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except they skipped IBTY... and it looks like they're on the Jam now, so they did just do one less piano song :supersad: sad dux is sad


Yeah, I remember now. Maybe a different song later then? UD will be after Wankdorf Jam. Should be anyway.

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The picture was posted by The Helen Foundation on Facebook.

They spoke of how Matt and Tom met etc and then the pic was attached with a Happy Birthday message.

aww how nice :) Thanks for clearing that up!


Yeah, I remember now. Maybe a different song later then? UD will be after Wankdorf Jam. Should be anyway.

Yeah, hopefully they'll do another song later - maybe making room for CE or Bliss by removing IBTY? I just wish they'd do at least 3 piano songs :supersad:

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If there's no MK Ultra on saturday I will cry. Really I will.


From Twitter - "Those moaning about the setlists, I'm told that Muse are giving it 110% tonight on stage. Don't sell your tickets just yet. "


Keep the faith!

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