolling was, shall we?




Totoro is not me. I said when "they trolled". I did not admit to any trolling. I was simply appreciating someone else who was a funny poster. I mentioned that we ALL laughed TOGETHER. As in EVERYONE ON THE BOARD. The only person who probably didn't find it funny was Totoro, as they were the one trolling with repeated spam and insults. And as we know you don't like trolling, there is no way you could justify any future attempts to take Totoro's side, as they were a troller of the most epic proportions.


My apologies. I'd misinterpreted that as indicating that you all were laughing WITH Totoro, not AT him, and that he was a friend of yours, and that you were encouraging him in his trolling.


The name "Tototo" rings a bell, but only vaguely, and I don't recall any specifics about anything he/she did.


Again, my sincere apologies for misreading that one.

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Noted, and thanks, I guess. I'll just have to take my chances, seeing as how Olly. seemed to be engaging me in a give-and-take exchange there, and seeing as how last night I reported one of Olly.'s posts to another mod... for trolling.


I guess I have more respect for the rules themselves than for the authority figures who are supposed to be enforcing (and following) the rules. And IMO that's exactly how it should be, for every member of the board.


The board isn't a democracy. It also isn't here to be deadly strict. The reason so many people come here and use this forum is because the mods here are more laid back than other places. Of course, they could go super-strict and ban swearing and any post that is in any way off topic, but then people wouldn't come here. They'd go to Muselive (you might enjoy it there, actually) or other boards. People come here because they CAN be a bit mroe relaxed about things, and make jokes, and have a bit of fun. But the mods are there for when things go a bit too far in THEIR judgment, nobody else's. And personally, I think it's crass that you're comparing a section of a messageboard to ethnic minorities.


If you see a post you don't like, report it. The mods will deal with it (although you probably won't see what they do). If you take issue with something a mod says, take it up in PMs with that mod. If you're still not happy after that, then PM Kev. But waging a one-person war like this isn't doing anything productive for anyone on this messageboard.

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I guess I have more respect for the rules themselves than for the authority figures who are supposed to be enforcing (and following) the rules. And IMO that's exactly how it should be, for every member of the board.


You're entitled to report posts you see as offensive, as per the rules, but rule 7 is 'do not argue with a mod publicly'. So respect the rules, and leave the mods alone.

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Can we get back to the topic of the gig here. Further off topic posts will lead to infractions.




I'm going to say a big NO to Pacha, I hate that club. Pink Elephant is teh SHIT. <3. As far as meeting Muse after the gig...I dunno. They have a gig in Boston the next day so I don't think they'll be sticking around too much. Yes, they are in a rock band but YES they do do their job well and like to sleep when they have to travel/work. Kirk's words, not mine. And you ( for the most part) aware of Dom A - he runs a tight ship. I'd rather not stress overly about it. I'm down for hanging about after the gig at MSG for a bit but then I want a DRINK.


I've said it in another thread, when they have time off to chill they seem more then happy to chat with fans but they do have a schedule to keep. This fact should be respected and not turned into a 'Muse don't care about their fans' type discussion.


And on another note WE GOT TAN'S LUGGAGE! Hoo-fucking-ray! Bring. On. Friday.

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As far as meeting Muse after the gig...I dunno. They have a gig in Boston the next day so I don't think they'll be sticking around too much. Yes, they are in a rock band but YES they do do their job well and like to sleep when they have to travel/work. Kirk's words, not mine. And you ( for the most part) aware of Dom A - he runs a tight ship. I'd rather not stress overly about it. I'm down for hanging about after the gig at MSG for a bit but then I want a DRINK.


I've said it in another thread, when they have time off to chill they seem more then happy to chat with fans but they do have a schedule to keep. This fact should be respected and not turned into a 'Muse don't care about their fans' type discussion.




Besides, for anyone who plays the Garden they'll probably have a private entrance and exit where fans are not allowed, and I seriously doubt that they'll come out to sign stuff like they did back in the old days.


It's not that they don't care about fans, but they are just bigger now and it's much harder to deal with big arena crowds rather than a theater or club crowd. I hate it when people complain about not them coming out to meet fans. People pay for a show ticket, not a "meet and greet".

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so....does anyone know how close this concert is?? 3 days away!!:dance:



I can't believe it's so close, I keep getting more excited(if that's possible). The other day a song of theirs came on the radio and I couldn't stop grinning like a fool, and I am not one who smiles often.

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