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Things You've PIcked Up


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I found out the other day that my boyfriend can say and spell floccinaucinihilipilification perfectly. I was thrilled

I am currently learning how to say the alphabet backwards.

I have definetely started speaking quicker and swearing more and saying "wanker" and speaking with my arms.

And conspiracy theories also :stunned:

'Cuz I'm cool.

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  • 1 year later...
I tend to make faces like Matt now... more commonly the eyebrow raise like so:






Same! A while ago my friend was describing to me this face that I just pulled, and it was like a living definition of Matt's sex face :eek::chuckle:


Also, I'd just be randomly talking when I come to the realisation that I sound exactly like Muse- I'm talking just like them :stunned:. Its freaky. I've also really picked up on "proper," "lost the plot," "phwoar" and "you know." And Matt's silly, high-pitched laugh, too- I've definitely picked up on that. :chuckle:


I've also noticed recently that I'm talking really really fast all the time. Its really bad. I blame Matt :p

Its weird how all of this stuff can subconsciously affect you. Its mind-control, I tell you.



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  • 2 weeks later...

hi guys.


i checked muse.mu shop and found really nice cases for iphones. i have an ipod touch, so, i was wonderding, would these cases fit for my ipod? maybe anyone has such a case and could tell me or add a picture?(that'd be the best)

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...I've been talking kind of fast lately. I'm not sure whether I've always done that and I just realized it now, or if I actually started because of Muse. The crappy thing about it is that I don't have time to get my thoughts in order, so in the middle of my sentences, I just end up either stammering or making random noises because I lose my train of thought :LOL:

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hi guys.


i checked muse.mu shop and found really nice cases for iphones. i have an ipod touch, so, i was wonderding, would these cases fit for my ipod? maybe anyone has such a case and could tell me or add a picture?(that'd be the best)


Use the thread Offical Merchandise Thread to ask questions about merchandise.

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